Eileen is unwell

I was wondering about that as well :smiley:

Loved the poem Antibrown :smiley:

Was looking for an update on Eileen,maybe no news is good news, I hope so.Come on girl get better we are missing you. Annie.

Thanks Anti that says everything that we all would like to say.

I know that Eileen suffers from COPD and I know that during this time of year people who have this may get bronchitis, asthma and all the chest related horrors there are out there. I can only assume that she has one of these problems poor thing.

What a terrible start to the year for poor Eileen. Hope the love and support of all friends that use the Forum, will pull you through. Get well soon xx

I am sure Eileen must know we are all thinking about her and missing her, at least I hope so and that she takes a little comfort from this…

Brief update - Eileen is still undergoing tests.

She must be feeling a bit better as she asked Chris to pass on a request to me to notify Catsey that she won’t be able to host the Wednesday night quiz this week! Awww… I would have thought that was the last thing on her mind at the moment:-D

Yes Meg, every time I reply to Chris I ask him to pass on a message to Eileen saying we are all missing her and thinking of her. I feel sure that makes her feel better to know we haven’t forgotten her… as if we would!:slight_smile:

Thanks for the update Mags :slight_smile: that sounds so typical of the Eileen we all know and love :smiley:

Thanks for the update Mags

Thanks again Mags and thank you Chris. The quizz on Catsey - typical of Eileen to think of that. It’s a good sign though …
I presume the boat is for us all to sail over the seas to her?

Best wishes Eileen.
Hoping you soon feel well enough to be back posting on here with all your friends and supporters.:008:

Yes Mary, one of the members on Catsey started a hilarious thread when Eileen was last in hospital. She uses a white van for her work and the story was that she converted the van to sail across the Atlantic to rescue Eileen from the hospital. She asked members to volunteer to take turns in rowing (!), taking sandwiches, navigating etc … all sorts of silly things happened on their journey but it gave Eileen a good laugh!:lol:

Not been on the computer for a couple of days, so missed Eileens illness.
I’d like to add my best wishes to her for a speedy recovery x

I don’t often read much on Catsey but I do remember this. It was very clever and spontaneous wasn’t it?
Oh Eileen, I do hope you’re OK.

Mags, that is the difference between self centered people and those who put others before their own welfare.
Eileen has committed herslelf to posting a quizz every week and feels that she is letting people down if she misses posting one.
Very few people like Eileen left in this world, we need her to recover to full health soon and if hugs and prayers help then I am sure that she will be back with us soon.

You have summed Eileen up just about right, AB. She really is a lovely person.:slight_smile:

Forgot to say, I think the white van idea is brilliant…:lol:
And I loved the poem Antibrown, hope you don’t mind but I’d like to copy it…my grandson is due a heart operation in the Spring, and I’d like to put it in his card.

Well said AB, my thoughts exactly.

I could understand the pain if it was in her neck.