I love cooking over charcoal too Bruce, sadly it’s not always an option in England, especially if you’re a flat dweller, I’d better stick with the frying pan
I’m with you on the plate, a smooth surface can be far superior, cheap and cheerful disposable barbeques have their place but the sharp surface area/rack is a nightmare when cooking burgers, we’d always pack some decent quality foil when camping,
Alas my BBQ is four burner gas. I haven’t used charcoal or even wood for over 30 years. They take too long to heat up. Similar to this:
I think I paid $110 for it years ago
I find that if you reduce cooking time everything is moist. It can be difficult to estimate the most appropriate time/temperature. There’s very little guidance as it’s a new tech.
What about these steamed veg, that I did in the instant pot, Azz,
Admittedly they aren’t roasted, I must admit roasted veg are in a league of their own, especially if cooked in the oven, steam is definitely healthier though.
They don’t look as appetising as those oven cooked ones ,…my mouth is watering looking at those,
…what fat did you cook them in?
I want to try things like stuffed heart in the air fryer and a few of the long forgotten things that I used to make in the oven when I used to cook for the kids.
As I have pointed out before there are some things like onions that I have had no success with.
To be honest getting a good poached egg made in the microwave has a slightly higher priority at the moment.

They don’t look as appetising as those oven cooked ones ,
…my mouth is watering looking at those,
…what fat did you cook them in?
Beef dripping
It used to cost 80p before the pandemic! It’s criminal how much they’ve put up prices and have been tripling their profits through times of national/global crisis! For a supermarket that says it’s ethical, it needs to take a good long hard look at itself.

…steam is definitely healthier though.
Who says? There is quite a bit of contention around fats - that they (good fats anyway, i.e animal fats from healthy animals, butter, coconut oil) aren’t anywhere near as bad as they have been made out to be. Healthy fats help with satiety - probably why the food industry has vilified them, because they want people to eat more and more and more
Apparently steaming keeps the highest level of nutrients, roasting doesn’t, so there!!..
It’s only what I’ve read online, roast veg taste better though…imo.
I find butter is the best overall for cooking. Deep fat frying should be banned completely as it wastes so much oil and energy as well as the NHS budget. All that used oil has to go in landfill in plastic bottles.
A slippery buttery slope I fear Annie!
I shall have to be very careful with my crumpets when butter is eventually banned, wouldn’t fancy a knock on the front door from the old bill asking me if I’ve been a bit lavish with my Scotch pancakes!
Yeah…just got one
15th October
So I like trying new things and I put my Birthday Amazon voucher ( plus the £5 off Amazon gave me) towards an Air Fryer.
They are all the rage these days and I’ve fancied one for ages.
I’m going to be using it a lot.
Just did some hash browns and onion rings to go with my fried eggs on toast.
They were cooked perfectly and absolutely delicious.
And they cook quicker than in a conventional oven.
With no oil required either.
Going to do a couple of quarter pounder chicken burgers for lunch.
Will put them in a warm bun ( I buy part baked ones) which I could also cook in the air fryer if I’m having soup.
Which I eat( drink?) a lot of in the Winter.
But now I have to wash the basket…that’s the downside.
And despite the dire warnings there was no smoke!
A fantastic purchase.
Hydref 15fed
Felly rwy’n hoffi rhoi cynnig ar bethau newydd a rhoddais fy nhaleb Amazon Pen-blwydd (yn ogystal â’r £5 oddi ar Amazon a roddodd i mi) tuag at Ffrïwr Awyr.
Maen nhw i gyd yn gynddaredd y dyddiau hyn a dwi wedi ffansio un ers oesoedd.
Rydw i’n mynd i fod yn ei ddefnyddio llawer.
Newydd wneud ychydig o hash browns a modrwyau nionyn i fynd gyda fy wyau ffrio ar dost.
Roeddent wedi’u coginio’n berffaith ac yn hollol flasus.
Ac maen nhw’n coginio’n gyflymach nag mewn popty confensiynol.
Heb fod angen olew chwaith.
Mynd i wneud cwpwl o fyrgyrs cyw iâr chwarter pwys i ginio.
Bydd yn eu rhoi mewn bynsen cynnes (rwy’n prynu rhai wedi’u pobi’n rhannol) y gallwn hefyd eu coginio yn y ffrïwr aer os ydw i’n cael cawl.
Pa un rydw i’n ei fwyta (yfed?) llawer ohono yn y Gaeaf.
Ond nawr mae’n rhaid i mi olchi’r fasged…dyna’r anfantais.
Ac er y rhybuddion enbyd doedd dim mwg!
Pryniant gwych.
Get liners, or use foil trays or tins. I use mine a lot. Crumpets, then to melt the cheese. To finish off roast or fried potatoes, cook hash browns, sausages, bacon, tomatoes. It is so versatile.
Had a double drawer air-fryer (Ninja) for a good while. Like everyone else, use it for cooking all sorts of foods.
I notice that food manufacturers are finally adding air fryer instructions onto ready meals etc. Much appreciated.
Nope not got one and no plans to get one.
I wasn’t interested , I’m a traditional cook and use my oven most days . My son and friends told me how good they were . I still wasnt interested. Then i sawone in Dunelm £55 . I very large container . I bought it thinking I’m wasting my money . Guess what, ive never looked back . I rarely use my oven now . This week i made cheese scones, friends said delicious and light . Im tempted to make a banana cake tomorrow to use up old bananas . Im unsure on timing but will guess at 25mins on " bake " 180 degrees.
My electricity bill will be very much reduced thats for sure .
Could i just ask a question . I have an old 1lb loaf tin not used for a long while . Can i put it in the air fryer ?
So i can make a banana loaf
If it fits.
I’ve found that (size permitting) you can use any container in there that you would use in an oven.

I rarely use my oven now .
I don’t think I have used my oven since I divorced my second wife. I store cookbooks and baking dishes in it.
Originally I bought a convection microwave oven (it also has a grill which I have never used) but about two years ago, with some misgivings, an air fryer, it was genius move!
Must endorse what someone said about paper/foil liners for the air fryer but also bought a set of utensils from Ebay which included a non stick tray (2 of) and some wire trays of various heights. The liners save on cleaning and the trays are handy for separating food at different heights eg pizza or fish and chips
The cost of these air fryers is so cheap that I must admit I am not that fussed about cleaning, I mean, I do clean the basket but it is slowly getting darker so eventually I will chuck it in the bin and buy a new one.
This cost is kept down by clever optimisation, for example the single motor that drives the heating fan also drives the cooling fan. The latter blows cold air between the two skins and stops the plastic case melting - yes, I did partially dismantle mine to see how it worked!
Bruce, two Wives!!! that would suggest you didn’t have enough Girlfriends