Do you still wear a mask?

This could be a Winter of discontent, or not, lets wait and see.

Is that a pistol in your pocket d00d?..

No, it’s a cucumber

… pleased to see you old foxy. :crazy_face:

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I wear mine for three reasons;
I wouldn’t want to catch covid or spread it around if I’m asymptomatic.
It stops me from eating sweets.
It hides the fact I’m ugly.


I’ve noticed a lot of people have abandoned masks now … even on public transport which I’d have thought would be the last bastion.
Yesterday on the bus I’d say 80% were maskless.
I get the impression a great many people now think … Covid? What covid?

Thanks d00d, once an ‘OFFer’ always an ‘OFFer’ in my book… :sunglasses:
Looks like you’re stuck with me… :blush:

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So, are you still wearing a mask :mask:?

I sincerely hope so!

Absolutely Minx, I never really stopped wearing one. Only indoors in shops etc though.

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That’s good to hear!


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I sat in the Doctors surgery today wearing my mask along with everyone else waiting for my booster vaccination.

An elderly gentleman came in, sat down on one of the chairs and took a mask from his pocket . It was white cotton and he put it in his mouth with the strings dangling down his chin :icon_confused: I wondered if he had dementia but he came in alone.
No one said anything, he sat there for half and hour and was still sitting like that when I left.

Aaah Meg, I find that really sad :worried:

Have yet to wear one on my Bike, and I am a staunch wearer. :biking_man:

The numbers are now cranking up again, as a family, we have not changed our routine since the lockdowns, does not matter how many jabs we have, even had to pass up on a ticket to the farewell Genesis Concert, no special anti-covid measures, no attending.
Why break the habit of mask wearing etc, when its blatantly obvious such measures will become mandatory again?

I agree @spitfire our routine has changed very little since the rules were relaxed. We always wear our masks while grocery shopping and in any other indoor spaces, although other than our twice weekly visits to Tesco they are kept to a minimum.
Sorry to hear about you cancelling the Genesis concert spitty, we would love to go and see the new James Bond movie at the cinema but decided it would be too risky…((shakes head))

Compulsory here anywhere indoors…
…Many people wear them outdoors as well…a few markets now opening up and all people wear masks to such events. Seen many times, dog walkers in the woods with nobody in sight…masks on…
Bicycle riders…masks.

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That is why Frances daily Infection rates are about 12% of what they are here.

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Boris’s complacency will be the death of all of us Spitty…

Spitty, same for me re routine’s still the same as if still in lockdown.
In fact, I’m not too sure what the outside world looks like now, if it’s further than the s/market…

What’s upsetting me is Miss Madam’s wedding early January. Too many people in contact with too many people in contact with too many people.

If things stay as they are then as they are now, ie no lockdown rules, I’ll just be attending the ceremony (with mask), whip the mask off for the pics (which doesn’t make me feel ok), and then leave - 'cos there’s no way I’m staying for the dinner and dance.

Makes me sad
:worried: :pleading_face: :disappointed_relieved:

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I have been interested to discover what the difference in behaviour between France and the UK actually is and why they have such a big difference in outcomes for similar populations. No one seems to know.

Much behavioral stuff is being exposed. :biking_man: