Do you still wear a mask?

In South Africa, it’s still mandatory to wear a mask in public. We are in lockdown level 1.

Everyone, regardless of age. It’s the law.

You’d be really foolish to walk around without masks as you Northerners go into winter.

Don’t be fooled by a false sense of calm. Covid-19 isn’t over yet! A surge is very likely. It happened in SA in winter.

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I saw that there was a box of free masks, on Friday, at my Bank!

That’s going a bit far, isn’t it?


It’s mandatory on our buses too but up to individual shops if they want their customers to wear a mask around here.

So since we spent the last year in face mask does that mean that Halloween is casual this year? Just curious. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


… and cucumbers? It has been known.

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I still wear a mask in supermarkets and shops and where there are a lot of people.
Hardly anyone wears one in this area though, I notice the ones who are are usually elderly.

Very few without masks in shops and public transport around here. I guess the odd few are exempt for some reason.

I volunteer at the vaccine centre here and am amazed at the number of people who turn up for a jab without a mask! What planet are they on?

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Look, when it all kicks off again, just don’t ask why, deja Vu is so boring. :biking_man:

Even as we enter the first stage of release from lockdown masks are still compulsory at indoor businesses , pubs etc and on public transport.

I wore my mask at the Garden Centre yesterday but many people were maskless… :roll_eyes:

This could be a Winter of discontent, or not, lets wait and see.

Is that a pistol in your pocket d00d?..

No, it’s a cucumber

… pleased to see you old foxy. :crazy_face:

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I wear mine for three reasons;
I wouldn’t want to catch covid or spread it around if I’m asymptomatic.
It stops me from eating sweets.
It hides the fact I’m ugly.


I’ve noticed a lot of people have abandoned masks now … even on public transport which I’d have thought would be the last bastion.
Yesterday on the bus I’d say 80% were maskless.
I get the impression a great many people now think … Covid? What covid?

Thanks d00d, once an ‘OFFer’ always an ‘OFFer’ in my book… :sunglasses:
Looks like you’re stuck with me… :blush:

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So, are you still wearing a mask :mask:?

I sincerely hope so!

Absolutely Minx, I never really stopped wearing one. Only indoors in shops etc though.

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That’s good to hear!


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