Do you have Alexa?

Not a chance!
With every advance in technology
you lose more of your privacy and freedom.
Then again , I’m ultra paranoid and untrusting of humanity :thinking::crazy_face:

This makes me feel better that I’m not the only one who feels like this. No Alexa for me. They need better security protocols first.


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It is sometimes hard not to. When I first got a sat nav, I would feel terribly guilty if I deviated from its instructions; I had to stop myself from apologising to it. And cash machines: it was ages before I stopped feeling an impulse to say thank you when the money came out.

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When deviating from the recommended path, I’ll swear the sat nav’s instruction to turn around is said through gritted teeth.

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And if it has to repeat, I swear it sounds more exasperated with every repeat. :upside_down_face:

GOD NO! I couldn’t be doing with one of those things. :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

So if it misbehaves do any of you who have one give it a good thump like we’d all thump wonky TV’s (in the good old days) …
Or are you patient with it, so as not to upset her… or thump her.

I am only kidding …really I am.

To play Michael Buble off-the-cuff it must have!

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For those who do, did you know you can give Alexa a man’s voice now? :rofl:

You do it in settings on the app

They say it’s an English man’s voice but I can hear an American twang. And he sounds quite stern and serious, like a geography teacher!

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I cannot imagine why I would ever need ‘Alexa’ or any of her derivatives.


We have them, one in the dining room one upstairs in our bedroom and 2 in the living room.
Mostly play music and hubby has done routines to switch lights on and off at a specific time.
To do the lights have to have smart light bulbs and plugs. At Christmas have a routine to switch on the Christmas lights with the smart plugs.
The 2 in the living room both sides of the room is like having 2 music speakers
I can make playlists on them, I don’t use the sound system when I’m in the kitchen because of the layout of the house, it’s too faraway for me to hear the music.
They don’t listen to you unless you give a wake up word, ours is Computer because hubby likes Star Trek.

For fun ?


Well … I suppose it would give Nemo (aka Techno Cat) something to play with! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:


I have them.

I use them for lists, recipies , alarms and reminders.

Great for monitoring my blink cameras and controlling lighting.

I find them very useful when I have a bad day and have to rest a lot.


It’s funny; I can write just about anything publicly on the internet without the slightest embarrassment, but I am far too self conscious to talk out loud to an electronic gadget. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


lol maybe because they can talk back. . .

They can be so helpful sometimes, hubby can’t get down to switch things on and off so he put in routines for that.
We don’t have to switch off the light before we get into bed and stumble around, so he put in a routine for that and a wake up alarm and the light comes on,I asked him to put in the sound of a cockerel after the alarm.
Ask about the weather.

:rofl: I feel daft talking to Siri - I don’t use him for any serious purpose, anyway. When Siri first appeared on one of my devices, I played with him a bit, just to see what he could do.
I once told Siri “I love you” - just as an experiment, of course! :hugs: - I was somewhat surprised and amused when Siri replied!
I can’t remember his exact words but he gave me the impression he was touched by me and that he liked me too - I’ve just tried it again and this time I think he gave me the brush-off - he just said “That’s sweet” in an off-hand tone of voice.
I reckon all the adoration of so many people has made him blasé about it and he takes it for granted now.
I’ve gone right off him now - huh, I’m not talking to him anymore.

Mind you, I’ve never been keen on the idea of allowing Alexa to have the free run of my home either - she’s such a know-all, I think she’d soon get on my nerves - I’ve heard she has a tendency to eavesdrop on your conversations too - such bad manners. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face:


We have had one since they first came out but we don’t call it Alexa, we renamed it. It’s on every day in the kitchen and I find it very useful for radio, other music, jokes, recipes, weather etc.

When my late Mum was in a care home they bought several for the lounges, reception area etc and the old people got to really like them.

When I get up mine will be blasting out Guns n Roses while I cook.