Do extra terrestrials exist

You obviously haven’t read correctly what I wrote bakerman.
I didn’t suggest that we are observing our own reflection when we look out to space. Your mind is still working in Earth proportions. Imagine being able to see as far as we can into space. Past the furthest stars in the night sky and beyond. It takes thousands of years for the images of some of the things we are seeing to reach us. So we are seeing them in the past. Some of those worlds will have long since disintegrated before the image reaches us.
Did you do the demonstration with the two mirrors bakerman and JB…I thought not!

Time and distance, been the basis for Black Cab Drivers for years.

Ah, now I see what you meant. We are seeing them as they were in the past.

I didn’t understand what you were driving at at first.

I’m still not sure how the business of the two mirrors relates to that, though. Even your furthest reflection isn’t you in the past.


It would be, if furthest reflection was a few million light years away JB. We are taking infinity…further than we can see, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

I don’t think you’d see that far. Try it. You’d see maybe a dozen reflections, if that.

The theory is sound, though.

I read your post correctly. I just think that such a notion is bizarre … in the extreme.

Question: when astronomers photograph images of a super nova (exploding star), according to you, they are seeing our own star exploding in the distant past ???
Moreover, according to you, galaxies do not even exist. that’s hilarious. :-p:-p:-p
But, maybe your God is a cosmic comedian ??? He (she ?) put those images out there to mess with our minds.

Photo of our own “Milky Way” galaxy. Which OGF believes does not exist. Hah Ha this is getting funnier and funnier.

No. We are seeing a distant star exploding in the distant past.

If we ever saw our own star exploding, we wouldn’t be seeing it for very long!

I have to admit that I cannot understand some of OGF’s theories. I’m not saying he’s not wrong; it could just be that I’m like a reusable johnny (a bit thick).

Of course we do. We have existed for years, we’re the slime oozing out of your TV sets

Frank Zappa

Yes, of course we are seeing a distant star exploding in the past. However, according to OGF, there are no distant stars. He thinks that they are merely “reflections” of other stars perhaps the reflections of one single star, multiplied many times as the “reflection” gets bounced around ? Kinda hard to make any sense of gibberish.

Do extra terrestrials exist.

I hope they are doing better than that, living a full life? No one wants to just exist do they.:-):wink:

There is a notion that much of what we are seeing is so distorted due to the shape of spacetime as a result of massive amounts of energy that we could theoretically se our past, something akin to being able to see one’s indoor lights projected outdoors. For those who have been to Disneyland or World, think of the ballroom scene in the haunted mansion.

Sometimes I wish we were brighter and not just reflecting light. There have been evenings when I have been out looking at the stars that I have take a comfort in imagining that the lives of the people and dogs I love most, but have lost, are still “playing” and perceivable out there in space.

Oh! Thank the Lord that someone understands my ramblings…And explains it better than I could.:smiley:
I’m trying to assemble a drawing that explains how I think the universe works.
It might take some time…:cool:
Family, house maintenance, metal detector construction, and life gets in the way of science occasionally…:roll:

Why have I got the image of doc from back to the future…?:lol:

Seeing twinkling lights as a child, can influence the future, unfortunately.

I wonder if ghosts are people from the future coming back to have a look at us…like an authentic history lesson…don’t laugh ts possible…well in my mind it is :slight_smile:

But the Universe ain’t working Foxy, its on furlough!


Only in the Movies Bratti…:wink:

I’m not laughing Summer but what you suggest would be impossible because the future hasn’t happened yet…:009:
It would also be impossible to visit the past. You would need to travel faster that the speed of light…186,000 miles per second, and even if you could travel at that speed you would only go back in time for one second…:102:

NASA explains…

The farther away an object is, the longer its light takes to reach us. When you look across the room, you see something as it was a few billionths of a second ago, and when you look at the moon, you see the light that left it a little more than 1 second ago. If our star, the Sun, were to suddenly burn out, we wouldn’t even know it for more than 8 minutes,because the last bit of light that left it would take that long to travel to Earth! Don’t worry, though. The Sun is going to last for another 5 billion years or so! But what about all the more distant stars? It takes much longer for their light to reach us. When you look at the stars at night, you are seeing light that may have taken 20 or 30 or even a few hundred years to reach your eyes. You are looking back in time. The distances in the universe are so vast that scientists use the term “light year” to measure them. A light year is the distance light travels in one year, or 10 trillion kilometers. That’s 1 followed by 13 zeros!

Because the Earth, the sun and the rest of our solar system, including everything you can see in the night sky is constantly moving, we do not occupy the same piece of space that we did last week, or last year…Therefore: when you look back in light years it’s possible to see where the earth was in the past from where you are now…Because it was in a different place in space…Simples!