I text him tonight cranberry, and asked him when he was coming. He said maybe Thursday now, but he can’t say for sure until he sorts out a job he’s on tomorrow!
This was the only builder I met that I trusted. Looks like I shouldn’t have trusted my instincts after all.
I’m just a bit anti-cat at the moment Patsy
The council called round late this afternoon and measured the cat pen to see if it was over-size for planning. They are going to ring me tomorrow with their verdict.
Apparently they are coming out to see the bloke, don’t know when yet.
Going back to the ‘case of the missing builder’ I think I’m going to have to go back to square one and start looking for someone else. He was due to start TODAY, but looks like he’s never going to turn up now. Last I heard was he’s away looking after his nephew and the dog while his sister’s on holiday! Sorry, but I’m afraid his sister’s holiday arrangements are not my problem.
Looks like now, I’m going to have to let the kitchen fitter know it won’t be ready for him on time now, as well.
My own fault for trusting my instincts and thinking he was alright.
Oh, what a mess, Mups, I’d be almost in tears - don’t people want work anymore?
Good luck with round 2 !!
I feel wrung out with it all - so God only knows how you are coping x
Im enjoying this saga, sort of a cross between the Iliad and Noggin the Nog.
Should have hired a Nom.
[quote=“Nom, post: 677055”]
Im enjoying this saga, sort of a cross between the Iliad and Noggin the Nog.
Should have hired a Nom. :)[/B]
Now listen ‘ere young Nom, it aint funny. I’m nearly having a nervous breakdown here! http://smilys.net/streitende_smilies/smiley3863.gif
You wonder why I get mad, but surely you can see it’s not without good reason. Why do you men never do what you say you will do? Why do you say something but not mean a flippin’ word of it?
I am normally a forgiving little soul, with no violent tendencies whatsoever, but something strange is coming over me of late, that could well see a drastic change any time now! So watch it matey!
[quote=“Mups, post: 677323”]
Charming, please hang on with the next episode as i need more popcorn and beer. :)
[quote=“Nom, post: 677409”]
Yes, and that’s when I’m being ladylike!
You’re not the only one to go out with binoculars either.
At your suggestion, I have been out for two days looking for a Nom, but I fear that, because of preditors or unsuitable habitat they have become extinct, certainly in this area anyway.
[quote=“Mups, post: 677453”]
Nah strictly Northern species, where they can hide in the lush vegetation, before swiftly attending the building needs of the local inhabitants.
They dont go South, far too warm, and the natives talk funny, mind you some go to London as it seems the locals cant builld owt and along with Jocks, Brummies, Scousers, etc we erect structures for the Cockanees to strut about in.
Fat lot of help that is then, as I live in the East Midlands.
I can see a change of plans on the horizon. I’ve had enough now.
I think I will have to leave my nest and seek pastures new. I expect only a dodgy builder (are there any other sort?) would buy and then want it for a song, but I feel I have no choice now.
Best not buy any large quantities of popcorn & beer Mr. Nom. http://smilys.net/traurige_smilies/smiley6999.gif
The water board has just been, again, and done another survey with recording apparatus, and said there is slight damage in a couple of bits of the drain, but he didn’t think it was significant enough to have caused my cracked walls.
Meanwhile, another firm rang to say they want to come and survey the cracked kitchen ceiling!!! http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/rtfm/t2407.gif
Oh heavens - will you let them come to look at the ceiling? It may not be as bad as you think, I hope not anyway…
The drains need fixing anyway if there’s damage, surely, they’re just trying to get out of doing it.
Yeah, they can come and look, that’s all everybody else is doing! They are coming next Wednesday.
I wish I could see into the future and know what’s best to do - stay, or leave. I’m frightened of making the wrong decision.
Meantime, the case of the missing builder was almost solved tonight. Yes, this is the one who, yet again, promised to come and see me today, to explain why he went AWOL.
And guess what - he never turned up again. :twisted:
He text to say he had been not well in bed for 2 days. This is the man who has been ‘off sick’ for a month, then cricked his neck bad, then had to babysit his nephew, and now is sick again.
How the hell did I ever like and trust him. Just goes to show how stupid I am. http://smilys.net/beschaemte_smilies/smiley6689.gif
Unbelievable !! That builder - how does he manage to make a living? May be a blessing he wasn’t ‘well’ enough to come.
Do you want to stay where you are? I think if you do it’s worth sticking with it and when it’s all done, you’ll look back and, well, not laugh exactly but feel it was worth doing in the end - whenever the end is, of course.
I know it’s not much consolation but you’re not alone in your frustration getting someone to come after quoting for work, just about everyone I speak to has a story to tell. I dread having any work done but when you can’t do it yourself there’s no choice, is there?
Fingers crossed that everything clicks into place soon.
Given that no building work has started at this point I think keeping your options open is a good idea. I would search out all property ads/agents you can find while everyone else is faffing around at your home. You might just find something that feels right.
I assume you have sacked the builder…
Thanks alot for your kindness, Cranberry and Ania.
Sorry to go on about it so much, it just seems to be going round in circles but not getting off square one.
It needs someone alot more knowledgeable than me to kick a few butts I think. It is extremely frustrating. x
Go on about it as much as you need to. I know I’d be tearing my hair out in frustration! x
“Ah Watson” snapped Holmes “The Case of the Shy and Disappearing British Workman” - we’ll solve this case before lunch time bell!! - Hand me my Directory of Shy British Workmen":-D:-D
. . . but the book was so vast and heavy, poor Watson couldn’t even lift it!