Decided to stay put (rather than move)

Now I have discovered next door’s tree roots have lifted up the concrete plinths under my fencing panels. Another job to sort out!

Now it looks like my builder can’t start next week. He said he will call in Monday as he wants to talk to me. All he said on the phone was he’s been off sick for a month and still not back at work. Doesn’t sound good, does it.

I am so fed up. I know no one can help being sick, its not that, its just I can’t help but wonder if I would have even known he wasn’t coming if I hadn’t phoned him.
With just a week before start date, when did he intend to tell me he wasn’t coming now, for heaven’s sake?

I’ve paid the architects for the plans, and got the ok from building regs sorted - now no builder.

God Mups - I feel so sad for you - life would be so simple if people were reliable - I just don’t understand the minds of these people
:hug: Wish I could make it all better for you x

Oh dear Mups, I hope the builder’s excuse was genuine :frowning:
I hope there will be better news when (if) he calls in to see you on Monday.
What a worry for you :frowning:

Thanks Mags & Patsy, I’m pretty worried I must say, but there’s even more.

The insurance people came out about my subsidence, dug holes and poked cameras down, and told me the old drains were causing subsidence. They referred the work to the local water authority.
The water people came out to do their own investigations, dug another hole, poked more cameras down and told me there is nothing wrong with the drains!! They even suggested the insurers were passing the buck!

What’s more, 5 years ago the insurers first investigated a subsidence claim. They said it was drains back then. They put a liner up the sewer pipe and said that would sort it.
BUT, now its happening again, and it making me think:

  1. If my drains are alright, why did they do the liner?
  2. Also, the water board man told me they had also put a 4" liner up a 6" pipe!!!

Now what happens? I am very much ‘pig in the middle’ and I don’t like it.
I have got a bad feeling about this, I feel I am being taken for a fool, but I don’t know what to do about it.
Do I need a solicitor?

Lastly, when we had the big storm Friday night, I awoke to find rain had come through the old extension ceiling all over my breakfast table!!!
I desperately need that builder to start the demolition and rebuilding, but now it seems I have lost him as well.

Ever felt someone is sticking big pins in you?

Mups, to be honest, I have found a lot of builders to be Nomadic Souls, they don’t like to be committed to long projects, although those projects make the most financial sense, most seem to spin plates on small jobs and defer the big ones.

Mups I don’t know why getting anything done on a house needs to be so stressful :frowning:
I am sure some builders take advantage when there is a lone woman involved because we can be reluctant to voice our opinions with no one to back us up .

You must be so sick of it all.
Can you ask the builder when he thinks he will be better …

That’s been my experience too - as an example, a shower fitted should have taken 5 days - took 11, because he kept leaving us to go and do other jobs !
Doesn’t help poor Mups :frowning:

If you are right Spitty, why do the lying buggers bother to come and look and give you a price and starting date? He was supposed to start work in 5 days time, so to find out now he’s not coming is just not on. And Nom wondered why I get a nervous twitch about builders!

Wanna buy a nice bungalow at a very reasonable price, cos I feel like moving away now!

I think it is more a case of not wanting to turn a job down with some builders so they ‘accept’ a number and start more than one at a time then flit between them :roll:
…or worse still 'sub contract ’ to some village idiot who ‘won’t be told how to do the job by a woman’ when questioned about deviating from the original remit like the moron who repaired my patio last year and had to be reminded just who was paying for the work :twisted:

I really feel for you Mups, you must be at your wits end. If you could just receive the correct diagnosis it would be a start.
I hope it all resolves itself soon…

Thankyou for your patience with my whinging everyone, it does help to get it off my chest a bit.
I phoned the water board today and asked him what happens next and he says they want the insurers to send them a copy of their survey. (I don’t think they have actually requested this, so they must hope the insurers are telepathic). I am fed up to the teeth with people not communicating with each other, so I sat and wrote a letter with copies to BOTH parties this morning in the hope that each one will know what the other wants!
I also told the insurers about the workman I have had in today, replacing my fence panel and sawing off next doors tree roots which were lifting it all up.

Meanwhile, the doorbell goes, and the lady from the local council turned up to look at the ongoing problems with the neighbours cat cage. She came and took photos and was very pleasant, and said she will let me know what happens next.
Sure enough, this afternoon she phoned me back and said she’d had a word with ‘planning’ and now they want to come out and see if they can help me.
See - women do what they say they will do, so why can’t men? :twisted:
Must be something to do with genetics . . .

P.S. Just to add to my busy life at the mo, I am flippin’ well going to view two bungalows tomorrow now.
Enough is enough. :slight_smile:

Pleased ‘something positive’ has happened - I’m feeling yer angst Mups, I could crush a bag o grapes - no problem !

Given all that is happening (or not happening, as the case would seem!) I’d say that is a good idea!

Just hang in there, Mups, and eventually something will go right! x

Patsy, I’ve never heard that expression before, that cheered me up. :lol:

Ania, I haven’t got much choice but to hang in there really, but I’m ever hopeful things will improve at some point. :slight_smile:

P.S. The builder never turned up with his explanation today either!!!

What a busy day I’m having.

I have been to view two bungalows this morning, both quite nice but I didn’t get that ‘must have’ feeling.
This afternoon I have a Valuer coming to look at my place.
Then after that someone from the planning at the council is coming to look at the cat pen building against my fence.

And in between, I’m still chasing the builder for an explanation! :twisted:

Phew !
This cat knows how you feel …

Oooooh, don’t want to see any more cats at the mo, thanks Patsy! :lol:

Ooo sorry - I forgot !! :blush:
I’ve made him smaller …:-p

What?! Is he not going to do the work now or is he planning on turning up when he can fit you in - in between other jobs! :twisted:

I have been trying to get someone to change a light fitting in my hallway, must be very difficult cos I can’t get anyone to do it!! :roll: