Now they’re sending someone out tomorrow (Tuesday) to put the marker things in the walls so they can monitor movement.
I wish they’d have done that back in the summer though as the ground is so wet now, its not going to move like it does when the clay soil is dry and cracking in the summer.
They will probably monitor it over the winter, and then tell me there is very little movement. Then come next spring it will start all over again!
Well, the 2 blokes have just been. They’ve put 7 markers round the walls. They are different to the previous ‘studs’ they used, these are like little white ‘tubes.’ They had to drill the walls and poke these things in the hole.
They said they will be back to monitor them every 8 weeks.
Just keeps on and on, don’t it. . .
Every 8 weeks !! For how long, I wonder. You must be getting so fed up with all this.
Are they doing anything about the tree roots? Or do they think that’s not the problem. At least they turned up!
Yes, they actually turned up too early and I was still out with the dogs. They were waiting on the doorstep when I got back.
They said they will monitor for a minimum of 6 months first.
Apparently the insurance will be writing to the owners of the offending trees, and ask them to remove them. Silly thing is though, they told me they can’t FORCE them to remove them! Seems a total load of b…s to me.
(Sorry for the language, but that is just how I feel at the moment).:twisted:
So what I want to know is, if the tree owners refuse to remove these big trees, where does that leave me?
Rooted to the spot,
PS Potty mouth.
All the helpful suggestions I have offered you over the months, and that’s the best you can come up with! Well it’s not good enough young Nom.
And another thing, what’s ‘potty mouth’ mean? I suppose it’s telling me off, is it?
Well presumably if you can cut branches that hang over your property you can get rid of roots. Dig a hole, not you personally, and get the roots hacked through. Alternatively sneak around in the depth of night, and hammer copper nails into the trees. I understand that kills them.
It would be too big a job for me to do, and probably too expensive to pay someone else. Besides, all the years I have been paying house insurance, the buggers must jolly well deal with it for me.
I don’t know until I get the final report from the tree man, but I don’t think its a case of chopping our big roots, I believe its more a case of many finer roots from all the surrounding trees, and they seem to be under my house in all different places, so its not straightforward, celyn.
I also have a feeling its illegal to poison/kill someone else’s trees, but just chopping the root off won’t stop them regrowing. The entire trees must either be removed completely, or the roots poisoned, which I’m not allowed to do.
Regarding the copper nails, I’ve had one person telling me that’s an old wives tale, and another saying it works, so don’t know what to believe.
The copper nails was a bit of a joke. It’s hard to visual the trees, from posts, and where roots would go.
Have had a sort of similar problem but it affected the main drains don our driveway, not the house.
Talking about tree roots…
In our local park there are major breaks in the path caused by tree roots, and I’m wondering why the council are not doing anything about it.
It is a lovely, huge tree, by the river/stream/moat, whatever the piece of water is called, but IMHO the path looks in dire need of attention. There are large raised bumps. What if someone tripped?
Good point Jazzi. It can’t be easy to negotiate for someone with a wheelchair or a walking frame, nor people with pushchairs.
I’ll take a photo on my next walk there. See what you all think.
Got yet another report back yesterday. It seems quite a lot of neighbours trees and hedges have got to cut down and kept below a certain size, plus 5 big trees have got to be totally removed and the roots destroyed.
It will be interesting to see the neighbours response when they receive the letters from the insurance company! There are 4 different neighbours trees involved. They will probably arrange a lynch mob to pay me a visit. :shock:
The silly thing is though, who will monitor the height of all the shrubbery that is not removed, to ensure it kept at whatever height is decided upon? It aint gonna happen, is it.
I don’t envy you, Mups. You had better start training little Nellie to ward off lynch mobs
(Fat lot of use she would be… )
Just had a phone call to say the letters are being sent out to neighbours today. .
LOL Mups … time to batten down the hatches !!
Good luck
I know, think I need to go away somewhere till the dust settles.
Aah, thankyou Patsy. x
If that were me, I wouldn’t mind receiving the letters, after all, their properties may be affected by their own trees and if it’s found they knew of the risk and did nothing, what then? Also, they may find it difficult to insure their properties, too.
Insurance companies will do everything they can to get out of paying on claims, as you well know!!
I don’t like to see trees cut down needlessly but there are times when it’s unavoidable.