COVID-19: Six Omicron variant cases detected in Scotland, authorities say

Amen to that…and I’m hanging on to it.

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Sorry to hear that @scot37 and my thoughts are with you and your wife, and her family. We just don’t know what the future holds for us and we must do what we think is right for our survival.


That’s exactly what We are all doing Rab,it’s really all
in the lap of the Gods (or Somebody/thing) who knows…let’s hope We all come out the other end,
I’m optimistic and feel I’ve done the right thing (for me)
that’s all Anyone can do really,xx

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For sure @May we can discuss covid, the vaccines and the documentation until the cows come home but at the end of the day it will not change a thing, just the way we feel about each other on the forum. Take care May and stay safe…Here’s a big Yorkshire hug to help…

Right back at You Kiddo

Things just go on, watching people has always been the same.

@scot37 My deepest sympathies to your family

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@Meg I had not heard that but I do hope so

In which case the last thing we should be doing is trying to curb its spread by wearing masks, getting boosters etc etc.

I agree with summer’s husband.
I have always said we’ll be in lockdown after Christmas.

That is not so Dex, firstly we will not know for some time how Omicron will behave so need to take ‘insurance’ measures also Delta will remain active for some time even if a ‘mild’ Omicron does eventually become the dominant strain.

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It would be a real pity @Meg if by limiting the spread of Omicron (which might have been the way out of the pandemic), another mutation subsequently takes place which might not be as damaging if we had let Omicron run riot.

Damned if we do, damned if we don’t eh?

At some stage we’re going to have to bite the bullet, take the risk and go for the best guess available.

We’re approaching 2 years of this now. How long can we realistically continue?

We are between a rock and a hard place Dex, if covid doesn’t get you the vaccine will…

How many more deaths are we going to witness before we realise what’s going on…
Consider how many people have perished with covid…
Consider how many people have perished from vaccine side effects (and it’s only just started)
Consider how many people have perished because they couldn’t have the treatment that they desperately needed.
Consider how many people have perished from suicide (the figures have doubled) from the incessant drip drip drip of depressing news from the MSM about covid and climate change.
Consider how many people are now living rough or in poverty through strict lockdown measures that closed many businesses (Amazon will move into the void I’m sure)
It might have been better to let covid run it’s course, many have suffered and survived.
There is something frightening going on in the world today and it’s going according to someones plan.

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Happened to see that blood clot article a few minutes be for you posted it @OldGreyFox , but thanks anyway.

Am pretty sure that at the start of things, the powers that be were acting with a degree of best intentions (although they do have to weigh up the pros and cons and potentially make unpalatable decisions based on the greater long term good, even if it permits collateral losses).

Somewhere on here there is the usual debate which involves citing data and/or differing opinions from different sources/experts. These are self defeating in that all it shows is that if one cherry picks carefully, one can reinforce their own position or attack someone else’s. We’ve all been guilty of this at times.

I have two concerns/queries:

  1. At what stage are we just going to bite the bullet and accept que sera sera? This is particularly down to the fact that the actual mortality rate does seem to be particularly low, and the recovery rate is high.

  2. How will our experiences with this pandemic negatively impact the public response in the event of a proper and monstrous virus? Are we crying wolf now?

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This is a factual report from BHF about the side effects from the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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Good post Dex, and thank you scott also.
I totally agree with you Dex, if you look long enough there will be facts to benefit both sides of any discussion and I think the MSM and the establishment contradict themselves often so it becomes a minefield what to think when even they don’t know what the outcome will be.
I don’t want to lose friends over the issue, and time constraints prevent me from posting further, there are lots of interesting things to immerse myself in and batting and bowling over the covid issue is becoming very tedious. Now where did I put those jigsaw puzzles?


I’ve come to exactly the same conclusion myself Foxy …


The number of Omicron Covid cases in Scotland has risen to 29 on Thursday - up from 13 the day before. A concert by the pop band Steps at Glasgow’s Hydro venue on 22 November has been linked to six of the cases.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said cases can be expected to rise “perhaps significantly” over coming days. The new virus variant has also been recorded at NHS Highland, NHS Grampian and NHS Forth Valley health boards for the first time.

Ms Sturgeon said: “The number of Omicron cases now being reported in Scotland is rising, and cases are no longer all linked to a single event, but to several different sources including a Steps concert at the Hydro. This confirms our view that there is now community transmission of this variant within Scotland.”

The Scottish government said the risk to those who attended the Steps concert on 22 November is low and those who may have come into contact with Omicron are being contacted by test and protect teams. The band also played the same venue on 23 November but no cases have been identified from this night of the concert.

On Monday, Steps postponed the remainder of their UK tour due to positive Covid cases in their touring party. The move comes just days after it was revealed singer Lee Latchford-Evans tested positive for coronavirus.

Bad news for Scotland … :icon_frown:

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sings :

:musical_note: I’ll take the high road, and you take the low road,
and we’ll be in lockdown afore ye :musical_note:



One new case was confirmed on Saturday as First Minister Nicola Sturgeon received her Covid booster vaccination.

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