COVID-19: 40% of Omicron hospitalisations in London are unvaccinated adults

But there is an “i” in “disaster” :lol:

Read that title (up to half of people are unvaccinated !!!) on your article again Omah. It’s sensationalist garbage. More people have actually been vaccinated.

More deceitful nonesense

That was going to be my next post Annie, you took the words…
42.9% of ten people is only …Well…err…4.29 people… :017:

Across the UK, there were 36 per cent more hospital admissions in the week ended 24 December.

According to the Health Service Journal, hospitalisations for Omicron skyrocket in the capital, where numbers have gone up 67 per cent compared with the week ended 17 December, the highest rate since 23 February.

Other areas of the country have registered similar surges, including the North West (47 per cent), the East (39 per cent) and the Midlands (36 per cent). The South West is the only region where numbers are still going down.

Are we sure that the tests aren’t registering the common cold virus ?
I conclude that all of this media stuff is a massive sales drive to get people to have the vaccines…
It would appear that the establishment have taken over from religion to control the people…Cos nobody believes in God anymore, but they will believe the scientists. And then only because people know bugger all about viruses or vaccines so it must be right…What’s in those vaccines that they want the whole world to have them?

Only 1 in 5 are being treated for covid though.

A surge of 67% would equate to about 50 people.

Could that have something to do with my theory about not having two viruses of this kind at the same time. So is the booster giving people the omicron virus, which is basically the common cold. This would explain the high number of infections, the low mortality or hospital admission rate, and the unexplained demise of the more serious Covid 19 infection. It’s like the boosters have been genetically engineered to be more infectious but less harmful…

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Armchair conspiracy theory #242.


Not necessarily scot, you are only classed as being vaccinated if you have had both jabs and the booster. Which hasn’t been rolled out all across the country yet, especially in the under fifties.

Good swerve Omah, it does’t make it wrong though does it?

The scientists which people are believing in are the ones debunking the covid scaremongering. Yesterday, CNN had people on declaring how useless cloth facemasks are - that’s CNN, the “Democrat Channel”.

The wheels are coning off at an alarming rate, the next panic will be the media as they back-peddle from the lies they have been spreading.

Here’s the latest

The number of patients requiring support from ventilation is however low and stable and has remained unchanged. Oxygen supplies are not being depleted. Many patients are being admitted for other reasons and then test positive for Covid, this is being called “incidental covid”. You’d expect the Chief exec of NHS providers to know what he is talking about.


I just found this video, there was one before this but didn’t see it.
They had all been tested before the get together but didn’t wear masks, I think mainly because they were eating and drinking.

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I just think Omicron is really contagious but not dangerous.

There may be some truth in the craziness of giving people vaccines to remove control groups so should there be health issues further down the line nobody can prove it was the vaccines so the government is off the hook. After all they are the ones that gave the drug companies exemption from litigation and took on the responsibilities and accountabilities for themselves.

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I do like Brian. I’ve been following his covid journey on instagram.

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Wow Annie! Another sales pitch from a famous person who thinks the jabs have saved his life…Are we sure that it might have been exactly the same with or without jabs, and that unexplained illness further down the line was in fact due to the jabs…Just Saying!

There’s no doubting that jabs have reduced severity. They do not stop you catching covid though which was my point about compulsory jabs being a misguided idea.


What about the idea that it is just a common cold that registers on the Lateral Flow Test and gives the vaccine all the credit?

Yes he’s good. I don’t go on Instagram so I wouldn’t know, the video came up when I was watching YouTube.
It’s just that we can still get it even though we have the 3 doses but not probably need to go into hospital but still very bad. If we have to have a 4th one it will be because of this latest variant, but maybe if it keeps mutating it will stop being so bad but still can catch it. We think that it should have been compulsory to have it.

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If we don’t believe the scientists and medical experts who have studied these things and have informed knowledge why should we believe people like yourself who are totally uninformed ?