Afternoon May, I was just about to put a correction to my post after watching the News. I see now it is ‘‘suspected’’ Coronavirus, but it still doesn’t sound good as they have all just returned from Wuhan City.
Very worrying for you, and us!
Afternoon May, I was just about to put a correction to my post after watching the News. I see now it is ‘‘suspected’’ Coronavirus, but it still doesn’t sound good as they have all just returned from Wuhan City.
Very worrying for you, and us!
Mind you, I won’t be putting cotton wool around all the doors and windows unless hundreds and then thousands are affected. Gulp! I hope Art and Realspeed are right and there’s nothing to worry about. I never used to worry about such things as this until diagnosed with COPD. I do everything that is asked of me to control it, but they didn’t mention contagion!
Aye SG,it is…it says the 4 People landed at a London airport before flying on to Scotland…We all know these viruses affect the very young & the elderly more severely,also Folks with breathing prob’s…all We can do is hope it can be contained.
Amen to that May x
A bit more information regarding the Coronavirus outbreak.
Unfortunately, it looks as though another suspected case in Northern Ireland of someone just returned from Wuhan.
You’re right.
I’ll stay at home and take a selfie.
same here SG, I have COPD and I had a bout of pneumonia 2 years ago and I’m paranoid about germs now. I think I might invest in a surgical mask although not convinced they will help. It is all rather frightening as it seems every now and again serious illness comes to kill loads of people off.
Keep safe all, wash your hands regular and keep hands away from mouth.
While I’m not particularly worried about the virus reaching me, I do worry that, as the world becomes inundated with travellers (on Friday 29 June 2018 Swedish flight monitoring service FlightRadar24 tracked 202,157 aircraft with 19,000 flights in the air at the same time during a peak period*), the transmission of any virus is fast, wide and unstoppable.
Could the virus mutate?
Yes, you would expect viruses to mutate and evolve all the time. But what this means is harder to tell.
The novel coronavirus has jumped from one species to another. It could mutate to become easier to spread from one person to another or to have more severe symptoms.
This is something scientists will be watching closely.
How can the virus be stopped?
There is no vaccine, so the only way of stopping the virus spreading is to diagnose people early and treat them in isolation.
Tracing and monitoring people who have come into contact with patients can help prevent further spread.
This will keep you on your toes…
Personally since I stopped having the flu jab in 2012 I pumped up my immune system and have not had an infection since.
So I reckon I will be okay although my GP does not think so.
This is worrying as I will be in Hong Kong next week albeit just one day in transit .
2 Confirmed cases of Coronavirus in France today.
Not what I said at all.
I said that you need to be aware of the “war on your health” that is all around you hitting you in multiple ways and to get yourself armed and ready for those onslaughts by boosting your immune system, eating the right foods, not eating sh*t foods and so on.
Our health is our responsibility now, nobody else’s.
Excellent to hear Longfellow. That imho I how it should be.
Your GP makes a huge part of his yearly profits from selling flu vaccines, so he/she will always want you to have one despite all the peer reviewed studies and data that prove they are next to useless.
We can never avoid catching viruses, many are airborne. So we have to get our bodies in a good state to be able to fight them when they arrive and we need to learn, beforehand, what things you can do, what foods, herbs you can take to combat such viruses. Preparation is key.
This isn’t flu Realist. The trouble is the timing with Chinese New Year.
Realist this isn’t flu and there’s no vaccine. I didn’t think Sars had a vaccine either. So I’m not sure of the big pharma link here. However, in terms of viruses we are better off all round avoiding catching them. With some viruses it doesn’t matter how much you try to be healthy because you will still contract it. In the case of this virus it’s not the young and healthy avo on toast eaters who need be worried, it’s people with underlying conditions and compromised immunity.
Coming soon to a city near you!
Hopefully it will be contained Savvy.
Hong Kong is now at it’s highest level of emergency, , airport still operating.
Apparently one of the deaths was a young guy in his thirties who was in transit in an airport. So wear a mask.