
Covid data for Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Global Cases: 82,322,170
Increase: 650,873
Global Deaths: 1,796,292
Increase: 14,787

Cases 28,381 Change: 33
Deaths 909 Change: 0
Cases per Million 1,107

Cases 2,382,865 Change: 53,135
Deaths 71,567 Change: 458
Critical 1,529
Cases per Million 35,010

Cases 19,977,704 Change: 196,080
Deaths 346,579 Change: 3,397
Critical 29,132
Cases per Million 60,180

A very low death rate compared to the number of new infections.
Perhaps it was spread around the shops during Christmas Shopping, or perhaps university students returning home.
Let’s hope the elderly have been sensible and kept out of young fit peoples way. Perhaps in a couple of weeks we will have the answer.
Or will the answer be that there is always a rise in mortality rates at this time of year regardless of Covid.

During March 2020 there were around 800 deaths each day with new infection rates of just 5000…?

I think they need to lockdown greater Sydney and Wollongong for a couple of weeks, as the Melbourne outbreaks showed, limited lockdowns don’t work. January is a holiday month so now is the time to do it for the least effect on business.

I strongly suspect that when Australia moves into autumn and winter you will see a rise in infection rates Bruce…I sincerely hope not of course…

Covid data for Thursday, 31 December 2020

Global Cases: 83,060,556
Increase: 738,386
Global Deaths: 1,812,050
Increase: 15,758

Cases 28,402 Change: 21
Deaths 909 Change: 0
Cases per Million 1,107

Cases 2,432,888 Change: 50,023
Deaths 72,548 Change: 981
Critical 1,847
Cases per Million 35,744

Cases 20,216,991 Change: 239,287
Deaths 350,778 Change: 4,199
Critical 29,312
Cases per Million 60,900

We’ve already been through one autumn and winter since the first lockdown.

We have just gone up to Tier 3 which is better than the rest of the country who are in tier 4

I wish i was in Australia :frowning:

The borders are slowly closing again.

Victoria and SA are closing their borders against all NSW residents from midnight tomorrow. WA is closing its border to Victorians from midnight tonight.

QLD and NT borders are closed to people from Greater Sydney and Wollongong.

Depending on case numbers over the next few days it wouldn’t surprise me if we went back into lockdown for a couple of weeks (10 cases today)

My brother (in Macclesfield) laughed when I told him we had two cases in the Wollongong LGA and pop up testing stations were opening to cope.

BTW UK’s trade adviser Tony Abbott was spotted riding a bike from the south zone to the north zone of the northern beaches lockdown. (He used to be MP for Manly)

NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Mick Willing confirmed officers had spoken to Mr Abbott but said he didn’t breach any rules because of the exemption for exercise.

However, he said Mr Abbott should’ve applied “some common sense”.

The way I see it Bruce is that I believe Vitamin D obtained from sunshine is extremely beneficial in boosting your immune system, not only do people avoid going out in winter here, when they do they are well wrapped up. It is also widely accepted that the virus is unlikely to be caught outdoors, there were no noticeable spikes in infection rates after the protests in London earlier in the year, and all the beach shenanigans in Dorset and other crowded beauty spots. Devon and Cornwall reported the lowest infection rates in this country.

One of the reasons Australia has fared better than most is the Australian lifestyle. I agree that your track and trace and lockdown rules have been particularly effective, but your success in controlling the virus is not simply down to your stricter measures, I believe your lifestyle has played a major part in your success also.

How did we get here?

One Month Ago

Covid data for Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Global Cases: 63,584,870
Global Deaths: 1,473,746

Cases 27,912
Deaths 908
Cases per Million 1,089

Cases 1,629,657
Deaths 58,448
Critical 1,417
Cases per Million 23,953

Cases 13,919,870
Deaths 274,332
Critical 25,307
Cases per Million 41,951

Three Months Ago

Covid data for Thursday, 1 October 2020

Global Cases 34,159,060
Global Deaths 1,018,791

Cases 27,095
Deaths 888
Critical 9
Cases per Million 1,060

Cases 453,264
Deaths 42,143
Critical 312
Cases per Million 6,668

Cases 7,447,282
Deaths 211,740
Critical 14,193
Cases per Million 22,466

Covid data for Friday, 1 January 2021

Global Cases: 83,806,857
Increase: 746,301
Global Deaths: 1,825,709
Increase: 13,659

Cases 28,421 Change: 19
Deaths 909 Change: 0
Cases per Million 1,108

Cases 2,488,780 Change: 55,892
Deaths 73,512 Change: 964
Critical 1,847
Cases per Million 36,565

Cases 20,445,654 Change: 228,663
Deaths 354,215 Change: 3,437
Critical 29,214
Cases per Million 61,588

Cases 2,488,780 Change: 55,892
Deaths 73,512 Change: 964
Critical 1,847
Cases per Million 36,565

Covid in all of it’s forms is not exactly running rampant through the UK when you consider that testing has probably doubled or even quadrupled since last year, and results can be had within hours and not days. Also bear in mind that the two and a half million cases is a constantly accumulating total over almost a year, as are the deaths…The figures for new infections would probably have been the same last year, but testing wasn’t as efficient as it is today.

Even if there are over two million people Ill or walking around with Covid, that still leaves 66 million who haven’t caught it…

Before anyone jumps on my back for taking the virus lightly, I observe all of the personal protection advice and do not take risks. Yes, the deaths are still high and my condolences go out to anyone who has lost a friend or loved one, but many lives have been lost at this time of year, and it’s nothing new. We don’t generally study the figures each year do we. But we still need to analyse these figures using common sense and not let emotion corrupt our judgement.

Thanks for putting it in perspective, OGF.

Thanks JB, and a very happy and healthy new year to you and Marge…:wink:

There is so much negativity around these days coming from the media and especially the BBC, I think there is much to look forward to in the coming year, and I think if we take all the appropriate advice and look after ourselves there is no reason to believe that any of us will catch any strain of the virus.

Over 2 million lives too many and 2 million lives that wouldn’t be lost if covid weren’t here.

The deaths of over two million has a knock on effect , i think about how many people are affected by a single death, someones husband, wife, mother, father, auntie, uncle, cousin, brother, sister, and so on has died , that one death affects so many other people. Without covid all those millions of people may not be grieving.

The hospitals are crumbling under the pressure, i saw a poor nurse crying last night she is so stressed and tired. Heartbreaking.

But those figures state over 2 million cases, not deaths.

73,000 deaths compared to 2,488,780 cases actually demonstrates the relatively small chance of dying from Covid if you catch it.

In a way, I find that a relief.

Forgive me, yeah,. All the same, 70000 too many on top of all the deaths we already have to deal with.

Its not over yet either.

Living post-covid is not easy for some. It can be life-changing if you are unlucky. Not being able to get up the stairs, cognitive impairment, heart damage etc.

For every positive post there are three negative ones…:009:
no wonder there are so many suicides…
And the 73000 deaths is a rolling total for almost a year.
With the best will in the world, we won’t stop people dying…

Of course, you are perfectly correct.

Comparing it to the Spanish Flu outbreak in 1918/19, Covid has not yet quite lasted as long.
Many died then, of course. An estimated 228,000 in the UK, which is many more than have died from Covid so far.
Of course, we have better resources for dealing with Covid now. On the other hand, from what I hear, people in 1918/19 were rather more sensibly behaved than many today.

I’m just trying sound positive.