Global Cases: 58,983,531
Increase: 492,349
Global Deaths: 1,393,571
Increase: 7,178
Cases 27,828 Change: 9
Deaths 907 Change: 0
Cases per Million 1,086
Cases 1,512,045 Change: 18,662
Deaths 55,024 Change: 398
Critical 1,421
Cases per Million 22,227
Cases 12,588,661 Change: 137,995
Deaths 262,696 Change: 906
Critical 23,113
Cases per Million 37,944
This bulletin brought to you from the Central West town of Young. I will try to get the data the same time each day so the reports are consistent but there may be some constraints on that depending on where I am but any slight discrepancies will be evened out over time.
BTW Young is the site of the Lambing Flat riots so there is something to google if that interests you. It even has a link to the title of this thread.
Global Cases: 60,099,775
Increase: 586,510
Global Deaths: 1,414,621
Increase: 12,740
Cases 27,853 Change: 10
Deaths 907 Change: 0
Cases per Million 1,087
Cases 1,538,794 Change: 11,299
Deaths 55,838 Change: 608
Critical 1,487
Cases per Million 22,620
Cases 12,955,007 Change: 177,833
Deaths 265,891 Change: 2,204
Critical 23,591
Cases per Million 39,047
The NSW Government has eased coronavirus restrictions, with up to 50 people allowed to gather at private residences and work-from-home orders to be repealed.
Global Cases: 60,719,936
Increase: 620,161
Global Deaths: 1,426,823
Increase: 12,202
Cases 27,857 Change: 4
Deaths 907 Change: 0
Cases per Million 1,087
Cases 1,557,007 Change: 18,213
Deaths 56,533 Change: 695
Critical 1,489
Cases per Million 22,887
Cases 13,137,962 Change: 182,955
Deaths 268,219 Change: 2,328
Critical 24,150
Cases per Million 39,598
It is hard to believe that there are over 2000 deaths each day in the USA. There was a segment on an ABC current affairs program a couple of days ago about Utah. Apparently in Utah the ICU system is overwhelmed by Covid cases and the report told the story of a lady who’s sister died from a heart attack because the ICU was full and she couldn’t receive appropriate treatment. I am not sure of her age but I would estimate in her late 40s.
A very sad story and why it is foolish to let Covid cases get away from you. The Australian and New Zealand experience as well as several Asian countries is “go early and go hard”. This is the only containment strategy that works.
Looks like Boris’s much maligned tier system is actually WORKING??
New infections in the northern areas where the infections were high
and where most so called tory rebels resided have fallen by 50%!
What more is needed to prove that lockdowns DOwork!
Good for Boris!!
But the incidence of new infections has fallen by30% in tier2
as well OGF, so, either the data is being manipulated or the
science is working ??
Myself , l dont think the lock downs are the way to go as far as
beating the virus is concerned, but, due to our limited bed capacity
of the NHS we have to control new infection numbers to the extent
that the NHS never gets overloaded??
especially now that a vaccine is on the horizon!!
However, it does seem fortunate that all comes right just at the
right moment as you point out ??
The border between NSW and Queensland opened today and WA announced that NSW and Victorian residents will be able to travel to that state on 8th December without quarantining.
This is a very pleasing graph showing the number of days since the last new local case of Covid. (Generally - All the cases reported in the daily statistics are returning residents in hotel quarantine).
Or at least it would be good were it not for the fact that we know how quickly the disease can escape into the community from just one person doing the wrong thing.
After 25 days without a new case of Covid the NSW Government has announced a sweeping set of changes to state COVID-19 restrictions which come into effect from next Monday.
[]The 4-square-metre (per person) rule will be replaced with a 2-square-metre rule at all venues, except at gyms and nightclubs.
[]Standing outdoors will be allowed at hospitality venues, but not indoors
[]Fifty people will be allowed on indoor dance floors
[]Up to 5,000 people will be allowed to attend outdoor ticketed events
[]There will be no upper cap on the number of people allowed to attend weddings and funerals
[]Outdoor gatherings like picnics will have their cap raised from 50 to 100 people
[]Stadiums and outdoor theatres will have a 100 per cent capacity
[]Indoor theatres will be allowed to have up to 75 per capacity