Seems to be some differences of opinion in the us on how the virus is likely to increase.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - An internal U.S. government document projects a surge in coronavirus cases and a sharp rise in daily deaths by June 1, the New York Times reported on Monday, even as President Donald Trump urged states to lift restrictions to quell the pandemic.
Jacinda Ardern has attended the Australian National Cabinet meeting to discuss the Trans Tasman Bubble.
The idea is to open travel between Australia and New Zealand as soon as possible (this is still weeks away).
The Shutdown is Expensive
Maintaining the coronavirus shutdown is costing the economy $4 billion a week, according to new Treasury analysis that will be considered by the nation’s leaders as they meet to decide which restrictions to lift.
Treasury estimates the mass closure of businesses and activities, designed to stop the spread of the virus, will see Gross Domestic Product plunge by 10 per cent in the June quarter — the equivalent of $50 billion being wiped from the economy.
Testing Ramped Up
Australia is significantly expanding testing for COVID-19 across the country in order to stay on top of the virus and provide a path to re-open large portions of public life.
More than 630,000 people in Australia have been tested for the coronavirus, with the number of tests ramped-up to over 23,000 per day.
Global Cases 3,646,225
Global Deaths 252,408
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,847
Deaths 96
Critical 28
Cases per Million 269
Cases 190,584
Deaths 28,734
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,807
Cases 1,212,900
Deaths 69,921
Critical 16,050
Cases per Million 3,664
Speaking after today’s National Cabinet meeting, the Prime Minister, Scotty from Marketing, says Australia needs to get 1 million people back to work in a COVID-19 safe workplace.
In order to check all those people, who were flying in, we would have to have built an enormous process, and have it up and running, between learning of the virus threat and at how to check for it.
Maybe that newspaper could help us with a bit of “reverse Engineering”.
Better still, we might have had the bonus of Corbyn dealing with it for us?
Good point Ted, but passenger flights are still arriving a heathrow
to this day, plus Luton air port which serves european airports has
actually reopened this monday as well??
I have seen nothing about isolating these travellers in the media!
When I arrived at Heathrow on 23rd February I was expecting some kind of inspection/lecture/leaflet re CV. All I got was a message to call 101 if I felt ill…how pathetic!
WHY have we not isolated the UK?
HOW can we expect to control the virus if we’re allowing people from other countries to arrive without isolation and/or testing?
We will NEVER control the virus until we understand the basic points!
Too many politicians with shares in the air industry!!! Money is more important!
Anyone see the recent reports about an Aer lingus flight from Belfast to Heathrow?. Neither the airport or the airline did anything to make sure social distancing measures were in place or enforced.
The airline say they are going to do something about it but in my opinion they are only saying that because they got caught due to a passenger taking video/photo’s of Aer Lingus ignoring social distancing rules so they could pack out the plane and uploaded it to social media.
This just goes to show the biggest problem is not going to be the public but businesses wanting to get back as much money as they can due to the lockdown and thus ignoring social distance measures and will only implement them when someone exposes their wrong doing by posting it on social media.
If people think members of the public breaking lockdown rules was bad, you just wait and see how bad it becomes when businesses don’t bother with it either. Then Boris can have his 2nd and 3rd and maybe even 4th round of country wide infections that he’s been wanting to avoid.
My daughter works for an ‘essential’ industry. Her boss flew back from America yesterday and was at his desk here this morning.
I see now we have the highest death rate in Europe. Can you wonder at that when we get things like this happen. An Air Lingus plane packed to the gunnels arriving from Ireland. Why don,t they ban all non essential flights from coming here.
Apparently there are plus minus 10,000 people flying to uk on
a daily basis in spite of assurances that proceedures will be
If this is so lets see the evidence of this, like video of passengers
being escorted to their isolation accomodation!!
Please listen to this YouTube video. The man talks a great deal of sense.
It seems that the police may have been ordered to confront him - perhaps even threaten him - for making the statements he did.
I am becoming more and more concerned that our government is complicit in this allowing and even encouraging illegal immigrants into the country, no doubt bringing with them Covid-19 infections and later passing the virus on to anyone and everyone.
Needless to say, the matter does not seem to be worthy of reporting by the BBC or other left-wing media. We should ask ourselves why.