Exactly. They could also have brought it under control far quicker at the start. Normal life went on there after it was clear that this was a major crisis.
It is misleading to describe it as such. In the case of covid describing it as flu-like creates widely entrenched misconceptions, prolific comparisons with flu mortality and misinformation.
I don’t believe that. There are so many conspiracy theories going around and some are just totally bizarre. It’s like blaming Congo for Ebola.
Global Cases 3,484,483
Global Deaths 244,780
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,783
Deaths 93
Critical 28
Cases per Million 266
Cases 182,260
Deaths 28,131
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,685
Cases 1,160,774
Deaths 67,444
Critical 16,475
Cases per Million 3,507
The trends are flattening out:
NB that is a log vertical scale
They are interesting figures especially the uk ones,March 23rd is when we went into lock down where all social gatherings were effectively discouraged,pubs shut,etc this as by and large been successful,so say it takes 4 weeks incubation to show,the figures for new infections and deaths should be falling off a cliff by now,yet we are still be urged to be ultra cautious.Scratch head smiley thingy.
The latest word here is that it is highly likely that social distancing will be around for a couple of years.
It is clear that infections and deaths can spring up quickly. The Newmarch Aged Care home are an example of that and an instance of bad management 14 deaths have been recorded at that one location. Yesterday, NSW Health officials admitted there had been issues with maintaining infection control.
Two senior infection-control nurses were deployed to the home this week to look at protocols.
Victoria recorded 13 new coronavirus cases overnight, bringing the state total to 1,384.
It is the biggest single-day increase in Victorian cases since April 18 when 17 new confirmed cases were announced.
Six of the new cases relate to the cluster at an abattoir in Melbourne’s outer suburbs, in addition to the eight already identified at the facility and another one who tested positive on Friday.
At a press conference on Sunday morning, Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos said a teacher at Epping’s Meadowglen Primary School had tested positive to the virus.
Ms Mikakos said the school would be shut down from Monday to Wednesday to enable cleaning and contact tracing.
Just a quick hello from the UK’s first testing site!!! I can’t believe the island has been chosen to test this app… Not only do we have loads of older people here, many of whom have never caught onto modern technology, but we also have an extremely high number of idiot low-life types…who no doubt will think it’s extremely funny to notify the app that they’re feeling unwell and have everyone they’ve been close to be notified they need to self-isolate. NOT something I need to do!!! From what I understand so far, this is exactly what the app will do automatically…no testing needed!!!
Much as I’m happy to go along with technology and I NOT about to take part in some underfunded experiment messing about with MY LIFE!!
They are also planning to lift restrictions on the Island first to see how it goes for the rest of England.
LL, your reward will be in heaven!
You know who to vote for next time Lindy!!
Very witty JBR!
AnnieS - We are about three weeks behind UK mainland, so we won’t be lifting restrictions early…no matter what you read - it won’t happen here!
It’s something I was told by someone who lives there. Perhaps it’s changed.
Interesting timeline published on the ABC website.
Jan 27 first three cases
On February 27, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the outbreak will become a pandemic and activates the Government’s emergency-response plan.
From March 13, the number of confirmed cases doubles every three days or so, surging from less than 200 to more than 2,000 within 12 days.
During this period, Australia’s trajectory is comparable to the US, UK or Italy.
Mar 19: Australia announces its borders will close to all but citizens and residents. Ruby Princess docks and 2,700 passengers disembark in Sydney. The following day, three are confirmed to have tested positive to COVID-19.
Mar 29: Most indoor and outdoor gatherings limited to two people. Australians returning from overseas required to spend 14 days in quarantine in a hotel.
Mar 31: States impose their own social distancing restrictions and penalties. For example, fines of up to $11,000 in NSW for people who leave their home without good reason
With Australia’s international borders all but closed and all overseas arrivals mandated to 14 days in quarantine, overseas-acquired infections plummet.
By today, active cases have dipped below 100 in Victoria, Queensland, WA and South Australia, and below 10 in the ACT and the NT.
Australia’s battle against the virus is far from over, especially in these communities. But as some lockdown laws are relaxed and parts of the nation emerge, blinking, into the sunlight, many are pondering the same question: Is the worst behind us?
“It’s a really fine line between responding quick enough to avert a disaster and not. Just by a matter of days you can lose control over a virus like this because of that exponential growth,” says La Trobe’s Dr Vally.
The Australian app has been released nationwide but is not in operation yet.
More than 4 million people have downloaded the COVIDSafe app, but the information it collects is not yet available to state and territory health officials.
Prime Minister Scotty from Marketing has called the contact-tracing app a vital tool in protecting Australians against coronavirus.
But the ABC has confirmed that if a person tests positive to coronavirus today, the information on their app will not be passed on to contact tracers, because states and territories are still working out how the system will operate.
“The rules on privacy are being finalised, along with final IT testing,” a Department of Health spokesman said.
“The system will be operational next week ahead of the decision on possible easing of restrictions.”
New Zealand Prime Minister the lovely Jacinda Ardern has been invited to sit in — remotely — on tomorrow’s National Cabinet meeting between Australian Prime Minister Scotty from Marketing and the state and territory heads.
The Federal Government is taking its pitch to get more downloads of the COVIDSafe app direct to people’s phones.
Phone service providers have started sending a message from the Government today.
“Help us keep you safe and ease restrictions by downloading the COVIDSafe app now,” the message reads.
The app is designed to help quickly contact trace people who might have come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
It would be good to have confidence in those who make the decision that getting the economy up and running again is not the primary factor.
Global Cases 3,566,330
Global Deaths 248,286
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,822
Deaths 95
Critical 29
Cases per Million 268
Cases 186,599
Deaths 28,446
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,749
Cases 1,188,122
Deaths 68,598
Critical 16,139
Cases per Million 3,589
Can’t disagree with that.
Its a fine line though,much needed money needs to put in the nations coffers to pay for it all,
Bush fires are the same Brucy!!