
Yes, as do we. But for some strange reason, on that day, the word ‘does’ simply didn’t look right to me. A senior moment ? Early Alzheimer’s ? H:lol:a Ha

Global Cases 3,308,503
Global Deaths 234,112
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,766
Deaths 93
Critical 31
Cases per Million 265

Cases 171,253
Deaths 26,771
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,523

Cases 1,095,210
Deaths 63,861
Critical 15,226
Cases per Million 3,309

The UK has leapfrogged France with their total number of cases and is rapidly approaching Italy’s statistics. It must be very worrying.

The Australian PM, Scotty from Marketing, has said that lifting some restrictions will be decided by the national cabinet next Friday. After more than a month of stay-at-home orders and progressively stricter rules around social movements, some Australian states and territories this week announced an easing of their coronavirus restrictions.

After the 13th person died at one NSW Aged Care home Premier Gladys Berejiklian said that the situation at Newmarch House was “horrific” and she has called on the Federal Government to intervene.

NSW has had 3025 cases, 2294 have recovered, 43 people have died, 13 at Newmarch House. The NSW government has published figures for each local government area - Wollongong has had 53 cases but no new cases have been reported for several days.

71 veterans at a nursing home in New Jersey, have died. 71 at a single nursing nursing home. Poor old fellows deserved much better. :cry:

It is a strange word. The spelling doesn’t go with the phonetics. The mind plays tricks on us at times.

China has hit back at the USA for saying China lied to them. I am not defending their cover up in the first place but they do have a point, the USA and Europe was very slow to act despite the early and obvious signs that this was a very serious disease. Now they are blaming China and China is responding.

So if there was no cover up would countries have reacted faster?

I personally doubt it, there was still plenty of time. Australia banned all flights from China as soon as the problem was apparent so a most of our overseas cases came from the USA or cruise ships. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

I suspect that any country would have played it down at first but once the Chinese Central Government became aware of how serious it was they acted decisively and gave samples of the virus to anybody who wanted it.

If China had been straight forward and honest with the world we would have understood this virus is much, much more deadly than the flu type virus.

It is a flu type virus. SARS and MERS are all coronaviruses this is just another variant.

At what point do you think that they became aware of how serious it was?

It is not a flu type virus.

How the hell would I know?

Yes it is but it is not flu.

Whether we call it a “flu-type” virus or not, is irrelevant.
The main point is that the Chinese hid how dangerous it was until it was too late. They knew damn well it was killing at a rate 30 times that of the flu.
Remember that Chinese doctor who tried to warn us ? Recall how the Chinese government arrested him for speaking out ? Then he “died” under mysterious circumstances.

It would not surprise me one tiny bit to discover that the communist Chinese government deliberately unleashed it upon us. The Chinese government stands to gain by the crippling of all western nations.

If you wish to believe that it is fine by me. There will always be conspiracy theories and there will always be people to believe them.


Why on earth should the Chinese release a virus in China which has ruined their Economy?

They could have released it anywhere if it was a plot and gained far more.

The USA funded the research at the Wuhan Lab.

Trump has claimed he has seen evidence , denied by his own Experts, his experts including his Spies.

His own people have said it was not man made or genetically engineered.

Trump has banned his own Experts from speaking.

The USA deserves better.

A good way to close down any serious discussion Bruce; By calling every theory other than your own a ‘Conspiracy Theory’…:009:

Chances are, if one year ago somebody had said that a dangerous virus was going to unleash itself and close down the world, you would have claimed that was a Conspiracy Theory too…

I have no theories and the second statement is absurd. No one here to my knowledge has any special knowledge in this area. It is pure speculation.

Global Cases 3,414,938
Global Deaths 239,781
Mortality Rate
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,783
Deaths 93
Critical 28
Cases per Million 266

Cases 177,454
Deaths 27,510
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,614

Cases 1,131,492
Deaths 65,776
Critical 16,481
Cases per Million 3,418

It’s a Forum Bruce…Speculation is what we do…