
The households that were acting like this in our street have both had members taken away or treated by ambulance crews.

I noticed people acting a lot more relaxed today yet the virus is just as infectious.

There has been much mention of a second wave of Covid-19 on the way and I can well believe it, bearing in mind that people are beginning to think it’s safe to slip back into our ways prior to the virus appearing.

Marge and I are determined that we shall not be one of them.

As am I.
It’s going to be quite difficult, however, to get through a year or more of self imposed lock-down.

I can’t believe you have not been doing that already for all arrivals from overseas. You are an island after all.

That is not accurate it was only returning citizens from Wuhan on special government arranged flights that were sent to Christmas Island, later arrivals from China went to a disused mining camp in the NT.

Currently all Australian citizens arriving from overseas are escorted to hotels for compulsory 14 days isolation in their city of arrival. They may then face another 14 days if they cross a state border to go to their home.

The borders are closed to all non residents.

As I understand it new arrivals are advised to go socially distance in their own homes. I’m not aware of anyone policing this. The discussion today was about making people socially distance in airport hotels.

It had to happen! Now that the footie is on hold the Trans-Tasman rivalry has led to an analysis of who has coped with Covid19 better.

New Zealand opted for a strategy to eliminate coronavirus altogether, ordering the widespread closure of schools, shops, cafes and restaurants. Initially, it was to last for at least four weeks.

Australia decided on a longer game over six months, with its suppression strategy becoming more apparent over time. Australians were permitted more freedoms than New Zealanders and were still able to make a socially-distanced trip to Bunnings or catch up with a mate for takeaway coffee and exercise in the park.

Australia has had 6,711 cases and 83 deaths. New Zealand has had 1,121 cases and 18 deaths.

While Australia’s population of 25 million is five times that of New Zealand’s, official data shows the current overall national rate of cases in the two countries are similar: Australia is in a slightly better position with about 26 cases per 100,000 people compared to New Zealand’s 30 cases per 100,000 people.

In comparison recent data from the worst-affected country, the United States, shows some regions there with more than 915 cases per 100,000, according to the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC).


We, all of us, are no better than guinea pigs for medical science.

Some politicians talk about “herd immunity”. IMO this is an extremely dangerous concept. Why ?

It would require that between 83 - 94 % of the population to either have a natural immunity OR to have been vaccinated. Even with much of the medical scientific community devoted to this disease, we are likely looking at years before any vaccination is possible.

Natural immunity ? Well, when I see positive results from chimpanzees, who have been injected with the virus, only then will I believe in natural immunity for C-19.

Until then, as far as I’m concerned, it remains ‘pie-in-the-sky’, meant to soothe the fears of the public.

Global Cases 2,995,032
Global Deaths 207,000
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,719
Deaths 83
Critical 43
Cases per Million 263

Cases 152,840
Deaths 20,732
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,251

Cases 987,322
Deaths 55,415
Critical 15,143
Cases per Million 2,983

More Kiwi nonsense… :wink:

Good news

Only 2 new cases in NSW in the past 24 hours.

3 new cases in Queensland

1 new case in Victoria

No new cases in ACT., WA and NT.

NT has had no new cases for a fortnight.

WA and QLD are slightly reducing restrictions, NSW is only re opening schools from -11 May with slowly increasing days.

So far so good. 90% of cases have recovered completely and only 100 people remain in hospital

Another bit of good news, again from ‘the other side of the world’, this from New Zealand:

I wish that everyone here could be as sensible as the New Zealanders.

They certainly seemed to have got it right with their approach. I know it’s a smaller population than the UK but even so their deaths per million population is just FOUR where our’s is 2,251! Our testing rate per million population is 9,867 where New Zealand’s is 25,698!

No doubt that in time the figures will be investigated and conclusions reached but that doesn’t bring back any of the 20,732 fatalities to date that may have still been alive had the situation taken a different course, for whatever reason.

I’m not sure that those 20,732 would have survived had we played it any different Baz. According to the ONS figures, there were about 25,000 deaths lost to winter illnesses last year, and that was classed as a low figure.

You missed my point.

People in Feb returning from Italy to the UK were not tested should have been and isolated for 14 days as the Aussies did

Case in point a Doctor in Brighton returned from Italy with the Virius carried on working and thought to have infected over 200 people.

Reports he died


People in Feb returning from Italy to the UK were not tested should have been and isolated for 14 days as the Aussies did

Case in point a Doctor in Brighton returned from Italy with the Virius carried on working and thought to have infected over 200 people.

Reports he died[/QUOTE]

A doctor ? He should have known better. Un-freakin-believable

NSW Premier Glady Berejiklian says the state’s coronavirus shutdown will be slightly relaxed this week to allow people to see their friends.

From Friday, groups of two adults — and their children if they have any — will be able to visit other households for social gatherings.

The Premier said there was an “inherent risk” to easing restrictions but she was “absolutely confident that people will be responsible”.

“Don’t take risks — we don’t want to see the numbers suddenly spike up because people are being irresponsible,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“If you have the mildest sniffle, do not go and visit anybody [or] if you’re feeling slightly unwell or fatigued, don’t risk it.”

The “herd immunity” % doesn’t need to be as high as 80-90%. I’m sure they would be happy at this stage if it were 40-50%. However, it’s not clear what herd immunity means with this virus because there have been reports of reinfection.

Research on treatment and prevention is more promising. For example the move from ventilators to sleep apnoea monitors in one UK hospital led to a big increase in lives saved. There are trials underway on whether BCG vaccs make a difference to severity. There is research on the underlying genetics to investigate why more men die etc. There’s the plasma treatment being trialled. Not sure where they got to with ebola treatments.

Most of these deaths could have been avoided had we been more organised. We have done our best given the ineptitude that runs through the systems we have in place. It’s down to the way everything has been allowed to evolve in a patchwork quilt way. So there’s not been any central organisation to react in an emergency. Tories have been stripping back and restructuring police, councils, the NHS, social care, for years now. Other countries organise themselves in a better way because they place more value on society as a whole.

Reports I have read state that estrogen is a help in warding of this virus.

Did anyone else watch the Covid update on Saturday and pick up the remarks by the medical expert on the possible new strain that affects children?

I’m surprised there isn’t more in the news about it but they said it was worrying and they are looking into it.