Hi Lindy, it’s great that you managed to turn your osteoporosis around. That’s a real result.
I had a vitamin D deficiency a few years ago and took a supplement that contained a bit of vitamin K. Seemed to help me most at the time. I didn’t get on with some of the D3 ones and was already taking cod liver oil at the time. I also didn’t get on with taking calcium separately. Unfortunately my GP didn’t advise me on which supplements to take or prescribe anything. I was lucky to find one that suited me.
There is a really interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald about five countries that have been successful in controlling Covid19 and examines why they have been successful so far.
Well worth reading this article, the five countries are:
South Africa
South Korea
New Zealand
IMO, those counties MAY have had more returnees from China than other countries. Of course, it also had a lot to do with how soon those countries slammed the door shut. I recall that the U.S. had dozens and dozens of planes bringing U.S. citizens back from China and Europe, BEFORE the door was slammed shut.
In the case of Korea/ Taiwan & South Africa Brucy imo it could be
that they either had very little interaction with China, or they recieve
much fewer tourists than other countries??
Australia and New Zealand obviously got things mostly right?
I find it strange that South Africa is doing so well as the the living
conditions there still leave lots to be desired as far as hygene and
housing go? In fact all of africa seems to be doing better than
Lionqueen, I’d be very interested in knowing how many of those planes are private planes, on local hops, military planes, etc.
I have seen photos of large passenger planes with only one or two passengers. Very, very strange. :shock:
Unfortunately, I can not confirm if those are passenger, trans-Atlantic flights, or military .
Global Cases 2,921,439
Global Deaths 203,289
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,710
Deaths 83
Critical 42
Cases per Million 263
Cases 148,377
Deaths 20,319
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,186
Cases 960,896
Deaths 54,265
Critical 15,110
Cases per Million 2,903
WA has raised its restriction on gathering to 10 people but state borders remain closed.
Qld has allowed trips of up to 50km from Saturday. The Premier said, “If you are over 65 or over 70 … I would suggest going for a drive during the week, Monday to Friday, because on the weekends it’s family time.”
Thanks for that link LQ, It appears to show a direct link between
flying and corona incidence?
Most of these flights are probably frieght , but the incidence is
uncanny imo, and passenger flights are reprted to be still arriving
at heathrow even today, with passengers dispersing freely on
arrival?? Surely this should not be so?
Also luton airport is said to be resuming flights again?
On the positive side l heard a report that all air arrivals will be
compelled to undergo 14days isolation, it this is so then it begs the
question of why this has to be reinstated now as this policy was
originally in force when repatriation first started?? And imo should
never have been halted?
Lots of questions needed about how or why this isolation policy
got lost by the wayside imo!
People are getting fed up, more cars travelling. Neighbour had visitors turn up in camper and parked up on driveway!
I think people of a certain mindset are starting to do as they please.
Yes, there is a limit to how much people will take before they rebel. This is especially true of democratic nations but it is also true even in communist nations.