
Global Cases 2,725,920
Global Deaths 191,061
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,675
Deaths 78
Critical 43
Cases per Million 262

Cases 138,078
Deaths 18,738
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,034

Cases 886,709
Deaths 50,243
Critical 14,997
Cases per Million 2,679

Beaches at Coogee and Maroubra in Sydney’s east have been closed after crowds of people “having a splash” flocked to the stretches of sand, which were open for exercise only on Friday.

A Randwick Council spokesman said the beaches shut shortly before 1pm and will remain closed for the rest of the day.

The Premier of NSW has just announced that Covid19 testing is now available to anybody who has flu like symptoms. Previously there were restrictions on who could be tested, hotspots, contacts, health workers etc, all those restrictions have now been lifted.

It will be interesting to see if the number of cases jumps. Previously they were doing about 4 to 5000 tests a day, presumably this will now increase dramatically


We here in the UK are miles behind you and other Countries.

Talk over here in the UK of VERY gradual easing of the lockdown by certain retailers.
Hardware stores have always been on the OK list from the beginning, but most made the decision to close themselves.

Some of the larger ones are now re-opening with restrictions in place with regard to social distancing etc. A sensible move IMO as Do it Yourself projects around the house is one way to keep us from going nuts during the lock down.
The same with garden maintenance with those of us lucky enough to have gardens.

One concern I have for the future is the possible re-opening of clothing stores.
With the best of intensions how can they re-open and sell goods when one of the first things we have become used to is trying on for size such things as coats and shoes.
I for one would be very wary of buying goods that have been ‘tried on for size’ by Lord knows how many previous customers?

Thanks for that link Annie, very interesting.
I’ve always been aware that vitamins and minerals should be taken in balance for best effect.


The Covid problem is now over!

President Trump has announced that we should all be injected with disinfectant as that will kill the virus.



If you are low in Vitamin F then Vit D is useless.

Quote from Annie link.

So, Vitamin D alone loads up the blood stream with Calcium but if that Calcium is not transported from the blood into the cells, then it will not enable our white blood cells to fight off infection.

Taken out of context! This is just a few words taken from a brainstorming session and, as is usual by the leftist press, spun off as look what an idiot Trump is story.

I had a link to this sent to me by my American friends but I deleted it and can’t find the thing on line now - sorry about that.

Breaking news on the Daily Express website: China has gone into lockdown again because of an increase in infection rates.

Well, we heard the thing on the TV news twice today. That’s what he said.

I should add that I like Trump because he’s standing up for America. On the other hand, I think he should get someone more intelligent to check over his scripts before he opens his mouth!

If that is your response to Bruce commenting about testing for anyone with possible symptoms - you’re wrong as the same testing system is now in place on the island.

The local news is reporting that Trump was being sarcastic, not actually serious.

I’ve just watched the whole interview but the BBC have taken it down now and just highlighted certain comments that he made.

He was in fact making suggestions to a leading viral scientist who had done tests with Sunlight and disinfectant. the scientist had found good results from using both, and Trump was questioning how possible would it be to make a substance similar to disinfectant that was safe to humans and be injected.

Based on the good results the scientist had discovered exposing the virus to sunlight, Trump again suggested that could UV rays be used to destroy the virus?

When a member of the press asked if he was recommending injecting humans with disinfectant, he replied that he was not a doctor and his questions should be directed to the scientist.

Trump also pointed out that the journalist had been responsible for fake news in the past. In my opinion the media have deliberately tried to make him look a fool, and after watching the clip I believe it was totally unfounded.

Sorry but looking at that link I’m not entirely sure it’s accurate. It’s vitamin K that helps to metabolise calcium. Vitamin F is linoleic acid or omega 6. I’m not aware of any effect on calcium absorption. I didn’t realise the link was inaccurate. Omega 6 helps in heart health and yes it does boost immunity. But if you take cod liver oil it usually contains omega 3 and 6. It’s more of an issue for vegetarians (maybe).

In terms of calcium absorption vit K is important. Vit K ensures that the calcium you absorb gets to the right places in your body. Without Vit K taking a Vit D supplement can cause calcium deposits to accumulate in blood vessels and other areas where you do not want calcium. So if you are taking a strong Vit D supplement you should have one that includes Vit K. There used to be a really good Seven seas supplement that had the best mix of D, K and essential fatty acids but they withdrew it.

I think if you just take cod liver oil it’s ok, it’s people who take the high dose Vit D because of deficiency who should be careful.

NB vit K can affect some blood thinners so if you are on blood thinners you should be careful and check whether vit K is adverse.

My own opinion is that it may be better to just have a healthy balanced diet rather than take fat soluble supplements which may do more harm than good if you take too much.

doesn’t he think any journalist who disagrees with him is fake news?

I’m not buying the idea that this was sarcasm or humour. He doesn’t have a sense of humour that much is clear. I think it’s muddled thinking.

Spot on.

You are right in a sense.

You get Vit F from certain foods such as Walnuts and other seed foods which bolsters your immune system along with Vit D

Vitamin F is actually a blend of fatty acids, the majority of which is linoleic acid or omega-6. 1 Omega-6 is an important source of energy, as well as playing a role in numerous tasks from brain function and immune response, to skin and hair health. 2

Locally, after the single largest day’s jump in new cases, the county has mandated that all citizens must wear face masks of some sort whenever they are in public. About time .

Things can quickly go astray with Covid19. To show how quickly things can go wrong this article is worth reading under the heading:

Explosion of coronavirus cases in Tasmania’s north-west should serve as warning, experts say

Little more than a month ago, Tasmania appeared to be doing everything right.

Claiming the “toughest border measures in the country”, Premier Peter Gutwein declared mandatory quarantine for all travellers into the state.

“Fortress Tasmania” was the idea, and visitors were told “don’t come”.

The island state was on board with restrictions taken up nationally — gyms closed, restaurants and bars became takeaway-only, and gatherings got smaller and smaller.

But on the day the two-person gathering rule was adopted, Tasmania’s nightmare quietly began.

A Ruby Princess cruise ship passenger, a woman in her 80s, died from coronavirus at the North West Regional Hospital in Burnie.

At the time, Tasmania had only recorded 69 cases of coronavirus.

That number has now blown out to more than 200, with almost every case in the state since then recorded in the north-west.

The vast majority have been staff and patients from the NWRH and the NWPH.

While it is believed the outbreak began with the Ruby Princess cruise ship passenger, investigations into the primary source of infection, and how it spread so quickly, are ongoing.

Global Cases 2,831,513
Global Deaths 197,297
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,692
Deaths 80
Critical 43
Cases per Million 262

Cases 143,464
Deaths 19,506
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,113

Cases 925,038
Deaths 52,185
Critical 15,097
Cases per Million 2,795

I was diagnosed with osteoporosis 16 years ago due to hyperparathyroidism and after surgery had to take high doses of calcium but I’ve never been told to take vitamin K.

Absorption of calcium into the bones is directed by the parathyroid glands. If they go wrong, calcium is excreted into the blood.

I had an extremely high level of calcium in my blood and after parathryoidectomy it took more than ten years to achieve a clear bone scan. Treatment was additional calcium and vitamin D.