No, Summer, I haven’t heard about that - it is worrying.
I’m amazed it’s not all over the papers Tabby…he said it was a worry.
Global Cases 3,064,894
Global Deaths 211,609
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,725
Deaths 84
Critical 43
Cases per Million 264
Cases 157,149
Deaths 21,092
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 2,315
Cases 1,010,507
Deaths 56,803
Critical 14,186
Cases per Million 3,053
Possibly of those fatalities more would have survived had a different and maybe more immediate approach been taken. When figures like it only took 51 days for the total number of deaths to reach 20,000 are seen something was wrong. The recent TV Panorama programme indicates what was wrong, allegedly due to lack of PPE supplies, worth a watch I reckon. How much of this fuelled the number of fatalities in such a short time I wonder?
How much of the original alleged shortages will now continue to add to the eventual total number of deaths due to the spread of the disease?
Yes, saw it and it is very worrying.
Hopefully it is a blip and not ongoing.
Hmmm … it seems and virus is adding complications to some other rare condition.
Coronavirus: London’s NHS Nightingale ‘treated 51 patients’
The NHS would not confirm the figures, though the BBC believes 13 people have died at the hospital.
An NHS Nightingale spokesperson said it would be a “mark of success” if the hospital “continues not to operate at full capacity”.
“That will mean that the rest of the NHS has managed well and because the public have helped slow the spread of the virus, meaning fewer people needing care and ultimately few fewer people losing their lives,” they added.
The NHS confirmed that on 24 April there were 26 patients at NHS Nightingale, with plans to take about 250 more in the coming weeks.[/I]
I was wondering how these nightingale hospitals were getting on
So it seems they have hardly been used at all so far, just as well l
Perhaps they can now use them to relieve pressure on the conventional aNHS hospitals by transferring patients to them?
Maybe this would be too difficult fot the administration to arrange?
We simply do not have enough Doctors and Nurses to staff them.
Come on, you can’t say that unless you are in denial, surely the figures for Germany shows that “playing it differently” would have saved lives. I am not criticising but that is a fact.
This crisis has a long way to go yet. Quoting flu or “normal” winter deaths serves absolutely no purpose because these deaths are in addition.
Aged Care Deaths
Once this virus gets into an aged care centre the toll is horrifying.
Four more residents have died at an aged care facility in western Sydney after becoming infected with coronavirus, bringing the total number of fatalities at the centre to 11.
A worrying link in Children
The discovery of a potential link between an inflammatory condition in children and coronavirus has important implications for developing an effective vaccine, Australian scientists say.
British health authorities reported as many as 12 children, some of whom tested positive to COVID-19, were seriously ill in hospital with severe inflammation in the body.
It prompted Britain’s National Health Service to issue an alert warning that the condition could be related to COVID-19 in children, or that there “may be another as-yet-unidentified infectious pathogen associated with these cases”.
The children had symptoms similar to toxic shock syndrome and a condition known as Kawasaki disease, where kids experience abdominal pain, gastrointestinal symptoms and cardiac inflammation.
My Guardian link above says …
Most of the children affected have Kawasaki disease, a rare vascular condition that is the main cause of acquired heart disease in under-18s in the UK. There are estimated to be 4.5 cases for every 100,000 children under the age of 18 in the UK. “These cases happen when someone with Kawasaki disease gets Covid-19 and that produces complications,” said one NHS source.
… so only worrying for children that already have this Kawasaki disease, mostly?
I watched that as well Summer, it’s very worrying for parents of young children.
This link was posted an hour ago…
Thanks for the link
Had heard about this on talk radio (LBC) which made no sense stating the virus had changed to kill young children as well.
No I’m not in denial Bruce I’m quite well aware how serious this outbreak is, and the speed and ferocity that this virus has demonstrated.
However, Death is Death no matter how you cut it, and I was quoting figures for last year that people were probably not aware of because it didn’t get the publicity that coronavirus has.
There were years when the the winter death toll reached almost one hundred thousand, but people probably didn’t know about that either.
You cannot compare figures for the UK against Germany when you don’t have all the facts. There could have been a hundred reasons why Germany have fared better than any other country. Did they close the airports? Were as many people allowed unchecked into the country? I’m not saying the UK wasn’t slow to respond, but with some of the busiest airports in the world, second only to the United States, the gamble was taken not to cripple the economy for as long as possible, and it was never thought that it would turn out to be as serious as it has.
Had Boris closed the country down and it had fizzled out, what kind of stick would he have received then? It was a gamble, and unfortunately the gamble didn’t pay off. It’s easy to see what should have been done after the event…And I’m not saying we are done with it yet as you implied in an earlier post. I meant, after the virus has been brought to these shores…
Had Boris closed the country down early on, he would be hailed as a hero now!
Herd immunity? = Don’t Overwelm the NHS after so many years of being underfunded and understaffed.
Nightingale Hospitals - Great PR!!! Fully equipped for patients? NO! Insufficient equipment, insufficient staff and no PPE for staff. Result = only a few beds available for patients!
So the public should NOT wear masks when 30 countries around the world are insisting on them? Total rubbish! DO NOT BUY MASKS - because they need the NHS to have first choice on those masks and they’ve totally failed to source them elsewhere - something forward thinking countries did before their country had even 50 deaths…not the thousands the UK government had!
I fail to believe a word this government says!! It’s all a PR stunt to cover up the tragedy that’s resulted from so very many years of selling off bits of the NHS here, and bits of it there.
Locations must be chosen as test centres to reduce lockdown restrictions…see what happens…before easing restrictions on densely populated areas.
One of those areas is the Isle of Wight.
It is estimated our peak for Covid-19 will be about two weeks AFTER London (as it would be for sparsely populated areas & islands in particular)…BUT the Government still want test centres. Our delightful career MP - the lesser spotted Bob Seely - as he’s known on the island (for obvious reasons), is attempting to tell us idiot islanders what a 'triffick idea this will be FOR the island!!
I have no idea what other “test centres” have been proposed…probably by other MP’s with a career-path to forge…but I can’t imagine they’re too happy with the “do and die” proposal either!!!
A bit of good news.
Medical researchers at University of Oxford have come up with a possible vaccine. Working with an animal test site in Montana, USA, they have reported the following.
6 macaque monkeys were injected with the test vaccine. They were then put in a large glass enclosed “cage” with 6 other macaques who had NOT been vaccinated. The researchers then sprayed the virus into the cage.
All of the non-vaccinated monkeys came down with a severe illness. However, none of the monkeys who had been vaccinated had any ill effects.
Because medical ethics demands that researchers move through numerous stages, to insure the safety of the public, don’t expect a vaccine for humans too soon. However, this appears to be an excellent start.
(if I was more adept at posting very, very long web addresses, I’d have posted it. Perhaps others can do so ?)
I guess that must be Oxford USA?
Will the first vaccine to be produced be free to the world?
You have asked the most important question there Lindy?
If the vacine is produced by an american pharma producer it will be
unaffordable to 70% of the worlds population and so be
as good as useless if HIV is anything to go by?
On the IOW becoming a vaccine test site, surely that would be a
human rights issue without the participants consent??
I think you can rest easy!
This might be the link, couldn’t check it out further as I use an ad blocker which prevents me reading the information on that website: