
the Italians were trialing this last month. Good news if it works.

I think that 40k is a worst case scenario over a long period. The trouble with this is that people are reinfected.

Global Cases 2,250,790
Global Deaths 154,266
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,560
Deaths 67
Critical 57
Cases per Million 257

Cases 108,692
Deaths 14,576
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 1,601

Cases 710,021
Deaths 37,158
Critical 13,509
Cases per Million 2,145

Before having a vaccination take a look at this:

go to Eligibility:
"you can get a payment if you’re severely disabled and this was caused by the vaccination against any of the following diseases:
…influenza, except for influenza caused by a pandemic influenza virus

It’s not something that will apply to me Lindy, because I won’t be having no vaccination…Sometimes the solution is worse than the problem…:wink:

I agree, Foxy!

Australia has had another day with less than 50 new cases even with much increased testing which is good news but 3 more deaths. The current lockdown will continue for at least another month we are told from the Federal Government.

We are seeing terrible reports in the news from the UK where there is a shortage of PPE and bad news from Singapore with a spike in cases as they tried to relax restrictions.

Can’t find any information about how Germany is so successful in reducing the death toll there, it is dramatically less than any other European country (as a percentage of total cases). Anybody know how they are so successful?

The World Health Organisation is not sure whether the presence of antibodies in blood gives full protection against reinfection with the new coronavirus, the group’s top emergencies expert Mike Ryan has said.

Not much good news about.

Death is definitely a permanent solution.

This is what Germany’s health minister has to say. Extensive testing (apparently Germany developed the first test), an efficient and established lab network. Prioritisation of patients with GPs taking responsibility for treating in the community. So very early intervention by GPs before people were really sick. Large amount intensive care equipment & ventilators in place. A good healthcare system which has been invested in over the years. Social distancing. So basically he is saying good preparation and planning for what seems years in advance.

Thanks for that, their success stood out like dog’s balls in the stats but no one had commented on it.

Seems like they were born to be better Annie?
Even their propoganda is better!!


Well they did invent propaganda so they must be good at it by now.

The clue seems to be the early intervention by primary care. Something other countries haven’t done. It’s not clear what GPs are doing though to stop people getting worse. Perhaps they have oxygen in the community or therapeutic measures to stop people getting the more severe symptoms. It would be good if they could share that.

It’s all down to good and efficient organisation.

We used be good at organisation too… once.

Death is not guaranteed from catching the virus Bruce…:cool:

It’s very difficult to explain without knowing all of the facts Bruce.
I think the majority of PPE is manufactured and produced in Germany, and with all of Europe requiring it at the same time, not to mention Germany’s own needs, there is bound to be a shortage.

Have they grounded all of their flights?
Have they closed their borders?
We just don’t hear much about their solutions on the news, only the dramatic stuff from Italy and Spain.

I don’t deny that the Germans invented the word organisation and I have always admired them, but without more to go on, apart from the early reaction I just don’t know what the answer is Bruce…:017: Perhaps they really are the master race…

Well they didnt share their ventilators with italy and spain did
they, they flew the patients to germany??
I would agree on the early intervention policy though, but dont
forget the government are working to scientific advice arent they?
It does seem we were left out of the loop at the beginning though?
Maybe we had more people abroad when the virus struck than
most other countries,mwho knows?
But it does seem that the more capitalistic the country , the more
infections were incurred??
What do you think Annie?


Another thing that could make a difference to the comparison
between the german v uk death ratio, (we have discussed this
earlier somewhere). is the fact that uk new infections are only
counted on admittance to hospital and so there is an unknown
number ot infections that have taken place and have recovered
without ever heing reported or included in the offical figures??
Imo this skews the uk figures, and it should not have been?
I personally know of nieghbours around me that have suffered
symptons of corona that have recovered without any interventions
by the NHS??
These people will never know if they had corona or not as they were
never tested???

All my PPE - surgical masks, surgical gloves, and perspex face shield are British Made, Foxy!:-D:-D Would I trust anywhere else??

I think it makes more sense to fly patients to the hospitals rather than transfer equipment out. Because the hospitals appear to be very well equipped and it’s not just ventilators that lead to success but everything else they have access to such as PPE and medicine.

In the UK we have had a fragmented system after years of restructuring and constant reconfiguration. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. It’s like a patchwork quilt.

I have read that if you look at deaths per 100k of population, Germany’s are far lower.