
Or Diane Abbott.

Good Lord ,soaking food in plastic in diluted bleach ? ! Firstly where have you heard we need to do that and secondly where have you managed to buy thin bleach ?
Surely handwashing after wearing thck rubber gloves is taking things too far ?
Confidence is gained by weighing up the chances of you picking up something from paper and cardboard when there have been no reports of postwomen and men being at risk .
Lots of fast food deliveries will be in cardboard? Yet pubs willing to do deliveries of meals and outlets are allowed to ?

Hi Zuleika, I use normal bleach in water. I’d never heard of thin bleach until this thread. But it’s just some drops of the stuff you buy from the supermarket like domestos.

I’m doing this because of advice I have had from a friend who has a daughter with a serious health condition.

I think everyone should do what they feel comfortable with. I’d personally prefer not to take any chances. It’s well known that this is spread by touching surfaces someone infected has been in contact with. The virus remains alive for days on some surfaces for days particularly plastic and metal. It’s a sticky consistency which is why you have to wash your hands so thoroughly.

For fruit and veg I rinse it in normal water. I wash my hands all the time anyway. Doesn’t do any harm.

I agree. We do need to take care and behave sensibly, but some of these activities are certainly overkill.

Rinsing in water does not kill the virus.
Washing with soap does, if done thoroughly. I believe the same suggestion for hand washing: 20 seconds minimum.

most things … fruit & veg, cans & packets, letters that come through the door, small change … I just leave on the floor or somewhere out the way for a couple of days before doing anything with them.

Some scientist may have kept the virus alive on a piece of plastic or whatever for more than a couple of days, but in the real world … ?

I know but they advise you to rinse fruit and veg rather than using detergent. The advice I am following has been issued by the experts. In terms of over washing my hands that’s just my paranoia but I’d rather feel safe. I predict a whole new era of OCD hygiene disorders! I used to always wash my hands after coming home from commuting and after touching pets. So this is just a step up from normal, but it’s a real pain in the neck with the guidance telling you to be careful with deliveries and in particular plastics. They just took another neighbour away in an ambulance. So that doesn’t really fill you with confidence.

By the way I have changed my mind about this virus over time. I now realise it’s far more important to decontaminate than was at first evident.

In Italy one professor even said that people should be careful about bringing the virus into their house on their shoes. You will see in other countries that they spray public spaces with disinfectant. I think we should take their example. This is a nasty and resilient bug that is sticky and alive for longer than any normal virus. I also think we should all be wearing masks. Masks prevent anyone with the virus from spreading it (at least the risk of spreading goes right down to a small percentage). Still unsure why they are so against masks here. Other countries do not agree.

Personal choice, I suppose, but we wash our hands with soap and continue washing any fruit and veg. with it at the same time. Not difficult.

Ah, we already have that covered, ever since we got some new carpets.

When I’ve been out, I’m under orders to remove my shoes and leave them in the porch, then put on my slippers.

Wives always know best. Ask any husband!

We already know that as well as being a superb artist, Marge is very sensible. This just proves it once again!

Abso-bloody-lutely. 100% correct.

Finally down in Black & White . Well done chaps for admitting that .

Stage whisper: I know which side my bread’s buttered! :023:

Another thing to remember, fellow husbands, is that women all stick together!

Was reported to day that the death toll will be over 40 thousand in the UK

Tend to think and hope im wrong it will be a lot more than that

Excellent news

A drug originally designed to combat ebola, remdesivir, has been used on critically ill C-19 patients and the results have been most encouraging . After 6 days on the IV drug, critically ill patients have left the hospital.

Soon a major experimental test will begin at 152 hospitals around the world. Apparently, doctors must run the tests against a control group, who DO NOT receive remdesivir before they can say with certainty that it is THE answer.

After months of nothing but bad news, it is great to hear that something is FINALLY working. :smiley:

Light at the end of the tunnel, Bakerman!

I sure hope so. I should point out that dozens and dozens of other drugs are also being experimented with. Remdesivir may not be a vaccine, but it is saving lives.

That’s good to know!