
Latest News from the Antipodes:

Alleged robber charged with breaching social distancing rules

A central Queensland man has been charged with breaching social distancing restrictions during an alleged armed robbery.

A 23-year-old man and a 14-year-old boy allegedly approached a man at a north Rockhampton intersection about 2am this morning.

Mayor spotted having a social beer on street cops $1652 fine

The mayor of the Victorian city of Warrnambool has been slapped with a $1652 fine and says he is “genuinely sorry” for breaching social distancing laws after he was photographed drinking a beer on the street with three men.

Charges over ‘gathering’ in Tasmania, as hospital at centre of coronavirus outbreak on track for ED opening

Seven people face charges related to alleged breaches of coronavirus self-isolation directions after police raided a gathering in Winnaleah in Tasmania’s north-east.

Global Cases 2,083,432
Global Deaths 134,619
Mortality Rate 6.5%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,462
Deaths 63
Critical 76
Cases per Million 253

Cases 98,476
Deaths 12,868
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 1,451

Cases 644,089
Deaths 28,529
Critical 13,487
Cases per Million 1,946

This is a graph of daily new Covid19 cases in Australia together with the major actions taken to stop its spread.

Not sure I agree with this but it does make a point about people who are banned from working and losing their jobs.

Yes you did OGF! I dont know about Brucy sometimes myself?
So l thought lr try to back you up as your post was spot on about
the comparison between oz and uk!!!


You are the ‘Wind Beneath my Wings’ Tabby…:hug:

You have also provided me with some ‘Updraft’ Donkeyman; Perhaps it doesn’t sound as good as ‘Wind Beneath my Wings’ but thank you also…:023:

I think that ‘wind beneath your wings’ is far preferable to wind beneath your buttocks.

They were ridiculous comparisons totally ignoring the fact that over half the Australian population lives in just 5 cites with over one third of the total population living in just two cities. Australia is one of the most urbanised nations on the planet so waffling on about deserts and vast open spaces makes no sense in the context of Covid19 whatsoever.

I don’t respond to ill informed rubbish.

You havent answered the question of where uk can put the
144,000 at a conservative estimate arrivals at just heathrow every
24hrs Brucy? Maybe because there is no answer to it!
But as we concur that the solution to the problem is to freeze all
air travel as soon as an epidemic arises lsee no point in arguing
any further just for the sake of arguing??

Edit the passenger numbers should be about 288000 arrivals!


I try to keep abreast of the ways that C-19 is transmitted but there is one thing I have not been able to determine.

We all know that droplets of C-19 are a major way that it is passed from one to another , but what about aerosol ? Like an invisible fog that hangs in the air ? Let’s say for example, an infected person walks through a grocery store, he/she breathes in and out leaving an aerosol hanging in the air. I come along 3 minutes later and I breathe in that “invisible fog” of C-19. How likely is it that I now have C-19 ?

They have said that it’s not transmitted via aerosol but via droplets. Although I am not convinced. I read a study a few weeks ago about how people sitting in close proximity over a meeting table for a period of two hours managed to transfer the virus just because of proximity and breathing. Not sure of the study but it was a scientific publication. It may have been based in South Korea or Singapore. Can’t remember precisely but it did make me alarmed about proximity and people breathing near me.


I hope this helps.

As for contact time.

Active Covid 19 has been found on hard surfaces after 17 days.

It is a persistant virus.

Hence the need for regular hand washing and cleaning of surfaces.

Tea towels are doing my colleagues head in.

Let things air dry and use bleach for anything you use again.

Not just a quick rinse, but soak them.

Contact time is important, a quick wipe is no use at all.

I am learning how to spell epidemiologist too…

Nearly got it.


Epidemiology is statistics.

Therein lies the problem.

There is a huge time lag between scientific knowledge and the statistics.

Those making the decisions are theoreticians, not the hands on Frontline staff.

Sage advise the Government, but they wait and see, then the Politicians take their time.

Things are very different in other Countries who are far more efficient in dealing with the problem.

Very slightly earlier figures today as I have a flu jab at the time I usually post this. Doubt they will change that much.

Global Cases 2,182,823
Global Deaths 145,551
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,468
Deaths 63
Critical 66
Cases per Million 254

Cases 103,093
Deaths 13,729
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 1,519

Cases 678,144
Deaths 34,641
Critical 13,369
Cases per Million 2,049

Germany seems to have done remarkably well at saving lives compared to the rest of Europe.

Cases 137,698
Deaths 4,052

I wonder why they have been so successful? What can we learn from them?

I think it must be one of the non peer reviewed studies that I found. Can’t seem to find it now and WHO have changed the design of their site.

I’m taking no chances. Any foods in plastics are soaked in diluted bleach for at least half an hour. With hand washing after touching anything even after it’s been left all week. Anything that comes through the door is handled with thick rubber gloves and left in the front room to decontaminate. Followed by handwashing despite the gloves. The front door handles etc are regularly sprayed.

They have said paper is fairly safe after 24 hours but I still won’t touch it with confidence. Cardboard is meant to be the safest only a few hours 24 at most. However, there is a lot of conflicting information out there. I’d be interested what surface retained for 17 days! It seems both metal and plastics are bad.

China has just revised its death figures upwards by 50%?
They must be using the abacus for their stats?


Does anyone know what happened to Diane Abbott…?

Self isolation in Siberia?

Haha, I thought she was helping the Chinese to compile their coronavirus figures Tabby…:smiley: