
Global Cases 1,999,822
Global Deaths 126,741
Mortality Rate 6.5%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,440
Deaths 63
Critical 78
Cases per Million 253

Cases 93,873
Deaths 12,107
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 1,383

Cases 614,211
Deaths 26,064
Critical 13,473
Cases per Million 1,856

Sorry Assman, do you think these are normal times? Don’t you read the newspapers or watch the news? There is a pandemic about.

Quarantine measures are only happening because this is not normal times. There are no refugee camps, the only people arriving in Australia are returning residents because the federal government cancelled ALL visas and shut the borders.

These returnees are being put in hotels and made to stay there for 14 days. The hotels are happy because they have no business because the usual 8.5 million tourists can’t enter the country.

Come on, wake up to what’s happening around you, people are dying.

A Perth man has become the first person in Australia to be jailed for breaching emergency coronavirus laws after he repeatedly snuck out of his hotel room while he was supposed to be in quarantine

Jonathan David has been in custody since he was arrested more than a week ago and charged with breaching emergency management laws that were introduced to try to stop the spread of coronavirus.

The 35-year-old had flown to Perth from Victoria on March 28 and was provided with a room at a city hotel, where he was required to remain in quarantine for 14 days.

He will spend a month in gaol

Australia’s economy is expected to shrink dramatically this year as the global economy suffers its worst recession since the Great Depression.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned Australia’s economy would likely be one of the worst-hit economies in the Asian region as the global community struggles to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

The IMF’s latest forecasts, contained in its updated World Economic Outlook, paint a dire picture for growth and unemployment in 2020.

Its central scenario was that Australia’s economy would shrink by 6.7 per cent this year, while unemployment would average 7.6 per cent

It forecast economic contractions in the United States (–5.9 per cent), Japan (–5.2 per cent), the United Kingdom (–6.5 per cent), Germany (–7.0 per cent), France (–7.2 per cent), Italy (–9.1 per cent), and Spain (–8.0 per cent).

But it assumed the pandemic would fade over the second half of 2020 and containment efforts will be gradually unwound, allowing the global economy to partially bounce back in 2021, to grow by 5.8 per cent.

Yes, we should listen to the IMF Bruce because they got it completely right about the damage to the UK economy during the Brexit fiasco didn’t they…:009:

They know ‘Bugger all!’
Didn’t some of the backward civilizations resort to soothsaying and Runestones to forecast the future?

Hi we have not left yet, we are still in Transition, absolutely no effect on our Economy as we are still part of the Single Market.

We leave the Single Market at the end of the year, then and only then will we start to see the effects.

Leaving the EU was not about money for me, it is about not being bossed about.

I can vote Conservative or Labour out, I cannot vote Brussels out.

You seem to have missed the gist of my post Brucy?
Which was about the difference in numbers between Ozzy and UK!
How many flights come into oz on a normal day as compared to
how many come into uk?
Also , oz cosists of about 2000,000 sq miles of uninhabited desert
surrounded by about 900,000 sq miles of coastal heaven, therefore
You have about 2,000,000 sq mls of isolation space?
As you may know uk is an overcrowded wet and damp tiny island
where on one airfield alone a large airliner takes off every minute of
the day? So use your maths and do your sums?
The two countries cannot be compared, and as l stated earlier, to
contain these volumes of people would be impossible in not only
uk but many other counries too!


UK has projected uk economy could shrink by 35% this year Brucy!
So a big discrepancy with the IMFs figures?
I wonder who is right?


I can’t see the EU going back to what it was after this. Schengen will be trashed as will any mass migration. We will be reliant on working together to rebuild economies. Covid draws a new baseline.

Thank gawd for that Assman. I thought you were like the girl reported in the newspaper who looked up from her phone only to discover that the country had been in lockdown for three weeks.

BTW if you ban entry into the country and close the borders you would have zero flights the same as Australia. Get the idea?

An emergency room doctor, in Seattle, had contracted C-19.
He quickly became critically ill and had to be put in a drug induced coma, and intubated and placed on a machine that would breathe for him. Doctors who were caring for him, gave him less than 24 hours to live. Tests revealed that his “inflammation count” numbers were off the charts.

As a last ditch effort to save his life, doctors administered IV rheumatoid arthritis drugs because it looked like the inflammation was what was actually killing him.

The result was nothing short of a miracle. Within a few hours the inflammation had dropped dramatically. Soon afterward, he was removed from the breathing machine and a day later he “woke up”. It took another 2 days for him to become aware of where he was.

Today the E.R. Dr. is at home being cared for by his wife. :smiley:

Thanks bakerman for sharing that bit of good news for one family .

Yes l agree Brucy, as you would see if youd read my previous posts
in this thread properly?
But we have people like sir dick bransonn over here holding out
their begging bowls and bending politicians ears to keep their
syphons in the swill??
Plus the boss has been in isolation for a couple of weeks and things
have got a bit lax!
Hopefully things will get more direct once he returns?


I am quite well aware that we have not technically left the EU yet Swim, but I believe the IMF and the Bank of England knob (as Was); Mark Carney, forecast that just the rumour that (dare I say it) we are going to leave the EU would be enough to cause the sky to fall and the average Brit would have to go begging, ‘cap in hand’ on hands and knees and beg the EU to take us back…So far both of them were wrong…In fact, they weren’t just wrong, they were a million miles away from the mark…Our economy and employment actually increased!

I actually posted all this, and then some, just 24 hours ago. Either Brucy has got me on ignore or didn’t think my post was worthy of reply…:frowning:

It was on topic bakerman, I was commenting on the validity of the IMF’s ability to forecast the future of a post Coronavirus Britain.


It is becoming clearer exactly who our enemies are.

You have mentioned the IMF and the previous Bank of England leader.

Other obvious enemies are all our remoaners, both in the general population and those in Parliament, including the now-disgraced Bercow. Both categories remain in a distinct minority, thankfully.

Other suspected enemies, I would suggest, are many owners of big businesses who would personally benefit from our remaining in the EU.

I wonder who the unknowns are, those who live among us.

BRIXIT? A thread about ‘bricking it’?

I think a lot of people are ‘bricking it’ about Covid-19.

Impossible, Foxy, who could ignore such an erudite poster who is always worth a response?:-D:-D

I’ve been told that the anti malaria drugs have also been used for RA. e.g. Hydroxychloroquine | Side-effects, uses, time to work

it’s interesting because these are drugs to treat auto immune conditions. So presumably it’s about suppressing the immune system.