
Thanks galty. The map was out of date when posted earlier today but I see it has now been updated, to include today’s new cases.

The government knew of this virus and it,s potential months before it hit this country yet made no preparations. A few months ago we had torrential rain which caused wide spread flooding making farm land unproductive and making thousands of people homeless. They knew the likelihood of this yet did nothing till it occured.
Should not lessons be learnt from this?

Priorities for Government planning were focused entirely in a different direction. The NHS was in crisis months before this hit, constant chaos with consultants retiring due to tax changes and GPs retiring due to the immense pressure they were under, the lack of nurses is known. It’s pretty amazing how it has come together and responded. I think given the recent history and disruption they have done really well. Writing off the NHS debt has also helped.


Pritti Patel is in charge, her Key Worker scheme excluded many healthcare staff and imposed charges on them for using the NHS.

I"ll second that Bakerman

They update the UK figures in the afternoon as said on your link.

The link below I found about a month ago when the cases in Havering was 2 one death and my daughters in Islington was 1.

Many more in Kensington and Chelsea at the time top of the list

You have obviously never flown into Australia, The quarantine service is our biosecurity front line, nothing to do with the pandemic though obviously it does at the moment. It is to keep exotic diseases and organic matter such as foot and mouth, rabies, BSE, fire blight, pests etc out of Australia.

I’ll repeat, International terminals are not used for anything at the moment because are borders are shut, the only people arriving are Australian citizens, the terminals have all the facilities for dealing with this pandemic. I think it is true of all Australian international airports that the domestic terminals are physically separated from International terminals

Global Cases 1,925,190
Global Deaths 119,701
Mortality Rate 6%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6,394
Deaths 61
Critical 79
Cases per Million 251

Cases 88,621
Deaths 11,329
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 1,305

Cases 587,155
Deaths 23,644
Critical 12,772
Cases per Million 1,774

I visited New Zealand in 1973, returning in 1974 and have visited Canada fairly frequently since 1977 - the aircraft was sprayed prior to disembarkation. The same happened when visiting China last year and all four of the airports and four bullet train stations had temperature scanning facilities. In February I went to Thailand - no health screening there and returned to the UK (Heathrow) in late February and disembarkation was delayed at Heathrow…we were expecting to be met by a health screening team…but instead heard an announcement that we should call 111 if we feel ill!!! Very pleased not to be delayed but incredibly lax!!!

That is precisely what I’ve been talking about. In the future, when the next virus begins, if all returning citizens were diverted to military airfields, and held there for whatever time is deemed necessary, we would be able to stop the virus dead in it’s tracks.

To blindly trust people to “shelter in place” is extremely foolish. Certainly a percentage of people can be trusted to do the right thing, but if this crisis has taught us anything, it is that many will ignore the warnings and do what they please. By using military bases, we would be able to guarantee that 100% of people are free of a virus BEFORE they are released to go into the general population.

:023: :023:

Ideally yes, but practically it’s difficult to administer!

yes, difficult to administer but that is much better than 10’s of thousands of dead.

No, it is not that difficult, all arrivals from overseas are transported by the military and/or police to a hotel where they stay for 14 days. The hotel is guarded by the military, it happens and it works.

I say “it works”, it appears to work so far but only time will tell.

Just ground ALL flights, nothing comes in and nothing goes out except container ships. What can possibly be more important than stopping this virus in it’s tracks and preventing the continuous spread.

Probably work on a small scale Brucy!
But if you try it at an airport like heathrow in normal times, then
you would create the largest refugee camp on the planet every
week you did it??
Imo we need to freeze all flights as soon as it is apparrent that an
epidemic is about to break out?
The unfortunate travellers must just stay put untill things start to


I don’t often disagree with you, Donkeyman. Well actually, this time I only half disagree with you and half agree. Yes, I agree that at the 1st indication of a serious epidemic we should ban all non-residents of our nations. However, I feel we are obliged to take care of our own. Heaven forbid that we could be trapped in a 2nd or 3rd rate nation and left to die. Thus, I say bring home our own and then quarter them in a safe, yet secure, location where they (we) can be cared for.

This just in.

A bishop who ignored the warnings about mass gathering and who held full services has said that “God is greater than the coronavirus. God will protect true believers”

He died late last night from C-19.

Sometimes, even stupid people have something to teach us.

We are continually being told to offer prayers more than ever. Tell me, have any of you known a prayer cure anything?
The Pope, head of the wealthiest religious state in the world asking us all to contribute funds to help those in need. How much will The Vatican contribute.
Probably the same as they usually do. Nothing.
