
Planes full of passengers landing at Heathrow and Gatwick. No health checks carried out, just a leaflet advising them what they should do. This virus is probably being brought in on every plane that lands. This pandemic will get worse unless this government gets tough and do the right things like banning all incoming flights carrying passengers from abroad. Unless they tighten up on their advisory rules and made them law then we will be stuck with this virus for a very long time.

I wonder how much PPE we could have stockpiled against the cost of HS2? Or Crossrail? or even 5G, basically a sysem so more people can control their homes remotely. The irony is; we’ve all got to stay at home now for the unforseen…

Good post Ben; ALL airports should be closed until further notice. And have you noticed where most casualties are located? Mostly around international airports, London, Birmingham etc.

Yes BB! Ihave mentioned this on the forum earlier with little responce?
Where are these passengers dispersing to, as you say they dont seem
to be subject to any controls or proceedures to cut down risks!
Apparently they are returning from India and USA, particularly
New York???
If they were working ou there and got caught up by the so called
lockdown, then as long as they do the neccassary isolation period
I have no problem, but if they are just tourists then l think they should
be left out there or have to pay their own fares home?
I n all cases they should be compelled to be isolated for the required
period, or as you say this virus will go on forever?
Further l would point out that if they are tourists then they probably
went abroad knowing that an epidemic was coming but ignored the
advice given at that time??


According to today’s news over half of Australia’s covid19 patients have recovered (Total cases in Aus: 6,360 with 3,496 recovered). It was suggested by one model that we could have zero new cases by the middle of June if the current trend continues, they claim this is because we went hard early.

The number of ICU beds is being increased from 2300 to 7000 and sufficient nurses are being retrained so each bed has a full time nurse 24 hours of the day and hopefully that the hospital system could cope with the worst case scenario. I don’t know how that ties with the previous para?

It was reported on this evening’s news that the situation in Britain goes from bad to worse with the country on the same trajectory as Italy and Spain and could end up as having the worst death toll in Europe.

This chart plots the deaths in different countries since the first, it was suggested as being more accurate an indicator than the number of cases because the testing regimes differ widely from country to country.

Pretty terrifying isn’t it?

Well spotted OGF!
I hadnt noticed that, but it certainly makes you think eh!
Perhaps its blowing in the wind as they say?

Yes, which is why our case numbers are climbing to those of Italy.
We just don’t seem able to get things right, and our own covidiots are only making matters worse.

At the 1st indication of a deadly plague, I would add that IF planes are landing from abroad, then they should never, ever land at a civilian airport but land at a military base where they can be treated well BUT locked down tightly. The health of a nation must take priority over individual freedoms. Perhaps that sounds harsh, but it is much better than having 10’s of thousands die.

If the “upper class” don’t like it, then too damn bad. In fact it may do those spoiled ones some good to experience what the rest of us experience.

Yes, we are good at waste, aren’t we?

Crossrail, I’m not sure about but I believe that the existing underground system is pretty inadequate especially in rush hours.

I’m not sure about 5G either, other than I don’t think I have any need for it. Is there any published evidence to demonstrate a definite need?

HS2, of course, is simply an egotistical power-trip on the part of our politicians. Most people would never use it and the few who could afford to couldn’t possibly pay back anything like the amount of money it has already cost, let alone the rest which it is predicted to cost. It simply isn’t needed.

All arrivals in this country have to be Australian citizens or residents (all visas were cancelled weeks ago), they are escorted to a hotel in the city where they arrive and are kept in the room for 14 days. Once released they can go home however that could mean a further isolation period if their home is interstate.

It is the only way, I totally disagree with using military airfields they don’t have rigorous customs, immigration and quarantine screening facilities and international terminals are doing nothing else because the borders are closed.

[I]Last February 10th just weeks before the s**t hit the fan Boris thought this was “Very interesting”

'The Irish Sea Bridge, sometimes called "The Celtic Crossing" by the media, is a proposed rail and road bridge that would span the Irish Sea and connect the island of Ireland to the island of Great Britain. ...
In February 2020, UK Government officials began scoping the possible route and type of crossing.'[/I]

I wonder whether that’s a poke in the eye for the EU.

After all their threats and demands, after we have completely left they won’t want to let us have anything they don’t want us to have.

They’ll have problems preventing trade from Ireland to Northern Ireland; too difficult to patrol such a long border. Once goods have got there, a road and rail bridge to Scotland would make further transport easier.

Of course, it would work equally well in the other direction too.

I disagree with your analysis. The PM or President, whatever the case may be, can quite easily order customs, immigration to the military airfields. As for quarantine facilities, military barracks can easily be taken over. Surely, any 1st world nation has ample numbers of military airfields.

Moreover, the military has ample supplies of “field hospitals” packed up and ready to go at a moments notice, which can be used for the critically ill.

Afraid you are wrong on Brexit. Everything has been neglected since the vote. No firm decisions could be made because of all the wishy washy politics. It’s also led to be big changes with overseas healthcare staff heading elsewhere. That’s a fact.

It’s not the only factor I’ve mentioned but you ignored the others. Major restructurings do not sit well with good planning and organisation. They are costly and highly disruptive. Experienced staff leave and it’s not something you can ignore.

Not gonna happen. There’s a trench at the bottom of the Irish Sea just where the proposed bridge would be built that was used to dump surplus ammunition and sealed containers of radioactive waste in times past. In any case, said trench is far too deep to put bridge supports in.

[SIZE=“2”] Please, can we at least make an attempt to stay on topic ? This has turned into a dumping ground for anything people feel like ranting about, from Brixit to bridges. In case you have forgotten, the topic is Chinese coronavirus.[/SIZE]

What he says.:023::023::023:

Searching to find out if the time of the televised daily coronavirus news item had changed as it is a Bank Holiday today, I found this news item on the link below. The map shown may admittedly not have been updated at the time of posting so may have been slightly out of date, I believe though now it has been updated and shows even more the stark reality of the figures we hear each day.

“UNITED KINGDOM has become the fifth country to record over 10,000 coronavirus deaths, joining USA, France, Spain and Italy.”

“And the government will stand before the media once again to provide the latest developments on COVID-19 in their bid to prevent as few more deaths as possible.”

Also shown on another link, within the same news item, is the very sad story of a 101-year-old World War II veteran who didn’t make it, he died just two weeks after apparently beating coronavirus and being discharged from hospital.

“A WORLD War II veteran aged 101 has died two weeks after leaving hospital where he had apparently recovered from coronavirus.”

“Alberto Bellucci was born was born in the middle of the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1919 and appeared to have won his latest battle against Covid-19.”

This is easily solved.

Healthcare staff, along with any other workers who we need and would be an asset to the country, should be welcomed to come and live in this country.

Why on earth do they not do this and, at the same time, encourage the continued arrival of illegal immigrants who only want what they can get for nothing or to disappear into the black economy?

I would expect the usual nonsense from Treason May and her mates, but I expected much better from Boris.

And 4K+ new cases today.