I think a lot of British companies tooled up to manufacture our own PPE Tabby. Even Burberry and Berghaus among others have been commissioned to make stuff…
Typical Emergency Management Planning for Pandemic! The Isle of Wight Council has this as part of their Emergency Plan (yet to be actioned! ), so every county will have one…a plan that is!! …So will central Government. I wonder if they specify keeping the NHS up to spec for the emergency plan to work???
It’s not making the PPE gowns but sourcing the right material that is the problem. The material was typically made in China but now everyone wants it and it’s in short supply. I heard we are getting a big delivery of PPE from Turkey tomorrow. You can only imagine the pleading phone calls that must be going on behind the scenes.
Burberry and Berghaus have unlimited reams of material Annie but its stuff they use to manufacture their own brands.
So we might not be as efficient and prepared as Germany, but we will certainly look the most stylish and best dressed…
My point was Annie that uk confirmed cases as published are much
too low as they are not recorded untill they end up in hospital?
This alters the death /cases ratiounfavourably?
Perhaps they were better prepared because they knew what was coming…
Or perhaps they were responsible and pinned it on the Chinese…Just saying…
They also don’t state the number of cases who are out of Hospital and have recovered.
Death rate is state in UK will be over 40K and I pray so and hope so but think it will be ten times that amount
How do you know it’s the right material? The problem is that a flu pandemic doesn’t require so much PPE. If the department of health had stockpiled too much they would have been blasted for wasting money, now they are being blasted for not spending enough. They can’t win. Nobody expected this and that’s across the whole planet as we are not the only ones with a PPE problem. Nobody had a crystal ball and all we are good at is blaming and complaining. Everyone already knew we were reliant on China for everything for decades.
Germany work in a different way to us. This is a country that managed to prepare for WWII under everyone’s noses post-1930s depression recycling and reusing everything available to make arms. It’s a different mentality. We have always been more laid back. But we have pulled together really well albeit a bit late.
Next you will be blaming 5G…Just saying …:shock:
They may find a vaccine. I read they are starting tests on a vaccine next week. But I do think the death toll here will be at least 40k. It’s clear that this won’t just be fixed overnight. the sad thing is that having the virus doesn’t seem to protect people as once thought. They see more than one strain out there. My view is that they should be doing more to find out exactly how it’s transmitted. How long it lives on a surface, etc. They should be making masks compulsory because it stops people spreading it. I honestly despair at some of the thinking here.
Everyone who has been the least informed, knew damn well that a plague was coming. No one knew exactly what was coming BUT we knew something was coming. It is inexcusable for any 1st world government to not have stockpiled PPE. We have been warned and warned, a thousand times been warned. Now we must pay the price.
It seems that Germany is the only country that paid attention.
There was an article here about complaints from the UK that the UK mortality figure is actually low because Covid19 deaths which occur outside hospital are not counted eg deaths in aged care facilities.
Don’t know how true that is or what difference it makes but it was reported.
Yes, I’ve read the same thing on numerous www sites. Maybe someone does not want to further panic the public ?
I read that putting people on respirators is the wrong treatment and a death sentence for many…oxygen therapy is the right treatment…I’m not a doctor so I’m not sure what the difference is but I know only 25% of patients survive being on a respirator…maybe we shouldn’t follow how the Chinese treated patients .
There were fears during SaRs and swine flu. Then health experts were bashed for fear mongering and overreacting when they didn’t turn out as bad for the west. So they didn’t want to call wolf. Unfortunately it was the wolf there.
Global Cases 2,340,539
Global Deaths 160,896
Mortality Rate 7%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)
Cases 6,586
Deaths 70
Critical 55
Cases per Million 258
Cases 114,217
Deaths 15,464
Critical 1,559
Cases per Million 1,682
Cases 738,923
Deaths 39,015
Critical 13,551
Cases per Million 2,232
I believe it depends on how well the patient can breathe unaided.
If they can, but are struggling, they are put on CPAP.
If they are unable to breathe on their own, a respirator.
Spot on Bakerman.
The figures here are being manipulated.
Hospital only deaths are much less than total deaths.
With all the reports of what happened originally when this coronavirus struck and now this extended lockdown, it’s not easy for the average person to find what is truth, what is not and what is perhaps being covered up.
I found this information today on Sky News and wondered what other’s thoughts are about the criticisms / comments being made?
“Government whistleblowers, scientists and emergency planners have alleged there was a complacency at the heart of government in late January and February when it should have been urgently replenishing stockpiles.”
There is a lot to come about this.
Now is not the time to do it.
Our efforts must be focused on getting it right, not on who got it wrong.
Plenty of time to sort out the mistakes afterwards.