
Yes, please!

Well, all I can say is that that would be to the undoubted benefit of this country.

Or perhaps they pay zero attention to the news ? :shock:

I had an email about those, they also cure myopia and prevent dystopia.

I suppose it depends on what “they” agreed at Davos this year.

Global Cases 1,780,356
Global Deaths 108,828
Mortality Rate 6%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6303
Deaths 57
Critical 80
Cases per Million 247

Cases 78991
Deaths 9875
Critical 1559
Cases per Million 1164

Cases 532879
Deaths 20577
Critical 11471
Cases per Million 1610


We have the same disparity with ethnic minorities here in the UkK.

There are reasons for this.

Firstly, elderly relatives are more likely to live with the family.

Secondly, a high proportion of them are key workers, in the NHS, Carers and Transport.

Thirdly there is evidence that some minority groups are genetically predisposed to having underlying conditions which make them more vulnerable.

You only need to look at the photos of the NHS Workers who have died to see this.


Some of them are complete prats.

Like the Labour MP who has been attending numerous funerals and not keeping to the rules.

The latter group I have no sympathy with at all.

Lindy Lou.
Your post re; pensioners is way below the belt. No-one can help getting old. Everyone wants to live long enough to be classed as a pensioner. Look back several years. many of us, I am in my nineties, risked our lives to keep this country free so that those growing up grew up into the world they wanted. And you say we are all a PITA. I hope you live to reach a grand old age and then hear your views on we oldies.
Remarks like this remind me of similar remarks once made by two gentlemen named Hitler and Stalin.

Youve got something there Ray! Of course we will never know as
Its all secret!!
The bulletins we get from there are only the public announcements!
The real decisions will never be released!!


Not forgetting of course what is agreed at another ‘secret’ meeting. It’s been cancelled this year but take a look at the subjects covered at the last meeting:

To see the ‘secret’ nature of the Meeting just click on “HOME” and read about how it’s all conducted! When you have read that click on the link in the last paragraph, (the word here). From there click on the heading “PARTICIPANTS” and see just how many names on that list with (GBR) after them you recognise, quite an eye-opener when it’s considered all that is discussed is totally secret and I do mean totally (remind yourself of that by reading the introductory blurb again). :wink:

This was discussed on the news last evening in relation to the number of Asian and immigrant medics who are dying. It was generally thought the reasons discussed were either something genetic or to do with socialising/religious habits/customs. Either way, the NHS will be under even more strain if this continues.

Big Ben: Look again at my post and tell me where I was personally recommending that pensioners be targeted!!! This is a discussion forum, in which theories, situations and facts are expounded and discussed - it’s not my problem if you are unable to cope with that. I am also a pensioner…and I now look forward to your apology!

Please accept my sincerest apologies but I misread the post. It was not you that posted what I thought a bit heartless but another poster (No names, no pack drill as the old army saying goes).
I am truly sorry.

A lot of NOD! NOD! WINK! WINK! Baz!
Sod all information?

Exactly, I very much doubt they all sit around discussing their favourite cooking recipes! :wink: :slight_smile:


Was it from Specsavers Ray?
They are always pestering me…:frowning:

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall Ray…:cool:

Money really does make the world go round Baz…:cool:

Russia seems to feature fairly regular on their ‘To Do’ list Baz…

Yes, that’s for sure. What a shame though that money doesn’t go round the world in a more equal and shared way, what a better place it might be for all of us! :wink: :slight_smile: