No deaths from flu and pneumonia recorded in the US and I think in this country.
Both in the past have being massive killers.
Very odd
No deaths from flu and pneumonia recorded in the US and I think in this country.
Both in the past have being massive killers.
Very odd
Yes that’s true Galty, hasn’t anyone died from the seasonal flu or some of the other diseases that do the rounds in winter?
Or are they lumping them all together this year. It would be interesting to see how many people died in the same period last year. Winter does seem to take quite a few every year.
It’s hard to believe that this virus has stopped the whole world in its tracks including world sports, travel and business. I think we need to have a serious look at the numbers of people travelling around the world and especially air travel.
The only way to eradicate this virus is to isolate each country, and in each country, each county or district. I believe that Australia is coping well because each state manages its own boundaries and can prevent people from coming and going, something we should be doing here considering most of the spread is radiating out from London.
We need someone to invent some 3D glasses to wear that will highlight anyone who is carrying the virus…
I don’t know where one would normally look for a record of flu and pneumonia deaths.
This was posted on our local community site, where there’s lots of complaints about joggers at the moment …
and here’s something are local council are forcing upon us this easter weekend.
I think either the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Or in the UK the Office of National Statistics (ONS)
I’m on my way there now d00d…
Found this d00d…looks like there were 50,000 excess winter deaths last year. But look at the deaths in the fifties, I’m lucky to be here…:surprised: Makes the total deaths (Almost 9,000) from the coronavirus look like a drop in the ocean…
Yes I can see why runners have been banned along the thames d00d, it’s a very popular running track. And with London having more people than space it would be best not to risk it.
Up Norf where I live, there is more open space than you can shake a stick at, and there are good places to run and walk all day without seeing another human being…Maybe the odd barge where you just get a wave from the captain as they pass by… Hello Sailor!
Can you swing a cat?
Not if you want to keep your fingers d00d…:surprised:
I agree. Isolate Londonistan. As I said before, we should build a great wall around it. Are you with us Trumpy?
Here in the U.S., black and Hispanic minorities are dying at a much higher rate than whites or Asians. Example: in cities with a black and Hispanic population of 29%, 70% of the deaths are black or Hispanic. Liberals are blaming this on racial inequities. However, I don’t think that is the reason.
From my own personal experience, I have seen with my own eyes that blacks and Hispanics are much less likely to be taking the slightest precautions.
Yesterday I crossed the border to go grocery shopping in the U.S. While in the grocery, I witnessed a number of people who had no masks and who were shopping in groups. Moreover, they were not attempting to maintain any social distance. Every single one of them was either black or Hispanic. On the other hand, every Asian and white was wearing a mask.
Why ? Either they don’t watch the news, OR they don’t comprehend what they see on the news OR they just don’t give a damn. Personally, I think it likely that it is a combination of: little, to no, news watching, AND they don’t give a damn, AND they are determined that no one is going to tell them what to do. Of course, hard-core drug use may also be a big factor.
Rather like drunk drivers, I don’t care if they kill themselves BUT when they endanger others, I get angry.
I like that analogy.
Here in the UK we have what’s called BAME people [Black Asian & Minority Ethnic], it could be an American term, I don’t know.
BAMEs are being lumped together, and questions are being asked: why is there a disproportionately high number of BAME CoronaVirus deaths?
I’d vote for that!
The UK Population is 0.87% of the World Population.
World deaths from the virus are 106,000.
We are not doing well, in fact we are appalling.
I have a horrible feeling this virus is yet to take hold of the third world.
It can’t be long now before the usual suspects are heard accusing the coronavirus of being racist.
Racist and Ageist. :shock:
we know their game.
Perhaps because they tend to be crowded together in ethnic areas/ghettos? This is not a condemnation BTW, just an observation. We have the same here in London with overcrowding.
As the US now has more fatalities from Covid-19 than Italy, I see that Trump has used the new Covid-19 restrictions to deport Mexicans and Hispanics from US southern borders. Perhaps we in the UK should close our borders and turf out illegals too?