
Wow, the adverts popping up on this forum have changed to ads about hats with full facial visors and antibacterial hand gel.

It appears that the UK has a long-term aim of inviting as many people into this country as we can.

God knows why.

Marge and I have just been out for a walk. I haven’t left the house for a couple of weeks and Marge thought I ought to go out for some exercise.
(The gentlemen on this site will know that one always does what one’s wife insists upon).

We walked for about a mile around our (suburban) village on the pretext of shopping for essentials - cat worming tablets, temporary tooth filling material, beer and, of course, some other consumables.

I was very encouraged to see everyone behaving sensibly, and the only young people we encountered were being accompanied by their parents.
We didn’t see any young yobs, but then again midday would have been a little early for them to get out of their stinking pits.

Do t you think they’re ones returning to the UK as Boris told them to do ?

No. They have a right to be here, just as long as they are isolated for the requisite period.

The ones I dislike and resent are the illegal immigrants who keep getting lifts from the Border Farce, and are then released along with all the hand-outs they could have dreamed of and, by all accounts, are not tested for Covid19.


Does anyone know what we are heading towards, officially or unofficially?

Some say the only way out is for us all to get the virus, we have to catch it but not all at once. Restrictions will be loosened/tightened depending on the number of hospital beds available. The majority will be lucky enough not to need a bed and ventilator.

What do you say?

I’d rather avoid it if at all possible.

My hope is that they will, eventually, come up with a cure.

I think that would be not only criminal but also cruel and downright evil. :twisted: It would guarantee that 15% of those over the age of 60, would die.

Sounds about right…

It would certainly be a boost for the economy if in future there are no pensioners around needing social care or claiming their pensions!!!

Makes you think doesn’t it .
Pensioners are a PITA for the country.
We cost it a lot and we are living too long .
Now it appears the government is shutting down the entire economy to save the old and the vulnerable because despite the headlines it’s mainly older people who are dying .
Something doesn’t ring true about everything .

That was the original thought to develop a herd immunity but that was quickly dropped when more was learned about the virus.

Oi! I’m a pensioner!

Should I top myself to boost the economy? :shock: :wink:

Ah! I’ve come up with a better solution.

Look after all the pensioners.
Repatriate all the illegal immigrants.
Use all the career criminals for scientific and medical experiments.
Clear out the House of Lards and stop their pensions.
Send all the ‘I know best’ young yobs, who act irresponsibly in congregating together and helping to spread the virus, to some remote third-world country.

That’s just for starters. I’m sure I can think of some more considered and practical solutions!

It is the only long term policy that will work, restrictions cannot be kept on for ever. The only long term solution is to release restrictions slightly then reimpose them at a certain point to prevent overwhelming the hospital system. People over 70 might have to stay isolated. One thing is for sure there will be a second wave according to all the experts

However now in Australia they are talking about reducing the infection rate to a level that the virus will die out but recent reports from South Korea of recovered patients being reinfected might have wiped that idea out.

Most of our cases can still be directly traced to overseas infections still and that will be the problem in the future, if and when do we open the borders to travellers (as opposed to freight).

We just have to hope for a vaccine sooner rather than later…till then I suspect us oldies will have to limit social interaction.

Global Cases 1,699,632
Global Deaths 102,734
Mortality Rate 6%
(Flu Mortality Rate 0.1%)

Cases 6238
Deaths 54
Critical 74
Cases per Million 245

Cases 73,758
Deaths 8,958
Critical 1559
Cases per Million 1086

Cases 502,876
Deaths 18,747
Critical 10,917
Cases per Million 1519

I fear that if history is anything to go by (think SARS) there may never be an effective vaccine but let’s hope, that like AIDS, there is an antiviral treatment.

Is there anything, anything at all, that science has determined for certain about C-19 ?

We hear that it is very unlikely that a person can be re-infected. Then we hear the opposite from Korea.

We hear that the elderly are most likely to die if we get C-19. Then we hear that a 104 year-old woman contracted C-19 and survived. Then we hear that strong, healthy, 20 year-olds, are dying.

There seems to be no agreement on how long before a person falls ill after contracting C-19. It ranges from a few days up to 28 days.

Some people seem to be carriers but have no illness at all.

All of the above seems quite strange and inconsistent.

Hell, they don’t even know if C-19 will EVER go away.

I sure wish science could tell us SOMETHING for certain.

I’m beginning to feel like a guinea pig, and I don’t like that at all.

But it’s only people who die in hospital that are counted as dying from Covid. Those in care homes, where infection can wipe out huge numbers, die of old age and presumably natural causes!! :shock: