Has anyone heard of “Common Purpose”?
If so, what do you think?
Has anyone heard of “Common Purpose”?
If so, what do you think?
Are you alluding to the fact that that the rich stick together Lindy?
A bit like shyte really!
Do you mean this ‘Common Purpose’ Lindy?
[CENTER]Common Purpose is Sinister and Evil. The Proof[/CENTER]
[I]Being a secret society, like the mafia and the freemasons, it is difficult to get to the truth about Common Purpose. So when they are brainwashing 13 year old children on their Your Turn courses they don’t say that their ulterior motive is Cultural Marxist Social Engineering and a Post Democratic society. But it is. Their use of Chatham House Rules is an obvious smokescreen and the reluctance of all British institutions to respond to Freedom of Information requests about Common Purpose show firstly how embedded it is and secondly that they know they have something to hide.
The obvious first sources are Wikipedia (here) and the BBC (here) which are written by Common Purpose themselves so tell you what they want you to think, not what the truth is. But, apparently, they have 125 staff, are based in London, operate in more than 100 countries, operate at 50 locations in the UK and apparently have 12,000 people (useful idiots) under training at any one time. What they don’t tell you is that in addition to the charity they have a number of limited companies in the UK and presumably more overseas. A bit like an octopus.
So now to bring some balance and sanity to proceeds let’s go straight to this Daily Star article about Sonia Sharp which explains how Common Purpose are complicit in the organised rape of a million British children. Wikipedia don’t tell you that.[/I]
Equal and shared ? Hmm. If that were to happen, what possible reason would the best and the brightest have to excel ???
Well…yes, kindof…I see there’s now more about it on e.g.: About Common Purpose | Common Purpose Exposed I have a printout from many years ago from Wikileaks - it’s basically a two-level chain of command and anything but democratic. It’s described as “a hidden virus on our government and schools” …“the glue that enables fraud to be committed across government departments to reward pro European local politicians. Corrupt deals are enabled that put property or cash into their pockets by embezzling public assets”.
So at every level, the general public are being manipulated … does this apply to the current situation with coronavirus too?
An interesting article about what has been going on here in the UK.
There will be one huge cover up after this.
A Public Enquiry which will last for years with immunity for witnesses.
Just like Grenfell.
I did make a genuine error so that this sort of thing does not happen again I will log out of the forum altogether. But when folk get to my age mistakes can be made unknowingly.
I suspect the thumbs up was more an indication of approval that I didn’t go too deeply into the blame game, but kept my response brief and to the point…it hit the spot - you made an apology…no epitaph needed.
Divide and conquer?
Those breaching the lockdown rules put in place by the Government can now be reported to the directly to the Police using an online form.
Island Echo has been inundated with phone calls, emails and messages from concerned readers reporting, to us, that Islanders are breaching the lockdown rules. Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do, but Hampshire Constabulary has now come up with an easy-to-use solution for reporting such behaviour.
A new online tool has been made accessible giving Islanders the option to report an address where a breach is occurring or has occurred previously. This could be a residential or business address.
Although officers will always try to resolve things peacefully without enforcement, Police can issue fines and even arrest individuals who fail to comply.
It has been revealed tonight (Thursday) that 3 fines have now been issued on the Island.
It’s worth remembering that key workers come from all different walks of life and therefore there may be a genuine reason for someone doing something. However, large family BBQs (where those present don’t live together) is an example of a clear breach.
You can report an address by visiting https://www.hampshire.police.uk/tua/tell-us-about/c19/tell-us-about-possible-breach-coronavirus-measures/
That’s daft, Ben.
We all make mistakes. Even I have been known to make mistakes!
So I wouldn’t let it worry you and encourage you to leave the forum. That’s my advice and hope, anyway.
Freemasonry is NOT and never has been a secret society. It is a society WITH secrets, which is a completely different animal.
Hello BigBen,
I see no reason why you need to permanently log-out.
Lets just chalk it up to a simple misunderstanding.
Hope to see you back here, soon.
A friend of ours joined the Freemasons. His father introduced him to the organisation.
Many years later he decided to leave because he had ‘caught’ religion.
I thought that was strange, as I thought that you were obliged to have a religious belief to be admitted to the Masons.
I can’t comment on that as I’m not a Mason. What I know of the organisation came from an old pal of mine who tried to recruit me.
You made a genuine mistake, you apologised. That apology was accepted by the member you made the mistake about. They have moved on, your error is forgiven.
Why should you not do the same, we all make mistakes? I believe you would be making another mistake if you were thinking of logging out from the forum permanently over this, there is no need for you to do that whatsoever, IMO.
You say the apology I made was accepted by the person I ‘accused’ Sorry it was not.
Yes maybe I am being oversensitive but things are so bad with me I sometimes wish the worst. I live on my own and used to have a daily help come in but not any more. Being classed as vulnerable I am self isolating. I have four children the eldest is 60 and has to self isolate as she too suffers from chronic asthma. the youngest is 57. I have seen none for three weeks now. I have a grand daughter that would do anything for me. I can no longer see her. I can no longer see my great grand children. Being the age I am I sometimes wonder will I ever see any of them again.
I have chronic asthma but at the moment the doctors do not want to know. Rightly so, this virus thing is of major importance.
So you can see by my post that I am not a ‘hard case’ but just an ordinary 93 year old.
Hi Ben it was me who mentioned pensioners being a PITA as a pensioner myself I feel I can say this it wasn’t meant in a derogatory way.
As usual I got hold of the wrong end of the stick. I agree we pensioners can be a pain in the rump at times especially to the young folk but as I have said before all of us want to get old. I have heard young folk say “I,ll top myself rather than have to walk around with a stick or walking frame” Would they?
We are all in this together.
Don’t worry about it buddy.
It’s all too easy to take someone, or a comment the wrong way on a forum.
Don’t lose any sleep over it mate…