Coronation Street


Yes Mups, that’s another one I dislike.

I thought it was bad Steve feeding his dog Pork Scratchings, I’m sure they wouldn’t be good for a dog to eat, plus the dog might choke on them. After watching that, some stupid dog owners might think it a good idea!

Be careful what you suggest to viewers Corrie.

Yes I agree with you, but isn’t he lovely little dog.

He/she is (can’t remember which :-)), I’m surprised Steve isn’t covered in white hairs though as white haired dogs hair show up like mad on your clothes. Have you noticed that Steve never wears dark clothes when he has her/him in his arms, that’s probably why :smiley:

I think the dog is called Rover.

It appears Rover is Simon Gregson and his wife’s family pet - her name is Cookie :smiley:

No wonder she is very friendly with him in Corrie :lol:

Ooooh Mags, I never knew that :slight_smile:

I did wonder, Meg. I, too, noticed the obvious bond between them.

Alison, I did think how lucky they were to get such a friendly dog who responded to Steve like that :lol:

that’s 2 pay checks for the Gregson family, nice one!:slight_smile:

Oh yes :lol: I didn’t think of that!

Apologies, I meant to say ‘Mags’ not Meg. :slight_smile:

I know this is an old post, but I agree!

If he were mine lets just say he would know better than to talk back.

But oh no, we can’t touch children these days - do so much as raise your voice and the child protective services will be down on you like a tonne of bricks.

I’m a social worker so I really shouldn’t express my views like this, but I think things were so much better when you could actually discipline a child rather than just put them on a “naughty step”.

And no, I never raised a hand to my daughter - I never needed to. Why? Because she knew that I WOULD if required, so that fear was enough to stop her stepping out of line. Now children can run rings around their parents.


SOME can - and do. These things really bug me:

  1. Kids that are allowed to run riot around supermarkets when they’re on the school holidays.

  2. Mothers who give their children eat bags of sweets in supermarkets before they’ve paid for them at the checkout.

  3. Mothers who let kids nearly as big as me ride IN the trolleys. I’m not talking about the baby seat part, where little 'uns sit, I’m talking about big kids sitting or standing in the main trolley part. I have to put my food in that trolley and who knows what they might have stuck on their outdoor shoes when they are allowed to stand in them!

  4. Kids that are allowed to leave the table and run round in restaurants and cafe’s.

It’s almost bliss, getting the shopping once the school’s have gone back.

Ladies, Ladies…it’s just a TV programme ! it isn’t real :slight_smile:

Really? Are you just saying that to confuse us?

I don’t think you need any more confusing !

Well I never! How dissolusioned can you make a gal. Corrie will never be the same again.

Oh Mups, don’t! I’ve just came back from shopping at Tesco and even with the school in it was madness.

I just don’t “get” parenting these days. In my day you asked to be excused from the dinner table and until you were you sat tight!! Seeing some “families” these days makes me feel ill. How can they live like that?

I don’t know, maybe I’m just a miserable old woman looking for things to complain about. It doesn’t affect me really, I can lock myself away in my house and ignore it all - but it saddens me that children will grow up to have much less fortunate lives than you or I had because of a worse upbringing.

Agree with all these, but especially no. 2!