Coronation Street

I strongly agree with that last point, Susan. As well as with all the points Mups made. Something has gone drastically wrong with a lot of modern parenting practices (or lack of parenting practices).

Is it time we got back on topic? :slight_smile:

I know its only a story, but I will soon be glad when that drug dealing man is behind bars.

Callum really needs to be put away doesnt he Marion I agree!

It also looks like Tracey Barlow is going to answer for her deceit. And could I take this opportunity to wish Kevin a ‘Happy Birthday’ I’m pouring myself a drink as we speak…Cheers Kev…

It is not real :-(:-(:frowning:

Aw, don’t be such an old kill joy Duke. We’re not hurting you are we? :smiley:

I know its not Duke, but its only like going to the cinema, most of the films there aren’t real but people still go to see them.

Hope Kev enjoyed his birthday, did laugh at the bracelet he got bought :slight_smile:
And do you think Tracey will really own up?

The lines between fact and fiction is very blurred these days Duke; If you can imagine it, it has probably happened. The writers for Coronation Street could base their stories on real life situations, mixed together with a bit of humour and drama.

Now Tracey has told Robert the truth Marion, I think is just a matter of time before Carla gets to know. One person can keep a secret, but once its shared the truth will out…Especially on a soap.

So is supersymmetric quantum mechanics but it is not on every night:-D

No, but it is a very good form of escapism and gives your mind something else to focus on rather than just thinking about your own life and problems all the time.

Reminded me of the “buddy bracelet” in Friends! And would a mechanic really wear a piece of dangling jewellery?

I’m a bit sad tonight after Hope’s diagnosis, its something no parent wants to hear. I think I’ll search for a program about Quantum Mechanics, it might cheer me up.

Fancy Carla using Nick’s debit card to finance her gambling habit, wait while he gets his bank statement.

I see Simon’s up to his usual nasty self, why doesn’t Leanne take him back to his father and say ‘Deal with your son because I’ve had enough’

Indeed, it was very sad - especially for Roy after Hayley’s death. I’m sure this will impact him quite severely.

As for Carla, well, she’s a very disturbed woman. Even before the fire she had issues and I don’t think they will ever go away completely.

The problem with Simon is that because Peter has now started working off-shore there is nothing that Leanne can do with regards to putting him back to his father. I do however think he should be shown who is in control as at the moment he is showing nobody respect.

That little brat Simon wants a bloody good slapping and sending back to Peter or his Grandad. I know its only a soap but this sort of thing does go on in real life. The sooner they get rid of this little spoilt brat the better and that pathetic hairstyle please!!

I just cant bear to see that spoilt brats face,what a little sod he is…he should be sent somewhere to get help or he will turn into a monster when hes older,hes already well on the way to it now. I cant believe Leanne making excuses for him all the time when will she get a back bone.

Hear hear!!

Simon used to be so cute! :frowning:

There is obviously something wrong with Simon, Leanne needs to take him to see someone, doctor etc.

Poor child his fathers a drunk, pushed from pillar to post he’s had a deprived childhood. Yeah sure lol!! Its a pity he doesn’t get thrown off the programme useless actor anyway. Could they not get him to get swallowed by a sinkhole or something please?