Climate change - National Geographic

Chucking it down with rain here and its 18 degrees.

July … the new June

Net Zero … :lol:

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That’s bullocks Muddy…

Maybe not if you have your head in the sand but mind you don’t burn your bum .

Accurate temperature measurement has only been possible in the last hundred years or so…so how can they suggest that we have just had the hottest ever day of the year…?
Just checkout who finances the research of the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute]

So we all have to stop burning fossil fuel, get rid of our motor cars, and turn down our central heating in the winter because a group of spotty faced, adolescent rich kids, who’s parents most likely all have shares in the green revolution, tell us that since records began (in 1975) that the world has increased in temperature by 0.001 of a degree centigrade. Where are all of these thermometers? Obviously not in the UK who have just had one of the coolest June’s on record…Oh! I forgot about the two days it went over 30 degrees C…Or the two days it dropped below 10 degrees C…
Has any of this ever been ‘Fact Checked?’ They are very quick to fact check anyone who dares to challenge the apparently accepted theories…Accepted by whom? Because all of us know sod all about climate or CO2 and the effect it has on climate we are easy meat! Pay up shut up! or be ostracised and have your account frozen.

Average global temperature measuring has not been all that accurate in the past, even NASA have admitted that the ice shelf in the Antarctic is at its thickest since records began, but you won’t see that on the BBC or any other media outlet because in a capitalist world the shareholders call the shots, and there are too many important people with huge investments in the green revolution.
They must have thought it was the goose that laid the golden egg back in the seventies when if they could convince everyone that we were destroying the planet with our decadence, and if we could make people feel guilty enough, there would be lots of money to be made. Just blame it on the weather…

The media just can’t contain themselves, this is the biggest revelation since the splitting of the atom, never mind the war in the Ukraine, or starving people in Africa, or the riots in France. If it’s not a tornado in America or bush fires in Australia or Canada, or floods in Asia, it’s not really news worthy, anything to remind us that the world is being destroyed, and it’s all our fault, every opportunity to ram it down our throats. And with most people it has worked.

So does it really matter if the world heats up a bit? It’s managed alright without our help for trillions of years, but the investors in the green revolution will lose out if we ignore it, and there are some mighty powerful people going to lose money…Blair, Biden, Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Sunak, King Charles III, to name but a few, and all members of the World Economic Forum.

What can we in England do about it? After all we contribute less than 1% of emissions, with other countries producing 100 times more CO2 than we do. Even Germany are resorting to coal fired power stations to keep their car industry going, what on earth would all the English drivers do without their Audi’s, Mercedes, BMW’s and VW’s…I did a rough count up while eating my sandwich in the Greggs car park the other day, and German cars accounted for 50% of all the vehicles…

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Earth’s hottest periods—the Hadean, the late Neoproterozoic, the Cretaceous Hot Greenhouse, the PETM—occurred before humans existed. Those ancient climates would have been like nothing our species has ever seen.

Modern human civilization, with its permanent agriculture and settlements, has developed over just the past 10,000 years or so. The period has generally been one of low temperatures and relative global climate stability. Compared to most of Earth’s history, today is unusually cold;

It’s been the hottest week on record

It’s not been that hot where I live two or three days maybe but it was really cold yesterday evening…all last week the forecast said the temperature was average for the time of year.

Have to admit I’m beginning to get a bit sceptical regarding climate change…I don’t doubt we have to make changes to how we use the planets resources but I’m not sure we impact on the climate that much…just my opinion

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I wonder if we can do anything at this stage

It’s all a big con Summer, people have invested billions in the green revolution. Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, Electric Vehicles, massive industries have sprung up, and it all depends on keeping the illusion going, and it’s all under the misconception that they want to do what’s best for us and the human race…Nonsense!

Conspiracy theories again .
Do these investors have a hot ( no pun intended) line to God to turn up the sun ?

The biggest conspiracy theory is that man made CO2 is going to cause the world to burn in a ball of flames.

CO2 is fertiliser for plants and trees which supply oxygen without CO2 we all die.

Two Questions that the net zero conspiracy theorists can’t answer/

  1. What temperature will the world be if we reach net zero
  2. How much will global CO2 levels be decreased by if the UK reaches net zero by 2030 ?

I bet nobody can answer

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Here’s another question that nobody has answered satisfactorily…
If CO2 is heavier than air, how does it get up into the atmosphere to create the greenhouse effect?
And…How come plants absorb CO2 when it’s up in the atmosphere?
Only Jack’s magic beans grow tall enough to absorb it…
Perhaps this is the answer…

Thought for the Day

I wonder how many of realise the extent to which the big oil & energy companies are funding a massive but hidden PR and marketing campaign to erode the climate crisis messages? And because we are not aware of this decades long campaigning, how aware are we that the “its not a crisis, its not man made and its being going on for ever” thinking is down to planted messages, memes, and influencing? Its clear that quite a few on this thread have been drawn into the lies of the oil companies hidden PR campaign. And repeat them for us.
This explains it well:

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I think you must have got it the wrong way around Lincs, the massive PR campaign is coming from the green lobby that infiltrate our every waking hour in adverts, soaps, the news, and government propaganda…And the best part of the campaign is that people are prepared to make themselves poor, cold and hungry for something that they can never change.

Nobody has answered my question of circa 2014, at that time, I worked out that I personally based on the ball park figure of miles driven since 1979, in tank full’s of fuel on pure physical volume consumed the equivalent size would be the internals of a small semi detached house. There were over a billion gas vehicles back then, some of the drivers will have done more miles some will have done less so, the assumption was that my consumption was probably fairly average, so, if the volume of the earth was just petroleum, it should have been dry a while ago, so, why isn’t it? :grin: :icon_wink:

Because oil is found thousands of feet below the level that the dinosaurs were buried, which means oil didn’t come from decaying dinosaurs which means oil is a hydrocarbon which means oil is a renewable energy ?

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I dont like the sound of that , but we can change things if we all do our bit towards the environment .

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The fact that you are writing what you do in this week of the highest ever temperatures across Europe tells me that, nope the PR from the oil companies exists and is far more effective than any of the climate warnings. You’ve ignored the very obvious evidence and bought into the notion that its all fine just as it is.

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