Climate change - National Geographic

I reckon *********** is also ***********. :grin:

How absurd to think vegans and vegetarians have THAT much influence.

Haha. :joy:That’s actually hilarious. :rofl:

Is that all you’ve got Foxy. :woman_shrugging:lol :woman_facepalming:


Awww…. He’s a cute little tinfoil head. :laughing:

Well, the fast food outlets seem to be going big time to catch the vote :smiley:

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The fast food places should be going. They aren’t healthy for anyone.

On that we both agree Chelsea…Although I’m partial to a macky D’s…Occasionally…
On the subject of tinfoil hats…It’s not your head you should be worried about, it’s breast cancer and for the blokes, prostate cancer…
And it’s not climate change either, it’s the people who have put that silly notion into your head.
The people who actually control this world and most of the people in it (by controlling money and energy) including all of the governments. The World Economic Forum - The World Health Organisation - The International Monetary Fund - And NATO…They have inserted key players into various governments like Sunak (who voted for him) Trudeau - Macron - even King Charles III …and they are all members of WEF and have an agenda to create a ‘one world government’ …“You will own nothing, and be happy”

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So let me get this straight, if we don’t rear cattle for food, and are able to feed another 4 billion people, all those people we just fed have babies and create another 4 billion people in an already overpopulated world…How will we feed the next 4 billion?

Well I apologize about the tinfoil hats. That was unkind of me.

I very much believe the government wants to control us . It wouldn’t surprise me at all that soon they will be wanting us all micro - chipped like we do our dogs to keep better track of us.

People don’t PUT silly ideas in my head. I’ve got the option to think for myself and come to my own conclusion just like you do. Maybe people are putting silly ideas into your head. See how ‘that’ works. It goes BOTH ways.

Having said that there is no possible way I can deny that WE humans are destroying our planet and all the diverse species including ourselves by our greedy selfish actions. We use and abuse animals for our own benefit continually. We kill and steal rhinos and elephants horns for the ivory. We kill all sorts and animals to steal their fur but mostly we kill animals for their food and in very inhumane ways.

They animals most slaughtered for food are cattle and water buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, deers, horses, poultry (mainly chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese), insects (a commercial species is the house cricket), and increasingly, fish in the aquaculture industry (fish farming).

Almost 35,000 Elephants Are Killed in Botswana Annually (National Geography)

Globally, 100 Million Sharks Are Killed Annually (Sentient Media)

More than 125,000 Animals Are Killed Each Year for Trophy Hunting (World Animal Protection)

Globally More than 73 Billion Chickens Are Slaughtered Annually (FAO)

Close to 2 billion fish are inhumanely killed each year . Most of our animal killing causes intense and cruel suffering but apparently we are ok with it.

  • 790 – 2,300 billion* fish were harvested from the wild from 2007-2016
  • 970 – 2,700 billion fish were taken from the wild from 1999-2007
  • 460 – 1,100 billion fish were captured to make fishmeal and oil from 2007-2016.
  • 51 – 167 billion farmed fish were taken for food in 2017.
  • 250 – 600 billion farmed crustaceans were also fished in 2017.

After Chicken, Fish, Cattle, and Ducks, the Most Commonly Slaughtered Animals Are Pigs at 1.3 Billion Annually (FAO)

Almost 4.3 Billion Ducks Were Killed for Food in 2021 (FAO)

According to the FAO Report of 2021, Almost 749 Million Geese and 52 Million Guinea Fowls Are Killed Annually (FAO)

In 2021, More Than 500 Million Goats Were Slaughtered for Food (FAO)

According to Stats of 2021, 572 Million Rabbits were Killed for Meat (FAO)

In 2021, 602 Million Sheep Were Killed for Food in the World (FAO)

Globally Almost 617 Million Turkeys Were Slaughtered in 2021 (FAO)

From 2007 to 2016, 790 to 2300 Billion Wild Fish Were Killed for Food Globally (Fish Count)

Almost 1.5 Billion Cows Are Killed Each Year (Weforum)

Every Year 29 Million Cows Die in the Meat and Dairy Industries (PETA)

According to Stats of 2021, 34.36 Million Cows Were Killed in the US for Food (FAO)

In 2019, on Average, 95,000 Cows Were Killed Daily in the US

According to the latest stats, more than 55 Billion Animals Are Slaughtered for Food in the US (FAO)

More than 20 Million Animals Die Every Year in the US On their Way to Abattoirs (The Guardian)

The Number of Turkeys Slaughtered Annually in the US is 214,508,816 (Animal Clock)

Ducks Killed in the US Annually Are 23,275,362 (Animal Clock)

Almost 7,499,676 Sheep Are Killed Each Year in the US (Animal Clock)

The Number of Fish and Shellfish Killed Each Year in the US is 3,797,000,000 and 43,109,000,000, respectively (Animal Clock)

Humans kill billions of animals annually for consumption and sport. We’ve gone so far that we are hunting wild animals to extinction because it promotes local economies.

The animals that we don’t manage to kill are dying to extinction due mainly to faults of our own including global warming.

Humans have killed off 83% of all wild animals in the world and 50% of the plants.

Despite being such a small part of the planet, humans have been steadily destroying everything else for the past few millennia

And it’s not just that humans are wiping out wildlife — they’re also determining the animals and plants that remain.

You are probably wondering what this has to do with global warming and it’s a LOT.

This imbalance between domestic and wild animals is being driven by industrial farming, extraction of resources, and the expansion of human civilizations, all of which destroy ecosystems.

Other studies have also documented the decline of animals and plants. For instance, scientists recently argued that the Earth is experiencing its sixth mass wave of extinction, with billions of local animal populations endangered around the world.

BILLIONS of endangered animals thanks to us.

As climate change causes temperatures to rise, animals all over the world are being forced to find new places to live. At the same time, available habitats are shrinking as sea levels rise, storms become more extreme, and human development increases in previously wild areas.

These pressures — and many more — are pushing many species to extinction.

The world is becoming uninhabitable for animals.


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People don’t put silly ideas into my head Chelsea because I don’t believe anybody, especially the media. That’s why I question everything…

There used to be people with sandwich boards walking around cities that said…“The world ends tomorrow” or “The End Is Nigh” and everyone thought they were cranks and laughed at them…
Whatever happened to common sense. They are still cranks but due to an amazing campaign by the establishment and the media, we now live in a world full of cranks.

Read and digest…

On one hand we have evolved great doctrines on humanity, and on the other hand we have thrown atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On one side we clamour for justice and humanity and on the other side we involve a weaker country in endless wars. It is those who talk loudest about humanity who wage those wars. If we have become so conscious of humanity, wars should have stopped long ago. But this is not so.

We are so conscious of justice, and there is no end to injustice anywhere. Whenever we make new changes in order to ensure greater justice, a new arrangement of injustice is created – with the result that there is no change for the better. Our whole revolution in the field of medicine does not destroy disease; it only helps new diseases to be created. All the improvements we bring about merely increase our hopes, without bearing results.

Rather, we find the results to be the contrary of our expectations. We think that if we increase our laws and the number of courts, we shall be able to bring down the incidence of crime. But the figures of crime tell a different story: the number of criminals has increased equally. If we look at the history of crime over the last two thousand years, we shall find that crime has increased in the same ratio as the institutions of law. When crime increases, the government feels there are not enough laws. So they add more laws.

Man’s mind revolves around some illusory logic. When crime increases we bring in more laws. This seems to prove a deep relationship between the judge and the criminal. The thief and the policeman seem to be two sides of the same coin. They are not two separate things; rather, they are interlocked somewhere within. When one increases, the other also increases. When the growth of one implies the growth of another, the root must be the same. Therefore the same sap that feeds one feeds the other, the same energy flows through one as the other.

Lao Tzu’s viewpoint is entirely different. He says that it is the evil within you that is the root of all your moral codes and moral concepts. Humanity and justice emerged only on the decline of Tao. […]

America is the most educated country in the world today. We look upon it as the custodian of man’s future. If all countries are thus educated, they will become like America. But what has been the outcome of all this education? Crime has not decreased, it has increased. Dishonesty is rampant. All this has increased in the same ratio as education. What does this mean? This means we cannot wipe out the opposite. By increasing the one, we cannot decrease the other, much less destroy it. We can only increase it. Let us see this from different aspects.

Today we have innumerable cures for all kinds of illnesses – but illnesses have not lessened. Rather, they have increased. The fact is that many new illnesses have come into being which were never there before. Not only have we invented new medicines; we have also invented new diseases. What is the reason behind this? If medicines have increased, diseases should be less – this is simple logic. But cures have increased and so have illnesses! What is this! What law is working?

Actually, as cures increase, your ability to fall ill also increases. You no longer have faith in yourself; you have faith in the medicine. You do not have to fight the illness; that work is now taken over by the medicine. You are now out of it. When the medicine fights the disease, your resistance, your body’s ability to fight the illness, goes down. As you depend more and more on medicines, your resistance gets less and less and you get weaker and weaker.

And as you get weaker and weaker, you need more and more medicines. This shows how weak your body has become. Then you find yourself confronted by a very major illness. And this goes on – the fight between illnesses and medicines. You are not even a part of it. You are merely the battleground, the Kurukshetra where the Pandavas and the Kauravas fight. The germs of the medicines fight the germs of the disease. You get knocked around in the process. The medicines, however, keep you sufficiently alive so that the fight goes on. There is all interconnection between the cure and the illness somewhere.

If we question Lao Tzu on this, he will say that illness will end the day medicines are no more. This however, is beyond our understanding. His logic is this: when there is no medicine, you yourself will have to fight the illness. Your strength of resistance can only develop then. To rely on medicines is not to rely on oneself. We can see for ourselves how we have filled ourselves with medicines.

But there is no way out because our whole logic is based on this kind of thinking. It is like this: The more we try to protect ourselves, the more insecure we become. The more insecure we become, the more means for security we contrive. What is the meaning of this riddle? It means that the more we are protected the weaker we become.

You are sitting in an air-conditioned room. You watch a worker walking in the burning sun and you say to yourself. “Poor man, to walk in all this heat!” But you do not know that this man may be totally oblivious to the heat. This thought of the burning sun is yours. But it is true that if you were to step outside to walk with him, the heat would be overbearing for you.

The heat is not the same for every person on the road. Each person experiences it differently. The heat does not depend entirely on the sun; it also depends on you. When you walk on the road and sweat profusely, you think, “The poor worker!” but the worker is almost unaware of it, because in order to experience the heat of the sun, air-conditioning is absolutely necessary.

The more air-conditioning there is, the greater will be the heat. The more we try to cool the world, the hotter it will become. This seems contrary, but there is a deep-seated connection. The more you remain in an air-conditioned room, the less will become your power to fight the heat.

It is only natural that that energy which we do not put to use should get less and less. The air-conditioner does for you what normally your body should be doing – fighting the heat. Therefore, when you suddenly stand in the sun, your body becomes totally unprotected. It will not be able to bear the heat and you will feel very very uncomfortable. This discomfort did not exist before air-conditioning was discovered.

Now Russia is thinking of air-conditioning the whole continent. But when people are born and die in air-conditioned places all mankind will have to go underground. There are stories about cultures reaching to the peak. But those that reached the ultimate height eventually had to go underground.

There is a lake named Titicaca in South America. It is a unique lake. It has puzzled scientists, because a river falls into this lake. Millions of gallons of water fall daily into this lake and there is no way for it to flow out of the lake. Yet not an inch of water rises in the lake. Scientists are confounded. Where does all this water go? The lake has been observed for hundreds of years. It is said that beneath the lake there are the ruins of the ancient civilisation of the Incas. This lake is supposed to have been its reservoir. The Incas are no more, but their arrangement for collecting water still remains. Scientists now think that this was the water supply of a people who lived beneath the lake. A lot of research is going on to discover this lost civilisation.

The more developed a society becomes, the more it goes underground. In Mohenjodaro and Harappa, there are seven tiers of townships. This cannot be because of earthquakes or any other calamity. The greater possibility is that the civilisation had moved underground. Scientists and archaeologists have maintained up to now that Mohenjodaro was built seven times and destroyed seven times by earthquakes. This does not seem plausible: that seven cultures could disappear in the same place, one after the other. It seems more plausible that the culture must have reached such a peak where it became absolutely necessary to go more and more underground. Man must have lost all his power to bear the conditions above the ground.

If air-conditioning is spread all over the world, man will have to go underground within the next two hundred years. Then, to step outside in the light of the sun may become fatal. A child born and brought up in an air-conditioned place will not be able to bear sunlight. Up till now the sun has been the source of life; tomorrow, it may be the cause of death.

The more we increase our means of protection, the more vulnerable we become. The more we arrange to protect ourselves, the more we expose ourselves to danger.

Osho, The Way of Tao Vol 2, Ch 18 (excerpt, translation from Hindi)

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They weren’t Cranks, they just got the timing wrong, at least the Mayans were out but, after several hundred years, their margin of error may be small, lets hope someone can audit it, if this proves to be the case.


You don’t believe social media yet you use that same media to make your points. I shall keep that in mind when reading your posts. You aren’t questioning anything since you have all the answers already …. Ironically from social media. :woman_facepalming:

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Just a tad hypocritical there Foxy. :thinking:

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What a load of bunkum !

None so blind :face_with_raised_eyebrow: grrrr Mr Fox

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I believe some things on social media Chelsea…But hardly anything on Main Stream Media, with MSM especially the BBC it’s what they leave out of a story that makes the difference to ones interpretation of the facts.
The BBC are quick to report on extreme weather events and blame it on global warming, but not a dicky bird about the Farmers strike in Holland, probably the largest protest Holland has ever seen or the Truck drivers plight in Canada. Massive protests by thousands of people in London in support of Brexit at the time were played down, but half a dozen ‘Stop Oil’ protesters were given several days of publicity. Had it not been for twitter these things would have passed by unnoticed and unsupported.
And advertisements are just as bad. Wash your clothes in 20 degrees to save energy, but what about all the extra chemicals added to your wash that will be tipped down the drain? As far as I know, hot water with a small amount of washing power will be quite harmless to the environment when its disposed of.
Cool young people driving around in new electric vehicles when they already had a perfectly good petrol engined vehicle in the garage, now so much scrap…And where do they think the materials to make the batteries come from…? Are these the same young people who were clambering on motorway bridges, or stopping the traffic in London just a few days ago?
All this saving the planet stuff is so contradictive…In fact it’s Bollo(k$ as me and Summer would say…

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Fooled again…

Leccy Bikes are great, leccy cars are shite, at the moment. Imo.

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