Climate Change is Caused By Humans, Says UN

And, who’d have thunk it, moisture in the atmosphere is also responsible for climate change/global warming.

Quote: * Water vapour is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, both by weight and by volume (1), (2). Water vapour is also an effective greenhouse gas, as it does absorb longwave radiation and radiates it back to the surface, thus contributing to warming.27 Apr 2016*

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Studying what’s happening now and what has happened in the recent past are not reliable indicators, which is why a sizeable number of scientists still disagree that global warming is as a result of human activity.
There have been at least five major ice ages on Earth, and throughout the planet’s history temperature fluctuations have been frequent and sometimes relatively rapid.
One problem scientists have is that they do not know why.
There are theories galore but, to be brutally blunt, they do not know with any acceptable degree of certainty.

I’m not in denial about climate change because we all can see the effects, or even necessarily where the planet might be heading.
But the cause is something else entirely and while we humans have certainly not slowed down change with our actions, the primary causal factor remains the subject of much debate.

We are constantly being asked to do this that and evrtything else to ‘Save the planet’
But the truth is as outstanding as the nose on our faces and something that at the moment we can do nothing about.


I do wish all these so called expert scientists will face up to the reality of the climate of this planet has been changing since the oxygen rich atmosphere was first formed. Our climate is mainly solar driven and always will be. Yes, to some extent mankind’s activities are somewhat of an influencing factor, but the sun is the main influencer with constant volcanic actions somewhere behind. Ask any geologist to tell you how many times this planet has seen ice ages and then ask roughly when the next one is due.
The big thing about climate change is the huge amount of money bound up driving the remedial approach; if there was not massive amounts of money to be made, we’d hear very little about the phenonium.

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I definitely agree Fred, definitely!

The UK and the USA have steadily been reducing CO2 levels while China is responsible for about 28% of global emissions. China has absolutely no intention of sticking to any agreements and Xi isn’t even bothering to go to the COP26.

The USA has reduced its emissions to 1991 levels, partly due to the cheap, fracking gas revolution and natural adoption of cleaner fuels such as battery technology as they become more affordable and cheaper than their fossil fuel equivalents. If it were me, I would have the COP26 put the topic of over fishing and devastation of sea life by waste dumping, beam trawling and factory trawlers front and centre with CO2 emissions. The seas are our biggest natural carbon sink but always overlooked by the green brigade, probably because we can’t see what is happening under the oceans. This really is caused by humans, no doubt about that where rising sea temperatures can be argued that they are caused by external factors such as climate shift.

One of the big questions for the green brigade is why they are so opposed to nuclear power - it uses no fossil fuels and is the cleanest form of energy. Also why they are silent over China, India and Germany building coal fired power stations and in particular how China and Russia are the biggest polluters but there are no demands from them to attend the COP26 (even though they are part of it ?. Well, its because climate activists are drive by socialism and socialist countries are the biggest polluters - I don’t think they want to admit to that.


@ Zaphod, l like the goat theory very much , but l think that
allthough goats seem incredibly destructive animals they still rely
on their enviroment to support them ? Therefore once they have
eaten everything within reach they would either move on, or
perish, in either case the enviroment would be able to recover ?
Plus it would be replenished by the goatshyte and residues from
the dead goats etc, thus making the enviroment richer .
This cycle would continue forever if allowed sufficient time between cycles !!
The only thing that could alter this natural cycle could possibly
be human farming practices and ideas of land ownership etc ??
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

Now the Government is offering a, (very limited) number of people financial assistance to get their gas boilers changed.

As for most of us, we (if still around) will be expected to pay out 10 grand (at today’s estimates).

If they really were serious, why would they not demand that, at the time of any house being sold from now on, the boiler should be changed as part of that action of house moving (once only).

That would spread the cost, make it a bit easier to do, and end up in it all, mostly, getting done inside, say, 10 years

I really cannot understand all this push for heat pumps, when most domestic houses are connected to the gas supply. Before natural gas, we all had hydrogen (coal gas) burning appliances and injector nipples/nozzles were changed to facilitate the burning of methane. To me, the most logical thing to do is use the electricity needed to drive heat pumps to split water into 2 parts hydrogen and I part oxygen by electrolysis. That hydrogen could supply existing appliances by implementing simple conversions.
But of course, there wont be the huge profits from heat pumps and that is not business like :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Even taking into account the £5K being offered as a grant towards the cost of installation wouldn’t make us have one installed because our condenser boiler is just 13 months old. In addition to all the pipework that needs burying under the garden (ours is big enough to accommodate this type of ground source heating), we would have to have a solar panel on the roof to heat the hot water (washing, showers, etc) and a hot water storage cylinder installed in our loft plus all the necessary pipework for these.

Having shelled out something approaching £20k on renovations so far, we’re not going to be spending any more on this bungalow for a couple more years at least.

Listening to the water companies in the UK and seeing the parched lands in California and Australia, there’s already a shortage of the wet stuff without increasing the demand for it, LD :rofl:

Good point Percy, how on earth is throwing out a perfectly good combo-boiler good for the environment, its also a complete waste of money and effort.

These new boilers are only affordable by wealthy people and if new homes are to be fitted with them its going to increase the price of a new house by about 20K to 30K.

It’s completely bonkers, especially when we only contribute 1% of global pollution. The government would be better off putting in modular nuclear reactors like France has done.

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What about all of the seas and oceans? With electrolysis plants close to coastal areas, the water will be readily available and once the hydrogen has been burnt in an oxygen atmosphere, water vapour is produced again to fall as rain right across the world as the winds carry the clouds. There is a great principal at work where our earth is concerned, it’s impossible to destroy matter, only change its state.
The Conservation of Matter During Physical and Chemical Changes | National Geographic Society

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I know that, I was being cynical that’s all.

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I admire Cynical people!

Here we are scrambling (to get enough Gas) to keep our houses warm and cosy for this winter, then, we’ll be flying off to holiday in expensive planes (subject to there being any planes available) that are comfortably warmer than here…I don’t think the Global warming sellers are likely to get a huge following out of our sort!

Unless there’s a profit to be made!

My favorite comedian. All he does is tell the truth in a humorous way. One of my favorite bits.

Sounds like Boris is guaranteeing that the wind will blow in
ten years time??
Maybe he can do that ?
But only as far as parliament is concerned ??
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Why, oh, why are we always getting the blame for climate change? If every human being alive today dropped down dead, right at this minute, I suggest there would be no change in climate conditions in the foreseeable future. This is simply because of all the greenhouse gasses, etc being expelled from all of the active volcanoes currently spewing forth sulfur dioxide by the boatload.

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Because inflicting communism on animals is a waste of time.

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That’s a big "Well duh!!! :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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Strange isn’t it how the issue of carbon emissions and climate change has hit the headlines. Of course it is a load of old bo**ocks and a huge con so big companies IE car manufactures can sell more products. It is a case of tell everyone long enough and as often as possible and people start believing Well here is one that is not falling for this huge con trick.

I am old enough to remember the days of smog when the air was so thick with the stuff you could not see 5 yards ahead. This was far far worse than this con everyone is talking about. What happened the smog issue went away all by itself just as this will.
Somewhere someone is making a huge profit from this propaganda and no doubt the politicians are getting a huge cash payout to promote.

Look at all the other government promoted scares in the past- mad cow- bird flu to name but two. No don’t get conned and believe all you read encouraged by the media.

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