Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Hi Emjay, I have just taken a stroll down to the sea wall and its bloody cold, came back after 5 mins.

We are off to the Car Boot Sale this morning, that’s if I don’t freeze to death, then lunch time going to the Coast Restaurant near us, as its our Anniversary today 42 years.

Soon be Christmas!!

Have a nice day.

Morning all.

Happy anniversary Susie.

Thanks Janet. How old are you today?

Happy Birthday Jazzi , and Happy anniversary to Susie and hubby .

Thanks Eliza.

Thank you. So is that it, for my birthday wishes this year? Hmmm………

A belated Happy Birthday to you, Jazzi - I hope you enjoyed your day! :birthday::tada:

Good morning all.
Happy anniversary Susie.
Yes it is a cold wind out there.
Off to the morning coffee and chat at the AgeUK later.

Good morning all.

Nice and sunny here but cold.

|Off into Gorleston this morning.

Have a nice day all.

At Gorleston beach.

Thanks Mags.

Good morning all.

The sun is out but cold.

Good morning all.
Cold yes but soon got warmed up on my morning walk. The sun on my back was nice.
Apart from Lisa my cleaning lady coming, no other plans yet for today.

No word from Janet today on any of the forums. Hope she is ok.

Hope Janet is alright, still no sign off her on any of the forums.

Maybe she has left her laptop/tablet/device at home or they have stopped working.

she might not have a signal, or the nets down…

Good morning all.
Well .Jan is on holiday again, so there could be lots of reasons why she is absent.
I have just put my heating on as it is so cold this morning.
Sunshine and blue sky though.
I shall go sit in my conservatory with my kindle later when it warms up. Also watch the birds fighting for access to the feeder.

Afternoon all.

Very cold. Glad my CH kicked in while I was away. Had the heating on at the caravan.

Dreadful signal there. I do believe the material of caravans blocks it, and I sometimes had to sit on the bench by the window. Other times I was busy relaxing and enjoying myself to bother.

Just been out for some dust sheets to put down on the front room carpet. I can’t vacuum for two weeks after application of the insecticide. Got petrol and some other shopping.

Now relaxing for a bit till I can be bothered to unpack everything.

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Good morning all.

Red sky last night, and the sun is trying to come out.

Off into Town this morning.

Have a nice day all.