Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)


Another busy day for you Emjay.

My Tuesday will be quieter, as the cafe is closed today. The lady running it was away for the weekend so as she has to shop, cook and prepare, is opening a day later. We will go tomorrow.

Morning all.

Cafe meet this morning, then hopefully I can sit out in the garden afterwards with my book.

Good morning all.
Hope it is going to be a take it easy day for me.
Off to the AgeUK club later. Then I expect I might get a visit from my daughter.
Another bucket load of windfall apples collected this morning. It is such a shame that they get binned. I canā€™t do much with them as they fall on paved ground, and get brused.
I have already done two loads of cooked, mashed and bagged, and in the freezer.

Morning all.

No specific plans for today. Donā€™t need shopping or the library just yet.

Good morning all.
Not a lot going on today so far, but it is early.
Blue sky and sunny.
As is normal lately, been and picked up the apples on the ground.
My cleaning lady will not be coming today, but tomorrow instead.
More house clearing later down the road with my daughter.

Morning all, lovely sunny day here.

Nothing planned for the day, just relax in the garden or the Sea Wall.

Have a nice day all.

Ended up going shopping once I saw my car was ok to move (others had boxed me in). Did pets at home, home bargains and Morrisons.

There is a time when a man turns into a woman. That is after 20 or more pints of beer. His speech becomes garbled and rambling also unable to drive. :rofl:

Brave Man. Hereā€™s a FlakJak.
JIC, Roller Pins fly over the parapet. :grinning:

Good morning all.
I decided to defrost my little freezer yesterday.
It took some time with the hair dryer, scraper, and
Other needed devices. After I realised that I am getting old, as I could not move. I could not bend down, the top of my legs were aching.
Felling a bit better now though.
Cleaning lady is coming very soon. I have an appointment at the hospital later this morning for the injection in my knee. ( the right one).

Morning all.

Oh Emjay, I know that too well. Love defrosting mine (though now have a new one) but it sure takes it out of you!

Good morning all.
Looks like summer is over again. Very cloudy and not so warm.
The knee injection went well? This Dr that did it certainly knew what he was doing, and was the least painful of all the others that I had.
I donā€™t know what I will be doing today, just have to wait and see what my daughter has planed.

Morning all.

Glad inj went well for you Emjay and you feel relief.

House work today. Bed linen change, and hoovering up more dead insects in the front room. Going to apply flea spray around skirtings and do a brief burst in meter cupboard and down vent holes.

Morning all.

A nice roast meal planned for lunchtime, minted lamb swirls. As usual while the oven is on, Holly and I will go to the shop to say hello to our friend/neighbour. I am hoping for some quiet time in the garden with my book. NfH still away so decently quiet.

Good morning all.
A bit of sunshine now and welcome as I already have been doing things in the garden.
Just topped up the pond, fed the fish and filled the seed containers if the bird thingy.
I had some cockatiels on it yesterday, and they have been having a go at the apples next door and mine.
Not a lot planed for the rest of the day yet.

Morning all.

Finished a large book so have three to return, plus one overdue (with a small fine). Will browse for some more, then into the greengrocer for a few carrots.

Thatā€™s about it for my exciting Monday. Oh, WM going with a clothes wash. Hoping it stays sunny enough to dry it all.

Good morning all.
Dullish here at the moment.
Going to Sainsburys shortly for a few bits. Also been ordered to get an organic chicken for my daughter.
We will be doing some more house clearing this morning.

Morning folks.

Got an update yesterday evening from the pest controller, though I didnā€™t see his message till bedtime, so we had a quick exchange of texts. The insect has been IDd as a grain weevil, and no, I have no idea how they got into my home. Unless my house has been built on a grain silo! Anyways, he can apply an insecticide and fogger so I will speak to him today to arrange a suitable return to do treatment. I also need to phone up the kennels near the caravan park, to ask if they can have Holly for a day while heā€™s here. If both parties can do Monday or Tuesday next week that would suit me fine, as being away at the caravan till Friday would give the smell time to settle.

Thank goodness it wonā€™t be as costly as initially feared. Have no idea what this will be, and donā€™t care. It needs to be done.

In between all that, we have the cafe meet as usual this morning.

Weather has turned for the worse. I just hope it doesnā€™t send the NfH scurrying home early from their camping trip as itā€™s been wonderful without them. Think they might be due home tomorrow though. Iā€™m looking forward to the caravan holiday, give me a break from both sides.

Good morning all.
My daughter and I did 30 black sacks of clothing yesterday at the house down the road.
She has arranged for some of them to be collected from a charity. They will only take 15 at a time.
There is still lots to do.
Sorting through the stuff we found a box with old ration books. Now who would want to keep them?
Weather not too pleasant here at the moment.

A museum maybe, Emjay? You seem to be doing well.

Got the pest controller booked in, and Hollyā€™s daycare at a kennel. This will be next week when Iā€™m at the caravan, so works well.

Trying to contact my gp surgery as when I spoke to diabetic eye screening centre, they couldnā€™t find my surgery on their list. Tried phoning, got to the first in queue and they disconnected me. Tried again, no 7. So had to fill in an online form.