Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
The Venetian blind that was supposed to have been delivered on Sunday, then Thursday, came yesterday.
My grandson came yesterday evening and helped to fit it. Did I say helped? He did most of the work.
Off to the AgeUK club later.
Her down the road is not going, so I shall bus it. Saves getting the car out.

Change of plan. I did visit some animal rescue places but closer to home. Redwings first, Cherry Lane garden centre, Hillside, (all along the same stretch of road), on to Potter Heigham for a delicious bounty ice cream cone and into Lathams store. Back towards home, going in to The Range, and finally the Toby carvery for a takeaway. As usual I got the macaroni cheese and loaded roasts. Disappointed to see the latter was a smaller portion. Still delicious, with the added pieces of bacon. Left half for tomorrow.

Think I enjoyed it more than if I’d gone to London.

Morning all.

Supposed to rain this morning. Certainly looks suspect out there, and it’s quite chilly. I shall tidy up this morning, find homes for yesterday’s shopping, then head for GY around lunchtime. If I drive to Gorleston and park in one of the car parks there, I can catch the bus. It’s then easier getting a bus back to that high street than one for Lowestoft. Times I’ve waited there and waited, and waited

I can then do a bit of shopping in the stores along Gorleston high street.

Morning, not very nice out.

Didn’t know there was a Pie & Mash in Gt. Yarmouth.

Have a nice day.

Yes, called Arthur’s. I need to find out exactly where it is though. Apparently the one in Gorleston closed not long after opening.

Good morning all.
Raining here at the moment.
My cleaning lady should be here very soon. She has changed her times, and it suits me ok.
Later my daughter and I have to get some of the furniture out from down the road, as the council are coming to take it tomorrow.

Morning all.

Seeing as the winds are getting up and it’s forecast to rain, I shall instead still get the train to Norwich, but then catch the bus to the big Sainsburys/Range. Once back in Norwich itself on to the market for some hoover bags, might have a milky coffee and cheese on toast at my favourite food stall, then get home so I can wash the garden paving. I can’t leave the patio cleaner on it while I’m out in case rain washes it away, but I believe that will stop later.

Shall stay home tomorrow, partly to rest, but also heavy rain is forecast for much of th day. Hope the car boot still goes ahead Sunday. Will wait till later in the day before loading the car up just in case.

Good morning all.
Lots of rain in the night here and now very windy.
As usual for a Friday, it will be lunch at Morrisons and then later dinner at my daughter’s.
Yesterday we moved a load of furniture out from down the road. My daughter has arranged for the council to collect it.
What happens for the rest of the day will just happen.

In Norwich, or more specifically Costessy, stopping in the Range for a sausage bap n tea. Got my Wilko food bags and mini daff bulbs, as recommended by my sister.

Unfortunately Holly is unwell, so of course I shall worry about her. K will keep her off food till she settles. Texted after our chat n said I will take her back if she remains poorly. D&V and made a mess.

Holly seems better now. Her carer will walk her and offer some food, and keep her as arranged till Sunday.


Got up to use the bathroom, had a decaf coffee and going back to bed for a bit. I can see my weekend plans being cancelled as it’s raining and set for the day. So I will need to keep an eye on FB about tomorrow’s car boot sale. I see from previous posts that they have cancelled before in wet weather, if the field is likely to be water logged.

Good morning all.
I am all on my own today as my daughter and family have gone to the IOW until Tuesday.
So I am on cat duty in the mornings.
The weather here is as expected for a bank holiday weekend. Rain, cold.
So I shall have to find things to amuse myself. I have a few ideas for things to do.

Holly has apparently made a full recovery today.

Morning all, beautiful sunshine here.

You could still do the Boot sale Janet, its going to be a nice day.

What time will you be picking Holly up today?

Have a nice day.

Morning all.

Usual time, Susie, between 4-5, depending on what I get up to during the day.

Will do a bit of vacuuming downstairs before my shower, have my lunch of a meat loaf with roasties, and then get off somewhere for some fresh bread.

Good morning all.
Back to blue sky and sunshine here.
Already been and done the cat duty. I had to wake up my next door neubours as their car was blocking my drive.
I have a delivery from Amazon today sometime, I have bought a new mattress topper.
I expect I shall find things to do for the rest of the day.

Morning all.

Will just have an easy time today with Holly.

Good morning all.
Quite late today on here.
I have been rushing about so far this morning.
Had to do my daughter’s cat, then went to the Amazon shop in north Chingford to return some items.
I ordered a mattress topper, and they sent me 2. Also some plugs that I must of ordered by mistake.
Yesterday I tried a local shop that takes returns, but it would not come up on their scanner.
It would seen that I have to take it to a post office to return it.
The Amazon shop did take the plugs.
So then I went to Sainsburys for my weekly shop.
Came home and checked if and when my local post office was open.
It said it was today. Eh? But it’s a bank holiday. Yes I went up there and yes it was closed.
Later this afternoon it is tea and cake with my friend down the road.

A busy morning for you Emjay.

Good morning all.
Off again shortly to do my daughter’s cat. They are coming home sometime today.
Then again I am going to attempt to get rid of the parcel at the post office later.
I have to make a bread. This I will do when I get back.
I can then have the rest of the day off.