Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
Spits of rain in the air.
The blind in the wet room has finally given up and collapsed on me yesterday.
One of the fittings that hold it in place had broken.
I have had to do a bodge job for now, and will get a new one soon.
I expect Argos is the best option.
Off to the Wednesday ageUK coffee and chat this morning. Her down the road is also going.

Morning all.

Emjay, I usually conjure up images of stuff actually falling on you when you tell us stuff!

I have no idea what today will bring, what needs doing or what I feel like doing. So will take each hour as it comes.

Good morning all.
Sunny and warm again.
I had to take my brown bin out this morning for the garden refuse collection. ( they collect every 2 weeks.) it was so heavy with the windfall apples.
My cleaning lady comes this morning. She has changed her times and should be here very soon.
There will be more clearing out later this afternoon at the property down the road.

Morning all, lovely and hot and sunny here.

Nothing planned for the day.

Janet, have you heard back from the Pest Control yet?

Early days I would think.

Morning all.

Had a lovely surprise yesterday. A delivery of M&S flowers and chocolates from my nieces and nephews, with a card saying how grateful they were for all my offers of help and being there to help them. Messaged them all individually with about a million thanks.

Had left the rubbish bags in the garden. Should have slung them in the shed as it has now rained on them. Argh! So deffo not going in my car to the tip. The waste removal company I messaged haven’t got back to me so will try someone else. There is a guy who advertises in the local shop. Will see if he is free.

Good morning all.
Very damp here as it rained in the night.
Yesterday as usual for a Thursday afternoon, daughter and I was down the road sorting and chucking stuff away.
We are trying to see if there is stuff that could go to auction. My daughter has contacted an auction house and had to send photos of the stuff that they might be interested in.
As usual for today, lunch at Morrisons and dinner at hers.

Morning all, dull and grey here.

That was lovely Janet of your Nieces and Nephews.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all, very misty here.

Off into Town.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

I have no plans for today just yet. Need to check on Holly’s food stock, make sure I have enough to send her away with Monday morning. Might need to pop out today or tomorrow if low on any flavour (I like to rotate what I give her).

I’m also annoyed as not heard from two waste removal individuals. One I have used before and the second was used by friends of mine. I really do need to get the garden emptied of the stuff so I can clean the ground. Hoping not to go through the rigmarole of contacting other recommendations, for which I’d need to search on NextDoor.

Good morning all.
Sunny and warming up here.
My daughter is dragging me out and she wants to go to Loughton which is a short drive away.
My grandson has taken his caravan for a tryout to a site at a place called Dobbs weir. It’s not too far, and we may go visit later this afternoon.

Morning all.

Packing Holly’s case today, and will also check I have enough food and biscuits for her 7 days away.

As usual for Sunday, will take her to the shop to see our neighbour, and leaving her there briefly, I will nip over to the pub for a take away roast dinner. I cooked a turkey drumstick yesterday so might just ask for gammon/pork today, and add some turkey meat. No doubt there will be enough for tomorrow too.

Once she goes in the morning I can then concentrate on what needs to be done. Booking train tickets and travel for Wednesday (day out to London for the matinee of The Lion King). Decide if I want to stay away a few nights, and where is cheaper to book. But before all that, I have cleaning to do indoors and in the garden, which might take up tomorrow. When I don’t have her to worry about (walks, play time, attention) I can usually crack on without interruptions. Will miss her madly, of course, but am looking forward to time on my own. Losing my sister has been devastating, and the time spent going backwards and forwards to her house has tired me out. It’s finally gone now so I can concentrate on just myself (and Holly).

Lovely sunshine again.

Second man with van I messaged has also not responded so this means I have to start again, trying other companies. The ideal time for removal is when the dog isn’t here, so the back gate can be left open with no worries.

Guessing they are on holidays. Pffft

Good morning all.
Looking like is going to be another fine day.
Yesterday was good and all plans were executed as arranged. Very tiring though.
To day I might start cutting down some bushes out in the back that are overgrown.

Morning all.

Once I have dropped Holly off to her carer around 9, I will come home and start tidying, hoovering, applying more insect killer etc. I have a waste removal company to contact, and the pest controller, to see if he has any reply yet from the lab testing.

If I get that lot done today, then that leaves me more time from tomorrow for other pursuits. For instance, after cafe meet in the morning, I can bus down to the library, then go on to the promenade, and enjoy the sea, sand, ice cream, donuts, and look for the iron statues.

Good morning all.
Plans for today.
I shall go to Sainsburys shortly for my weekly lot, then I shall have to wait for an Email from Amazon to tell me what time my blind is being delivered.
When it comes, then I might attempt to put it up. If I can’t, I shall contact my grandson to come help.

Morning all, its very cloudy and drizzle of rain here.

Off into Gorleston Town this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
It was raining earlier, but has brightened up now.
Just got a bread making, and that should be done by 1130 ish.
The Venetian blind did not come yesterday, and now told that it could be anytime from now to Thursday.
Amazon sellers don’t usually use Royal Mail, so that is the problem.

Morning all.

Cafe at 11. Off to Halfords for a 2pm appt for my roof bars fitting, hopefully. Then back home for my waste collection.

Morning all.

Yesterday’s plans all went well but I am having difficulty finding a roof bag small enough to fit between the roof bars (60cm spaced apart). Wondering if there is one that can be turned sideways so the longest part can run the width of the car, but would still need to be below 60cm.

Waste collected in the evening, as planned, which I’m pleased about. I can now jet wash the garden another day, and have my planned bbq. Kept the rusty bbq as a disposable one fits snugly inside the drum, keeping it safe and up away from inquisitive dogs.

Have cancelled plans for London and the Lion King. The only tickets left now are in the region of £233 and £333, and I can’t justify paying that, as much as I’d love to see it live. Add on around £64 for train ticket plus the underground and it makes for a very expensive day out.

I shall now do a packed lunch and go for a drive around Norfolk. I plan on visiting one of the horse sanctuaries up past Cromer, then on the way home popping in to Waitrose, then stopping at Potter Heigham, a delightful little place on the broads. There is a large store that I love browsing round plus of course having an ice cream.

So the estimated ÂŁ2-300 budget for London can pay for a few days of travelling over the next couple of days. Still got a day out in Norwich planned, with further train travel to Cromer and bus to Sheringham. Another day will be at Gt Yarmouth (free bus), and to eat in the pie and mash shop there.

Enjoy your day, whatever you plan.