Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
Wednesday again. So it will be the AgeUK coffee and chat this morning. Her down the road is also going with me.
I am going to try and post a photo on here of the latest thing that I rescued from ‘down the road’. Its a big brass elephant,

that I found where we are still clearing out the house. It weighs 28lb. I have cleaned it up a bit.
My daughter has arranged for the Salvation Army people who are coming on Friday to hopefully take some stuff.

Morning all.

Do you plan on keeping it, Emjay?

Another busy day for me, then from tomorrow my life is my own. Sigh.

Good morning all.
Sunny and warm again here.
I have my cleaning lady coming here early this morning any time now, as she has somewhere else to go after.
I expect later this afternoon there will be more house clearing down the road. It’s interesting as I am finding all sorts of interesting staff.
They were horders.
Yes Jan I am keeping the elephant, and I have named it Nelly. I have had a few people that have taken an interest in it. But they can’t have it.

Very original name Emjay.

Morning, beautiful and sunny here.

Have a nice day all.

Off out to the carvery very shortly, with my nieces. Meeting them there.

Morning all. Niece paid for my lunch.

Busy today.

Good morning all.
It’s not very nice out at the moment, already had some rain.
As I mentioned yesterday, we are hoping that the Salvation Army are coming this morning to take some stuff from down the road.
Then I expect as usual, daughter and I will go for lunch at Morrisons. Then later dinner at hers.

Good morning all, sun is just popping out, going to be a nice day.

Off into Town at 8am for my Saturday stroll around the shops.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Susie, I too could have gone out for a wander but I’m not sure when the pest controller plans on popping round to collect the insect samples I’ve got. I had offered to pay towards cost of lab testing but he said it wouldn’t cost him. Reckon it’s because he is a franchisee.

Trying to sit by bedroom window but that sun is blazing. Think I’ll get the dog out early. Actually, just checked temps for the day. Only 17 right now with a high of 23 during the day. Not too bad then.

Good morning all.
It is warming up nicely here as well.
Already done a few chores, such as the usual Saturday laundry and most in the dryer.
Been for a morning stroll and there are Canada geese on the field.
My daughter is supposed to go to the IOW sometime today, but SIL and grandson have a big job in the city that they are doing at this moment.
I did cook some of my apples yesterday and been bagged and in the freezer.
I also have just picked another load that I will do later.

Talking of apples, there seems to be a conspiracy in supermarkets to only sell cookers in packs. I only wanted one to go with the blackberries I picked. (Frozen, for now). 6 G Smiths for £1.70. No ta. There were just three small Bramleys in the box, but none were any good, so came away empty handed, till I try somewhere else.


Probs a stay at home day. Friend still on holiday from shop so no need to drag Holly out if hot. I have a roast to cook lunchtime.

I’d like to empty out the spuds pot but there are still some green leaves. Pulled out the internal section but can’t see any. Might put gloves on and rummage around from the top.

Sitting in garden with the dog. So far so good.

Good morning all.
I have just been out into the garden to feed the fish.
One of them that I call lumpy, does not look well. There is not much I can do for it as it is one of the old ones.
Also just picked up another bucket full of ‘windfall’. I can’t do anything with them as they fall onto paving and they bruse.
Off this afternoon for tea and cake with my friend down the road.

Morning all.

If this heat continues I reckon the dog and I will stay in the garden. Hoping neighbours are quieter. Yesterday, from somewhere, music was blasting and there was some diy going on.

Good morning all.
Wow it is quite warm this morning, perspiring quite freely already.
Off to Sainsburys soon. At least it is cool in there.
My daughter is still away but coming home later this afternoon.
I had a nice afternoon yesterday with her down the road.
She had got a Jaffa cake from Morrisons. Glad I am no longer diabetic.

That looks nice Emjay, hope you saved me a slice.

Morning all, have been and done my weekly shopping now going to sit and relax.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.

Off to the Car Boot sale this morning if it doesn’t rain.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Enjoy car boot Susie.

Cafe this morning, then not sure about later. Don’t really need shopping yet so expect I will be in the garden with Holly. Can’t wait for cooler weather.

Good morning all.
Very hot and sticky this morning.
Had my breakfast, fed the fish, gave myself a haircut, topped up the bird feeders, picked up the windfall apples, and not yet been for my walk. I might do it shortly.
My daughter is back, so I expect I shall go help her with her shopping. (I work the ‘smart’ checkout thing).

Morning all.

I am finding it cooler this morning, but I have opened the side window in my bedroom for more air flow. Will close it when out (dog walk, etc).

Off shopping this morning. Emptied my fridge yesterday, while the black bin was out the front, and need to replace stuff, also need bread. Exciting times, eh?