Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
It is very humid and already perspiring freely.
I have just picked up a bucket load of ‘windfall’ apples. I can’t do anything with them as they fall on stonework and they get bruised.
I shall try again later to pick up my meds . Yesterday when I went there, at 0830 they were shut and was told that they don’t open until 0900.
It says on their website they open at 0700.

Morning all.

Had to recharge my iPad before browsing, so here I am.

We were welcomed by the ladies last night but I am not sure the whole content interests my two friends enough to keep going. Spose it depends on the subject/talk. Last night was by a member of the coast guard team and was interesting. Refreshments, then the (boring) business side of things, like minutes of last meeting and the raffle. We have a programme for the year so I expect we will wait till something grabs our interest. We had to pay a visitor’s fee of £2, and a drink and biscuit is 50p, so not bad for an evening out.

They also do a walking group, lunches, and coffee meets in other’s houses at £5 a pop.

Might stay home with Holly today. Had nowhere nearby to park last night so after circling my road several times had to go elsewhere and out of sight. As I walked down our road this morning to fetch the car to bring outside, I could hear her barking all the way down to the end.

Sounds like ‘Jam and Jerusalem’! We’ve got the DVD boxed set. They invite Charles Vance to give a talk about his film career - yawn! Jennifer Saunders also appears as a central character. You’ll have to find some worthy causes in the community.

Morning all.

Have some shopping to do before lunch.

Much cooler today and windy too.

Good morning all.
It is also a welcome cooler here as well.
I am waiting for a phone call so hopefully I can go collect my car.
Then I expect when my daughter comes, we will do the usual things.
Stroll around the ‘Mount’, lunch at Laroca.
Then this afternoon tea with my friend down the road.
Nearly forgot to tell.
I went and saw the knee specialist, had X-rays, and saw that there is lot of wear on the knee joint. Well I knew that.

Good morning all, the sun is out, nothing planned for the day, just relaxing in the garden, have already done a load of washing this morning, that’s outside on the line.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Will go and see my family when I know they are all at sister’s house.

No idea what to cook for main meal.

Good morning all.
I may go down the road when my grandson comes, we have to try and get a chest freezer out that’s not working and but it out on the front. Maybe someone will take it.
I got my car back yesterday and it is all ok.

Good morning all, nice and sunny here.

|Off to the Doctors Surgery this morning, then to Aldi to do my weekly shopping.

Have a good day all.

Good morning all.
It’s starting to cloud over here and still very humid.
Off to Sainsburys shortly, then again later when my daughter comes.
I have inherited a big brass elephant from down the road. It weighs 28lb It going to get a clean up in the near future, as I have a tin of brasso.

Morning all.

Another day spent hoovering up dead insects. Think I will lift up all rugs and take them outside to the back path for a good steam clean. Sweep up dirt n debris from the porch, and again apply all insect powder/spray/diatomaceous earth.

Morning all.

Cafe this morning and if my niece is back at the house today hope to go round and see what else needs going to the charity shop.

Morning all, it was sunny this morning, its gone now.

Off into Gorleston this morning.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
It is still sunny here, but lots of horrible grey clouds approaching from the west.
I am going to do some work on the pond shortly. There is a lot of a oxygenating plant that is taking over and some need to be thinned out.
Later I expect I shall accompany my daughter to Sainsburys.

Got washing out to dry so hope no rain today. Plenty of wind, lol.

Its raining now.

Yes and I wasn’t at home to rescue Holly’s garden mat. Had to stuff it inside the spare small greenhouse and hope it is dry in the morning to hang it out.

Went to sister’s house at 3, back home at 5 after swerving into Aldi.

Morning all.

Another bag to drop off to the charity shop this morning then my friend will pop in for a coffee and chat.

Good morning all, lovely and sunny here.
Nothing planned for the day, so I think sunbathing, washing my hair etc.

Have a nice day all.