Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Morning all.

No plans.

Good morning all.
I was up early this morning. Most of my laundry is in the dryer or hanging in the conservatory.
I said good morning to the friendly fox that pays visits to mr garden.
I may wander to the pharmacy in Morrison to take in my prescriptions later.

Morning all.

Will do a roast today, turkey slices, with sausage meat and stuffing, and all the usual veg.

While the roasties are in the oven can take Holly round to the shop to see our friend.

I was awake at 5 and couldn’t sleep any more so expect we will be in bed early again tonight.

Good morning all.
I was also up a bit early this morning.
I have already been and sorted out my daughter’s cat.
I don’t have anything else planed for today, so I shall just let it happen.

Afternoon all, very hot here.
Have been to the Corton Village Fete, too hot and noisy for me.
Have a n ice day all.

Morning all.

Will be out and about today, shopping this morning, then seeing my nieces and some toddlers, later in the day at my sister’s house. They still need to sort out stuff and one wants to clean the oven, bless her.

Good morning all, another beautiful hot sunny day here.

Waiting in this morning for delivery.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Shopping at Sainsburys later for me, and then again when my daughter gets back.
I am going for my walk shortly when I have fed the fish.
There are lots of apples falling off the tree, but I don’t think that they are ready for eating or cooking.
Funny thing is, I can’t eat them off the tree as I get horrible indigestion. So I cook and freeze them and make apple crumble or a pie.

Same here Emjay, I can’t eat Apples, they make me heave, but I can eat them stewed in Crumbles.

Good morning all.
Another ‘phew’ day here. Just back from my walk and perspiring quite freely.
Got the fan on.
Plans for today. I shall accompany my daughter when she goes shopping.
Then have my lunch, and settle down to continue to read the story on my Kindle. Or watch another couple of episodes of the drama on Netflix.

Morning all.

Yes, warm, isn’t it? Hoping to just sit in the garden today, as I am now.

Cafe at 11.

Good morning all, another beautiful day here.

Off into Gorleston this morning, do a bit of shopping.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
It’s overcast here, so does that mean rain? Well the forecast says no.
Off to the Wednesday coffee and chat at the AgeUK later. I must remember to get a birthday card for my cleaner.
She is over her covid, so I expect her to return to duty tomorrow.

Morning all.

Just chilling in the garden with a book. Was going to the library but that can wait for another day. Don’t need shopping.

Morning all.

Just waiting for the gardener to turn up. He said 8 but I seem to remember another time he was about an hour later than intended. Think there are children involved.

Then I am hoping to get to the library later, collect a reservation, and also swerve round to the pharmacy for my repeats.

Cooler, thank goodness.

Good morning all. Damaging storms forecast for today so take care. Very still outside, not so much as a leaf moving on the trees. A long drive for me too so hopefully no flooded roads.

Good morning all.
Could be a busy day for me.
I am waiting for my cleaning lady to arrive at 0830. Then I will go to Morrison to also pick up my repeat meds.
Then drop off the car for the bodywork repairs.
Later this afternoon I have to go to the Diabetes eye screening place. (Do I still need this done as I am diabetes free)
My daughter said she will take me.
I normally go by bus, and it’s so easy.
I think that’s enough for one day.

Gardener at work. Next door not answering so ATM no chance of him accessing their back garden for the overhanging branches.

I’d forgotten I am out tonight at a ladies group. Yes I was the one who had brought it to my two friends’ attention, asking if they were interested. I think they want or need something to do, one complains she just sits about in the evening. Well as do I really, but spose it don’t hurt to go to other things. There is a talk tonight about coastguards. Ooer.

Will need to walk Holly in a little while, then she will have to wait till I get home, maybe sometime around 9.45. Unless I leave earlier.

Morning all.

Hope you had a nice time Janet last night.

Nothing planned for today, just sit around in the sun, got to make the most of it whilst its here.

Have a nice day all.