Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Been busy in the kitchen, cutting up lots of various veg to put in the freezer. Not bothered with blanching, all that heating, cooling and faffing. Bit too chilly for stying in the garden, but I was out there briefly, checking on my seedlings, and found somewhere to hang my new clock.

I had to find a tiny knife to undo four screws on the back of the box, to release the clock. The instructions were between the box and clock, and in it, gave details on the screws that could be found and they would need to be removed! Duh!!!

Good morning all.
Raining here.
Off to Sainsburys shortly for a few things.
I got a text from my surgery telling me it is 3 months that they took me off Metformin. So I have to go have a blood test to see how I am doing.
Got to phone the surgery to organise that.
I did a blood test a few days ago and it was 6.6. That canā€™t be bad?

Morning all.

Library and pharmacy today.

Edited. Staying home while weather is this foul. Heating is on to help dry our stuff.

Popped into the back bedroom for dog food and noticed a new water stain, and growing I should think. Hastily took some photos and put up a post on Next door. My nephew would have seen to it, Iā€™m sure, but he is a couple of hours away and not likely to be at his mumā€™s house now for a few weeks.

What I may do, is any quotes I get, I will message and show him, see what he thinks. (Roofing is his trade).

Morning all, rain, sun, rain again.

Off into Gorleston this morning.

What happened this morning, couldnā€™t get on here.

Have a good day all.


Susie, any sign yet of the card I sent you?

Good morning all.
Sunny and warm now, but I donā€™t think it will last long.
Not got much to do today, except look online for a suitable small used car.
Just fed up with the thing I have now.
I expect I shall be going shopping with my daughter later.

Good luck with cr shopping, Emjay.

Not yet Janet, but the postman has not been yet today.

Janet postman has just been and I think it is your card, it was posted in Norwich and you have neat handwriting, so I think it is yours, I donā€™t open my cards until the day.

Can you take a photo of the handwriting and show me? I wasnā€™t in Norwich when posting. Maybe itā€™s the sorting office.

You can email me if you wish. Or send a photo on messenger.

Good morning all.
Itā€™s overcast here again. Just hoping that it does not rain as I shall be walking and busing to the AgeUK coffee and chat this morning.
Looking around to change my car. I have seen a few that I am interested in.

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Morning all.

Several things needing my attention today. A roofer is expected mid morning. I have another name to contact to come out and look. There will be an Amazon delivery*. And I need to contact one of the holiday parks Iā€™m going to in two weeks. An email asked for a scan of ID or my face. I have to check itā€™s legit.

*ordered a Dulce Gusto mini me coffee pod machine, in a bundle. As in it includes six boxes of pods. This will go in my bedroom. Canā€™t wait to try the various flavours and buy others.

Morning all.

A nice mug of flat white without leaving my bedroom this morning. But today I hope to get out to the retail park, look for more of a selection in the pods, like mocha, and decaf.

Where are Susie and Carol? Have they forgotten us?

Good morning all.
Itā€™s not too bad here at the moment.
Frank is back. Who is Frank you may ask?
He is one of the guys that does the white lines on the field for the school running tracks, cricket pitches, and football pitches.
He had a heart attack and had a ā€˜stemā€™ put in.
I am still trying to chase up another car.
Cleaning lady comes today.

Well done ā€¦. Keep flag flying

Good morning all.
Early today as I have to take my car to near Dagenham to get the exhaust system replaced. They are having to rebuild it, as there is no standard replacement for this vehicle.
I shall have to hang around whilst they do it. I was told a ā€˜couple of hoursā€™
I am used to be hanging around in garages when I was working.
Also later I am going to look at some other cars, as I have had enough with this present one.

Good morning all, terrible weather last night while in bed, it was gale force wind and rain, this morning its dry but cold, had to put the heating on this morning.

Got to go to the Hospital at 2pm with Rob to have the camera down his throat.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Hair cut lunchtime.

Cooking my free chicken that my friendā€™s partner brought home yesterday. He managed to get some for us all. (Her, her son, his friend and me). He pays Ā£1 each but friend wonā€™t take money off me. Itā€™s a plain one this time so I put some butter on it. The last one had some fabulous seasoning on a smear of butter and tasted wonderful.

Weather awful.

Susie, hope all goes well with Rob.
Emjay, good luck with car repairs and car hunting.

Exhaust will probably cost you a bit Emjay, good luck in finding another car.

Its lovely and sunny here now and quite warm, 19c outside.

Thanks Janet, I will pass your message onto Rob.