Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all, the sun is just trying to come out.

I overslept this morning, then when I got up I had a nose bleed which went all over the bathroom towel, so had to soak the towel in salt cold water then scrub the blood out.

Nothing planned for today.

Where is Janet this morning?

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Well some people have dogs to tend to, like walking them, etc. and thereā€™s no rush.

No specific plans for today. Might go to the library, as I have a book to collect and some are due back. Will see.

Good morning all, its dull and grey outside.
Popping into Gorleston High Street this morning.
No other plans for the day, hope the sun comes out.
Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Emjay, yes, wondering what use is a tambourine to you.

Susie, any more nose bleeds?

As I have left Holly several mornings running (and going out again after cafe meet) for shopping, I shall have a stay at home day with her. And finish my library book.

At 8am I also need to do an online request to my gp practice for a gp call back, or whatever. They took my omezaprole off repeat prescription and Iā€™d like it reinstated.

Good morning all.
It is also looking gloomy weather.
My cleaning lady comes this morning, and I expect we shall be sorting out the pond filter that she gave me. It is bigger that the one that I have at the moment. I have cleaned it up and I think I have sused out where the the parts fit. She has got the other bits for it that she will bring with her.

No nose bleeds Janet, but blood shot eye this time.

Oh dear. Any idea why?

Had a lazy day, but been sort of successful. Surgery messaged in response to my online request for omezaprole and they have generated a repeat. Also got hold of my hairdresser and moved next Thursdayā€™s appt to the week after. Finished my library book, ready to start another. And while scrambling on the floor to retrieve a tennis ball, I found a half hidden bottle of carpet shampoo (will need a lot next week). Iā€™d moved it when the toddlers were due to visit a few weeks ago.

No Janet, iā€™m always getting nose bleeds and blood shot eyes, I look like Dracula.

Morning all.

Sorry to hear that Susie.

No great plans for today. Fold up my washing, get the new mattress topper into the topper, fluff it up as per instructions, then lay it over an airer till I get round to getting old one off the bed. And walk round to the pharmacy.

Good morning all.
Poor old Susie. If itā€™s not one thing, itā€™s another.
I am also suffering from the activities yesterday. I finally got the other pond filter sorted. I had to resort to plan B with the wiring. There was a lot of trimming of the bushes to get to the wiring.
Usual Friday I expect. Lunch at Morrisons and dinner at my daughterā€™s.

Tell you what Emjay, I feel like an old woman of 90, I donā€™t have any energy, I feel like doing nothing at all, I have pains all over my body, I now have Arthritis in both my Hips and iā€™m going for an MRI Scan on the 15th June on my Lumber Spine because iā€™m getting a lot of back pain once again.

I feel my age at times. Just generally stiff and awkward turning over in bed, or getting out of it. But this is why I keep up my dog walking, as much as I can.

Thatā€™s a good idea Janet, dog walking.

When its nice out I do try and go for a walk for at least 1 hr. I might have to sit down half way through the walk though.

Good morning all, feeling a bit better this morning.

Off into Town.

Its cold, wet and very windy outside.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Good to hear, Susie.

Just need to get round to the pharmacy again, in the hope my prescription is finally ready. It hadnā€™t left the ā€˜hubā€™.

No other plans. But will need to check I have enough dog food and biscuits (yeah right, she has as much stuff as I do, lol). I shall be packing her case tomorrow, getting her to the carer early Monday.

Good morning all.
Susie and other sufferers. This what happens when oneā€™s body gets old. But I expect that you realise that. We just have to grin and bare it.
My friend down the road, thatā€™s the one I take to AgeUK.
She is going on Tuesday for 2 injections in the spine for her hip pains. Luckily for her she still is covered by Bupa. Part of her late husbands deal.
I was always a Walker (and cycler) and try to do as much of the walking as I can. That is why I walk around the fields each morning when I can.
Weather here is a mystery as I donā€™t think it even knows what it wants to do.

Iā€™ve had Spine Injections Emjay but they didnā€™t work for me, some people it does.

Morning all, no sun yet and still freezing cold outside.

Nothing planned for the day.

Have a good day.

Morning all.

It will be warmer by afternoon, too late to do anything.

Thought Holly wanted to go out, but Iā€™m downstairs, she has stayed up there, so having my cereal.

Lots to do today, to prep for next week.

Good morning all.
Blue sky and sunny here. I have not yet been out.
Nothing planed for today, so I shall just let it happen.