Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
Very nice out at the moment and I hope it stays very nice.
Now that I have recuperated from that horrible cold, I must get activated and do things that need to be done.
I don’t know if it will be the usual Friday, as there has been dramas at my daughter’s home.

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Got a new one in PaH but couldn’t sign in to my app (which had to be updated) for the £1 off voucher.

Now don’t lose it Janet.

Morning all.

I don’t intend to, Susie. So annoyed at this. It has to be somewhere, but where?? :woman_shrugging:

Hoping to order my new mattress this morning.

I got one of those from that Norfolk firm, amazing thing

Here (may not be in Norfolk, but thats lodged in my mind for some reason)

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Good morning all.
The weather here can’t make up its mind. Earlier there were a few spots of rain, but now it has brightened up a bit, although there is a lot of rain looking clouds heading this way.
My plans for today?
I have an invite this afternoon from her down the road for tea an a natter.

Cross, yet again. The mattress I wanted is no longer in a sale (didn’t know it was). Now back up to about £1,500. Left my contact details in case the sale returns but in the meantime I might order a topper for now. It’s my current one that has gone. It is dirty and Holly has licked holes in it, releasing feathers. The one I’ve earmarked is microfiber and from Amazon, just under £50.

Morning all.

Just the usual Sunday activities. Put roasties in the oven for lunchtime, take Holly round to the shop to see our neighbour. Expecting to have a phone chat with my ex colleague (one of the ladies I used to meet up with on a yearly basis). See how she is liking retirement.

If quiet out in the garden, I hope to sit out there with my book, but I dare say several neighbours will blare their music, there will be noisy chatter, someone might mow a lawn somewhere, or do diy, the dogs all around - including Holly - will be barking, and the cockerel will be crowing. Such fun. :roll_eyes:. Oh and how can I forget children playing??

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Good morning all.
Just back from my morning cat duty.
The sun is out now and it could be a nice day.
Very soon I am going to have another go with the pond pump. I think I know now what is happening.
I might even get the strimmer out and have a go at the jungle in the garden.

Re pond pump, do tell. Hope you can fix it.

I’m in the garden after all chores done. So far so good…

Good morning all.

Change in the weather, its Grey, Dull, Windy and Cold.

Off out at 8am to do our weekly shopping and that’s about it for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all.

Not decided yet what I’m doing.

Good morning all.
Blue sky and a warm sunshine.
Again it is off shortly to sort out one cat, and then off to Sainsburys. For my weekly lot.
For Jan and any others that might be interested.
My theory of the pond pump and filter, was wrong.
I thought that why it reduced its performance was that it was sucking in the oxygen making plants that were blocking the inlet slots.
So yesterday I cleared them away around the pump area.
I also stripped the pump down and cleaned it out, and changed the filters. It did not need that as all other parts were clean.
So it is back to the thought box.

Morning all.

Emjay, hope you can get the pump sorted.

Awake early, yet again. This habit makes me fall asleep early evenings and I wish I could break the cycle.

No plans today, apart from the weekly cafe meet.

Holly is booked in with her carer for a few days early June. I will still keep the week at the end of that month. For the longer period I still hope to go away somewhere, still to be decided. For the shorter time, I hope to do some deep cleaning, of rugs, stair carpet, steam the sofa and her bed. And clean then paint the lower wall in the lounge, where she rubs and marks it. Will need to have doors wide open for this, so everything will dry quicker.

During that week I will have to set aside time for having my hair cut (a waste of an hour) and also my cafe meet, but I shall frantically work around those appointments. I also want to sort out rubbish and do a tip run.

Before all that, I need to order a new mattress topper, so again, while she is away, I can remove the old one (which will give me the excuse for the tip run), and try and lift the mattress, get some stuff stored underneath. She spends a lot of time on the bed, watching through the window. :laughing::laughing:

Good morning all.
The weather is back to its overcast and gloomy.
Also not so warm.
As my daughter is now home, I shall go with her for her shopping at Sainsburys.
I got the replacement parts yesterday and fitted them for my front door alarm, and hoping that’s sorted.
It was the reed switch that was sticking.
The pond pump and filter seems to be working better, but still not 100%.

Morning all.

Another shopping trip this morning (I need bread). Will go to the retail park and look in Lidl as well.

Good morning all.
Raining and expected thunderstorms, so they say.
Not a lot going on, except the excitement of the day will be me going to the Wednesday morning coffee and chat.
I suppose the next lot of excitement, could be me deciding what to make for lunch.

Morning all, bad weather last night, but thankfully it has stopped now.

Off into Gorleston this morning, visiting QD, Card shop, \Morrisons.

Have a nice day all.

Dog walk done. Just having a cuppa to wait for phone charge top up, then I’ll get off. No rush, is there?

Morning all, the sun is shining.
Nothing planned for the day.
Have a nice day all.

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