Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Good morning all.
Oh no Susie, not rain. I am dressed for summer.
It is overcast here but more of a mist. So maybe the sun will make an appearance later.
Off to the AgeUK this morning, for coffee and chat. (Tea for me.)

Morning all.

Eye test this morning, then into B&M to return some items and the library, put two books back.

Only just finishing breakfast, but best get myself shifted.

Morning all.

Eye test went well. No change in the prescription. I just paid a fiver for the new test that takes photos of the back of the eyes. Next routine test will be in two years.

I have a free day today, so might see if I can defrost the FF. I have to find somewhere for the four drawers, which I will have to put inside strong large black bin bags (the ones that go in wheelie bins). Maybe on the floor in the back room in that case. I will bring my Vax spotwash downstairs which can help suck up melting water.

Wonā€™t start it till after dog walk.

Good morning all, another beautiful sunny day here.

Am going into Town this morning, just stroll around the shops.

Janet, why pay to have photos taken at the back of your eye, when you go for Diabetic Eye Screening that does the same thing.

Have a nice day all.

Apparently this device can go through 10 layers of the retina. (Will look it up to confirm that).

I asked if it replaced the diabetic retinopathy and she said no. This article confirms they are different.

Good morning all.
Dull and overcast here. Lots thunder, lightning, and rain last night.
Yet another dead fish in the pond this morning, that makes 3 in the last 2 weeks. It was another of the big ones.
Off later with my daughter to finish clearing out the freezers down the road.
Then we are going to where the new house is being built. They have laid the concrete foundations last week, 12 truck loads of concrete, and now the bricks are going on.

Morning all.

Emjay, is it your D having a new house built? Donā€™t remember you mentioning it before.

Itā€™s raining but Iā€™d already promised to go to the young at heart meeting for the quiz. Itā€™s a few hours of fun, and something to do on a wet morning, lol.

Yes. And we went there yesterday to see how it was getting on.
I did try to add a photo from my phone, but the powers on here say that the image is too large. I canā€™t see how to reduce it.

Yes thatā€™s annoying trying to reduce photo sizes.

Good morning all.
I shall be going shortly to try and get my covid booster jab. There is a local chemist that is just a walk in.
Raining a bit at the moment.
As for usual Friday lunch at Morrisons and dinner at daughters.
I am on cat duty as they are going away again to the IOW. I have to do the mornings and someone else is doing evenings.

Processing: 7DD7610F-0F3D-4620-9B44-2EBFA68B6346.jpegā€¦
Still will not let me post.

I usually transfer photos from my phone to my laptop Emjay, I can then use the photo editor to reduce the size. I donā€™t know why phones take such large photos, unless you are going to make them large enough to fill a barn wall thereā€™s no need. I find 1Mb is about right. Perhaps some photo expert can enlighten meā€¦

The photo that I tried to post was a copy of one that my grandson took on his phone that he sent to me. They go automatically to my iphone and my iPad.
So both of them are still too large. I cannot see a way to reduce them on either.

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Good morning all, lovely and sunny here, not like yesturday.

Off into Town this morning, stroll around the shops.

Have a nice day all.

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Hello Susie, nice to hear you have a sunny day. The sunā€™s out here today too, at last, after days of rain. Should get warmer, itā€™s about time!

Good morning all.
It is also warm and sunny here at the moment.
Shortly I am going to walk to Morrisons pharmacy to take a prescription in.
I have an invite for tea and a natter from her down the road later this afternoon.
I must try and phone my mate, who was supposed to come home yesterday from his 7 week stay in hospital.

Morning all.

Yes, hope it stays fine today. I have washing out in the garden.

Going out this morning on several errands. First to town for a quick stop, to return an item. B&M tills werenā€™t allowing returns the other day when I was there, so will do half hour free parking rather than paying/staying for 2h. Then on to retail park. Another return (Lidl) then across the road to main stores, and into Currys. Hoping to order the new FF. I measured mine yesterday and browsed online, earmarking several hopefuls.

Emjay, hope your friend is now recovering.

@Kenty Hope you are feeling better and it is simply a cold/flu bug.

Good morning all, another beautiful sunny day here.

No plans for today.

Have a good day all.

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