Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

Morning all, sorry I forgot to post on here this morning.
Its been pouring down of rain here, but the sun has just come out.
Not going out today.
Have a nice day all.

Holly and I got very wet on our first walk, then it dried up. Meanwhile, everything was wet. Yeuk.

I enjoyed my time out. Quiz, tea and coffee n biscuits, paper puzzles, a sing along, a reading from the bible, then a nice buffet with cold drinks. Donations to cover. Must have been out nearly 3 hours, so Holly got a good walk after.

Morning all.

I plan to make a start on decluttering my home. Maybe start off with charity donations, then stuff for the tip. It is overwhelming me so has to be done.

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Good morning all.
Saturday. So laundry is being done, with the second lot in.
Weather is looking good.
As my daughter is back, all should return to normal. I expect that we will go out and have lunch at the usual place.
I received the new parts for my clock and although the hands, supplied were too long, I managed to modify and use the original ones.

Still fairly chilly here. Just back from dog walk.

Morning all.

By the time I finished watching telly last night it was 9.30 so didnā€™t bother with a walk, just took Holly outside for a wee. ATM sheā€™s curled up half under my pillow, keeping warm, so I wonā€™t rush her.

A busy day for me. Off to the Toby to collect my cheapo breakfast box from Too Good To Go, on to Tescos, a quick shop and get petrol. Home to eat what Iā€™ve collected (if indeed there is anything left), then to the allotment, sell the fruit cage to someone. Back home to take Holly to the local shop to see our friend/neighbour.

Mind you, knowing Holly, she would probably demand her walk when I get home, instead of waiting.

Good morning all, brilliant sunshine and blue skies here this morning.
Nothing planned for the day, maybe just a walk.
Have a nice day all.

Itā€™s still very cold out, Susie, when that wind picks up.

Good morning all.
Windy here. There was a bit of blue sky earlier, but now itā€™s getting cloudy.
Really donā€™t know what to do today, but I expect something will turn up.
I might just carry on reading the story that I am into on my kindle.

Good morning everybody.

Tony & I are going to our local working mans club this afternoon to see a Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons tribute band.

I have a joint of beef cooking away in the slow cooker for when we get back.

Have a good day allā€¦

@Jazzi I started decluttering and dontang items unused as I cleared out my Aunts and thought to myself ā€œhow would someone sort through mineā€ major incentive.Good for you for starting. Black bag at a time and buy no more.

Afternoon all

Windy here but suspect thats country wide.

Been out to a Mind Body Spirit event this morning with my friend STeph. she brought a fair few bits of jewellery and odds and ends but I brought nothing. This hopefully is my now less is more/decluttering mindset working evrything I picked up I thought ā€œdo I need it, do I really really want it, will I wear/use it.ā€ and put everything back down. Back home and doing not a lot watched my watering can go round the garden a couple of times and when it settled went out and popped it in the shed. Roast chicken lunch and all is well with the world.

Is anyone else watching the BBC series Pilgrimage? I am enjoying it one more episode to go. Also the new TV series This Town takes me right back to the early 80ā€™s weirdly.

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Chicken for dinner here too Kazzā€¦

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Had my surprise breakfast box from Toby for lunch. Black pudding and mushrooms thrown away but it filled a little hole. Shopped in Tescos afterwards so have a few meals in the fridge.

Might have a little snooze.

Morning all, a bit dull at the moment, but think the sun is going to come out.

Off out at 8am to do our weekly shopping.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
At the moment weather donā€™t look too bad.
Shortly I shall be off to Sainsburys for my weekly main shopping.
I need to get petrol as well as I canā€™t trust my fuel gauge.

Morning all.

Reserved a book in a series I have started on. Glad to have moved here to Suffolk, as Iā€™ve discovered new authors. Or should I say, authors that were thin on the ground in my London libraries. Itā€™s opened up a huge range of reading material.

Up late, but who cares, eh? Though I am expecting someone between 10-12 to collect an item, then hopefully this afternoon over to the allotment to sell the greenhouse. Then I can select more stuff in the spare bedrooms to try and sell.

Good morning everybody.

Iā€™m taking Tony to our local hospital this morning for routine blood tests.
Weā€™ll call in to see his sister as she lives near the hospital.

No other plans

Have a good day allā€¦

Good morning all, its very, very windy here, did the washing this morning, so thatā€™s out there on the washing line.

Not going out today.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning all.
Been out into my garden and fed the fish. I have left the pump and filter on since yesterday and is still working. In the past it was only working for about 12 hours, then it needed cleaning and the filters changed.
I expect that I shall be visiting Sainsburys again with my daughter later this morning, to help her with her shopping, working the smart device.
I did a blood test this morning. Itā€™s still good. 6.6.