Chit Chat Thread (Part 2)

You should OGF , plus other beauty spots locally….

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Just taken from my balcony …

From my balcony


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Where I live.




Do you take in lodgers Susie?

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I once came down to Eastbourne while doing a job as a courier, it was a beautiful sunny day in summer and I couldn’t resist walking along the clifftops. Beachy Head I think it was.The benefits of working for yourself, once I had made the delivery, the time is my own and I often carried the running kit with me to do some training in a new interesting place.
This was me coming back from a job in Scotland. I ran up this mountain…
It’s called ‘Cross Fell’ and is the highest place in that part of the Pennines. It was sunny down at the bottom, but pretty grim on the top…

Your welcome OGF, we do have quite a few suicides here.

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Morning all.

Ooh Susie…wonder how Bob will take that invitation! :laughing::laughing:

No specific plans for me today. Might have to see if the people from the allotment want to meet up for the compost bin.

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Good morning all.
Some of you lot do live in loverly places with views.
The only nice view I have as I sit here, are my Orchids.
So I have been off the Metformin for 2 weeks as advised by my GP. I did a blood test this morning and it was 6.5 and I am happy with that.
Off to Sainsburys shortly for a stock up of things that I need.
Plans for today.
Off to Sainsbury’s shortly for a stock up.

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Not yet heard from people on allotment, even though the lady is online, so might take a bus to the library. Return a couple of books, and pay my fine…the princely sum of £1.80.

One day I’ll take a look through my photos of our outlook to the sea. Or take fresh ones.

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Thanks for the offer Susie, but I think I’ll find a nice little B&B a bit further away from the cliff edge…

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Yes, very near to the cliffs OGF, a few caravans and homes have gone over in the past.

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It’s like that at Hornsea Susie, the caravan camp on the cliff edge has reduced in size by half in just the time that I’ve been visiting…

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Great picture !

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My view from my favourite holiday place jazzi


Good morning all.

OGF you still have a lovely beach, we haven’t got much now because of the erosion, they had to put Barriers up to stop the sea coming over.


Morning all.

Awake at 6, so after my first coffee and tablets, I got the bin out in the alley, then stripped and changed the bed. WM now going, as had shower first.

Will walk Holly soon. Then cafe meet at 11, as usual.

Good morning all.
0840 and I am shattered. I have also just changed the bedding. That is not mens work. Normally my daughter helps, but she is not here.
Got some blue sky at the moment, but rain is supposingly on the way.
I shall go for a walk shortly, just to get some exercise. Hold up! Ain’t changing the bedding enough exercise?